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Phoenix Aloha Festival

Pages: 1 1 replies

tikijackalope posted on 03/18/2007

I'm heading down to the Phoenix Aloha Festival today, would anyone have any reviews of it from yesterday. There isn't much online about it from a tikiphile's perspective.

I just found this 2004 post, http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=8216&forum=4&vpost=81937&hilite=phoenix%20aloha%20festival, but nothing more current.


[ Edited by: tikijackalope 2007-03-18 13:50 ]

cheeky half posted on 03/18/2007

We don't have any info ouselves, unfortunately. I think Ernie Menehune is performing today though.
We were curious about the Aloha Festival ourselves. We'd love to see your pics.
Are you heading down our (Tucson) way tomorrow? If so, send us a PM or something and we'll hook up at Kon Tiki...

Mark n' Maggie

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