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link: bacon, cheese and beer dogs!!!

Pages: 1 1 replies

woofmutt posted on 03/22/2007

My friend OP sent me the link to this step by step experiment in a yummyriffic food item that seems right up our collective Tiki Central alleyBacon, Cheese, and Beer Dogs. It's from The Stranger "Seattle's Only Newspaper".

atomictonytiki posted on 03/22/2007

Mmmmmm chest-pain-a-licious..

We have a version of that in Glasgow "The Stonner", a gut-busting 1000 calories and 46g of fat in the form of a fat-laden pork sausage, wrapped in a doner kebab, soaked in batter then deep fried.... and chips.
Now filling the sausage with cheese might just make it perfect.

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