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WHEN? Dirty Donny's The Unlucky Tourist decanter WHEN?

Pages: 1 4 replies

Rattiki posted on 03/19/2007

Dear Santa ..... I mean Holden,

When will you have the Dirty Donny's "The Unlucky Tourist" decanter available? Springbreak is upon us here in FLA and I now have a monkeyhead full of CA$H so I want to order all the new TikiFarm stuff for this year but I'm waiting for that Unlucky Tourist to come along!

Please LMK when I can place this order and I promiss I haven't been too good this year. :D



[ Edited by: Rattiki 2007-03-18 18:38 ]

MakeDaMug posted on 03/21/2007

On 2007-03-18 18:35, Rattiki wrote:
Dear Santa ..... I mean Holden,

When will you have the Dirty Donny's "The Unlucky Tourist" decanter available? Springbreak is upon us here in FLA and I now have a monkeyhead full of CA$H so I want to order all the new TikiFarm stuff for this year but I'm waiting for that Unlucky Tourist to come along!

Please LMK when I can place this order and I promiss I haven't been too good this year. :D



[ Edited by: Rattiki 2007-03-18 18:38 ]

I can hear the distant horn of the tugboat bringin' in this Dirty Donny work of wonder. I'd say I'll have him up & ready to decant your favorite libation in about 2 weeks.


teaKEY posted on 03/21/2007

And the Orange Swizzle Sticks?

MakeDaMug posted on 03/21/2007

On 2007-03-21 14:18, teaKEY wrote:
And the Orange Swizzle Sticks?

Those I've got. Just need to add 'em to the cart... will get to it real soon!

teaKEY posted on 03/21/2007

Little thing called the "name that mug contest", with the third place prize as the swizzle sticks. :) I never got mine :(

Guess I should have asked earlier today. :D

Pages: 1 4 replies