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Burbank, baby! Round two, ding, ding

Pages: 1 13 replies

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 03/21/2007

I'll be in Burbank Wednesday and have maybe four plus hours to kill before the Ellen show.
Where to go, oh, where to go?
Oceanic Arts is 29 miles away. That could mean 45 minutes away, almost half the time available.
Do I only go to Oceanic or try to hit other places?
Security will have a breathalizer, so heavy drinking is out.
Where are the close by places without having to use half the time driving to one place?

Signature? I ain't signin nothin!

[ Edited by: Mr. NoNaMe 2007-05-06 19:55 ]

WooHooWahine posted on 03/21/2007

The Original Bob's Big Boy is located in Burbank at 4211 Riverside Drive:


The flagship of the once-mighty chain looks and feels as good as ever. Recently designated as a State Point of Historical Interest, you can actually get real car-hop service on the weekends. Friday night brings loads of car enthusiasts showing off their hotrods. The food is standard fare, but the feel is strictly Fonzie. Prices are, as expected, very moderate. It is the atmosphere (and the memories) that everyone values here.

christiki295 posted on 03/21/2007

Go to the Tonga Hut in North Hollywood and do all your drinking when you first arrive.

Hiphipahula posted on 03/21/2007

The Bahooka is about 25 miles away also

jpmartdog posted on 03/21/2007

Damon's in Glendale for lunch! Just up the 134

Ojaitimo posted on 03/21/2007

Trader Vic's Beverly Hills, about 5 miles from Burbank

thejab posted on 03/21/2007

Trader Vic's doesn't open until 5PM. Damon's is the place. Opens at 11AM.

Unga Bunga posted on 03/22/2007

Jab, when are you going to write a travel book?
Best seller, no dought.

thejab posted on 03/23/2007

On 2007-03-21 17:25, Unga Bunga wrote:
Jab, when are you going to write a travel book?
Best seller, no dought.

Welcome back!

Head Shrinker posted on 03/24/2007

This is my first post so I'm really excited!! We took WooHoo Wahine's advice and went to Bob's Big Boy. I was a fantastic blast from the past. Mr. NoNaMe reported that there was a bumb taking his bath in the men's room restroom!! Quite a cultural phenomenon!!

We did not make it to the general audience of the Ellen Degeneres talk show, but ended up in the Riff Raff Room. The staff were very gracious and offered us a guarenteed invite for May in the general (broadcast) audience. We will keep you posted. We also discovered that Ellen's studio is in the same lot as Access Hollywood and the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Possibilities, possibilities.

We wanted to go to Oceanic Arts, but we didn't have time from receiving the tickets to air time. On the next visit we will make this a reality! We will also take into consideration all your wonderful advice and take you up on the various bars that the ohana have recommended. We'll let you know how it goes on our next adventure into the HollyWood scene. Thank you for all your support and we look forward to hearing from you in the future. The Head Shrinker aka Mrs. NoNaMe. Here are photos of the ham himself, NoNaMe.

hodadhank posted on 04/03/2007

Welcome Head Shrinker! It's about time you dove in.

WooHooWahine posted on 04/05/2007

WooHoo! Mahalo for posting your pics. Glad you enjoyed Bob's :)

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 05/07/2007

Round two.

Head Shrinker and I will be at Oceanic at 11am tomorrow. We bail around their lunch (and ours) and head to doggy day camp up Pasadena way to drop the dogs.
Burbank by 2:30. Leave Burbank around 5:30 and head to Bahooka. After dinner pick the kids up five miles away at doggy day care and head home.

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 05/10/2007

Only a few pics were taken. Very few.

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