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Kon Tiki Doug Horne Mugs Still Available!

Pages: 1 3 replies

cheeky half posted on 03/19/2007

The spiffy mug that Doug did for the Kon Tiki Re-Dedication do last year are still available directly from da Kon Tiki.

Or at least they will be soon, courtesy of their new web site.

I believe they cost $35 plus shipping.

Please see the thread in General Tiki http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=23400&forum=1&0

TikiJosh posted on 03/19/2007

Sweet! I gotta get one of those!

pappythesailor posted on 03/19/2007

The re-dedication party was in April and they still haven't got the "shop" part of their website working. Sigh.

cheeky half posted on 03/19/2007


Obviously time is of the utmost importance to you, fair enough. Louie, the manager of the Kon Tiki, has been working his a** off to maintain and even improve the integrity of the Kon Tiki while maintaining it's viability as a business. Not an easy feat here in Tucson. He hired Bamboo Ben to do renovations, Doug Horne and Tiki Farm to create new mugs and is now trying to introduce lounge and exotica music to a local crowd that definitely is not necessarilly open to it.

I'm sure there are a lot of collectors who care deeply about the opportunity to purchase items from "the shop" online but Louie and Paul's focus has been on preservation and attention to their local customers, who are the people who have kept the place open for business for over 40 years.

In the meantime, have fun, look around and check back often because they will update the site whenever they can.

Mr & Mrs cheeky half


[ Edited by: cheeky half 2007-03-18 22:54 ]

Pages: 1 3 replies