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viva las vegas mug!!!!

Pages: 1 30 replies

morbidboy posted on 03/20/2007

There's a really cool Tiki mug that you can only get there at Viva Las Vegas 10 (April 5-8).

It's $40 (assuming since thats the retail for the previous year's mugs) and I really want one.

I can paypal you the $$$ before you go.

[ Edited by: morbidboy 2007-03-19 20:22 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 03/21/2007

It's a cool mug, indeed. But it ain't a Tiki mug.

Hakalugi posted on 03/21/2007

It looks like one of them Country Bears:

Unga Bunga posted on 03/21/2007

I was just thinking the same thing and then I read your post.

Hiphipahula posted on 03/22/2007

I still dig fat Elvis! :D

teaKEY posted on 03/22/2007

Not straight tiki but a straight tiki mug. (and no nothing gay). There are so many mugs that aren't tiki but that the fun in it. How much designs could you do on the same tiki.

Hiphipahula posted on 03/22/2007

yep, lots of cross overs... that's OK, it's fun, I try to stay Tiki but I too will cross over, I just categorize them differently within my collection & display I just don't claim they are tiki :)

FreddieBallsomic posted on 03/23/2007

I think its a perfect mug for the event and where its held.. Good Stuff Joe!

NOTCH posted on 03/23/2007

Looks hungry....:D

FreddieBallsomic posted on 03/24/2007

I dont know, Notch....It looks like he may have already hit the buffets'...........More to Luv, Baby!!

Hiphipahula posted on 03/24/2007

I'm hooked up... going for 1 in ea. color :)

morbidboy posted on 03/24/2007

so can anyone pick me up one? I'll pay for it upfront (via paypal)...

bigbrotiki posted on 03/24/2007

On 2007-03-22 17:01, FreddieBallsomic wrote:
I think its a perfect mug for the event and where its held.. Good Stuff Joe!

I agree! As I agreed it IS a cool mug. And I also agree with this:

On 2007-03-22 12:37, teaKEY wrote:
...How much designs could you do on the same tiki.

Tooo many already! The Tiki revival is stalling artistically, because the same tired ol' grinning toothy cartoony Tiki has been done over and over again. So to avoid that, Tiki artists reach so far into other pop culture genres that the results have nothing, or very little, to do with original Oceanic Art. But that is where it all came from!

When I discovered Tiki culture, what inspired me was a.) How authentic primitive art was irreverently re-interpreted by mid-century designers, and b.) the incredible variety in which this was done, convincing me that mid-century Tiki style was worthy of being defined as an art genre of its own.

But for my taste, the irreverence has gone too far. Irreverence with no reference to the original art form is pointless. It's all good fun, yes,...but what about art?

Today, many new carvers that pick up the chisel seem to only go as far as the Book of Tiki, or other (current) publications for reference, IF even that. Often they just seem to have looked at the nearest Tiki stuff on the net or at their neighbourhood hipster store. Tiki has become a self-perpetuating genre, going in circles.

But this is not neccessary. What did our Poly-Pop forefathers do? Since they did not have originals at hand, they used Oceanic Art books as references. And in the those pages, there was, AND STILL IS, a treasure trove of unique and crazy design concepts that are waiting to be tapped into. The arsenal of authentic primitive art is seemingly endless, yet has barely been touched on by the Tiki revival, which seems to have forgotten its roots.

The impact of primitive art on artists like Picasso and the surrealists has defined modern 20th Century art. They were inspired by the creative power of the radically abstract and mold-breaking design ideas that came forth in the work of so-called "primitive" peoples at the turn of the century. In turn Picasso and others informed mid-century modernism, and so 50s Tiki Temple designers created the modern primitive idol. These modern primitive stylings inspired me to write the Book of Tiki.

This may all sound like boring art theory, but it's not. I am into fun too, but a big part of my fun IS art. And I am not asking for slavish adherence to mid-century, or authentic Oceanic Tiki style here. I recognize and admire the Tiki revival as a new art form in its own right. But when Picasso acknowledged that in primitive art the SPIRIT of a piece could even be found in "fakes", (if they were well done), I felt that this was programatic for mid-century Tiki style, too. I am currently looking for that spirit.

And please, this is not a critique of the above mug, which is a truly unique piece in its own right...except that I would not call it Tiki.

morbidboy posted on 03/24/2007

... still hoping for someone to help me out...

NOTCH posted on 03/25/2007

The monster tiki bar and I are not going this year but a couple of my buddy's are... I"ll ask them if thay can pick up one and I can ship it to you with the others... Will see

teaKEY posted on 03/25/2007

"I am currently looking for that spirit" -BigBro

Big Bro, I think that you will see what you are talking about. I think their will be both kinds. Most of the Tiki Farm winners were traditional.

As for your spirit, I found him.

morbidboy posted on 03/25/2007



morbidboy posted on 03/25/2007

... I think the only mug that I have that comes close to a traditional mug is my Cheeseburger in Paradise one.

My brother is big on collecting the traditional, while I like the wacky/odd/monsteroius type of mug. Speaking of which, I'm hoping that after my brother and I are finished reinoventing our house (inherited a small 1930's spanish tile home. It needs work.), we'll start on working on our tiki mugs. I got some good wacky designs while my brother has been cranking out all kinds of traditional stuff... too many drawings to count. I'm hoping with some reseach, sculpting fun, and my past experience in Special effects mold making, we'll have a mug or two ready by 2008 (ish)...

Fingers crossed!

[ Edited by: morbidboy 2007-03-24 17:59 ]

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Tiki Diablo posted on 03/25/2007

Sven, the gauntlet has been thrown down. I will try to do us proud with future carvings. Yeah, i feel it is time for me to grow as an artist. Crazy Al and I had a good talk a few weeks back about the newer carvers keeping us on our toes.

I told him it was my time to go like gang busters like I did when I first started.

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GROG posted on 03/25/2007

GROG looking forward to seeing what you produce Dablo Dude. Your stuff is always top-shelf.

Unga Bunga posted on 03/25/2007

On 2007-03-22 12:37, teaKEY wrote:
Not straight tiki but a straight tiki mug.

It's a great looking "Viva Las Vegas" mug.
(I still have some Country Bear Jamboree memories in me)

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TIKIBOSKO posted on 03/26/2007

When I originally saw Sven’s post my first thought was; finally someone is addressing THE issue and my second was he is going to kill this thread because no one will respond to all this harshness. But it is a genuinely important subject if you are really into Tiki and maybe (HINT) this should be a thread all its own instead of hijacking this one.
That having been said, when I first met Sven he really stressed the importance of knowing all the original styles, imbuing the idol with mana and taking off on your own path. It’s the mana part that I think many are missing and it is not a tongue in cheek type phrase. All great carvings have a depth or energy all their own, the Polynesians were the only “primitive” culture that I know of to have this concept. When creating a piece it is not about putting something in, it’s about bringing something out. When you look at a true carving it has a feeling like the thing inside can’t be contained by the material, but when you see a bad copy it just lays flat, it lacks something you can’t put your finger on. All the pieces that should be there are, after all it still looks “nice”. There are very seemingly simple or crude carvings which can convey volumes when you look at them, but the more you look the more complex they become.
Also this is not to suggest slavishly copying an original, those pieces usually look quite stiff or uninspired, no matter how well they are technically. If you understand the idea you are after often it can be done with a few quick lines, there is a vitality that is hard to explain in these pieces.
The ideal is taking a concept to the next level not just making changes just for the sake of change, or because it would look cooler with bigger teeth, three eyes, a mile of tattoos or more whatever.
The future of Tiki depends on you so go make something good, no pressure.

My very best alohas,


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Tiki Diablo posted on 03/26/2007

Hanford/ Michelle , can we get Sven's post moved to a new thread. This stuff is important to the quality of our tiki future. Bosko, you are true artist. Well said! This is a post we all need to discuss and not sugar coat.

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RevBambooBen posted on 03/26/2007

Or better yet........move the VLV mug to Beyond Tiki?

( if it ain't got tiki in it, it ain't tiki???)

morbidboy posted on 03/26/2007

all I wanted was to get one of these mugs, not everyone to get on their soapbox about what "style" is truly better...

If you like traditional design mugs, thats cool

If you like contemporary design mugs, thats cool

if you like either or both, because of the time, thought, and effort that goes into each design, that's cool too.

but if you want to show you appreciation for either (or both) then show your support and buy the mugs that you like, instead of wasting time trying to big the biggest bully in the schoolyard.

There's enough art and style for all of us to share!

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RevBambooBen posted on 03/26/2007

On 2007-03-25 23:15, morbidboy wrote:
all I wanted was to get one of these mugs, not everyone to get on their soapbox about what "style" is truly better...

If you like traditional design mugs, thats cool

If you like contemporary design mugs, thats cool

if you like either or both, because of the time, thought, and effort that goes into each design, that's cool too.

but if you want to show you appreciation for either (or both) then show your support and buy the mugs that you like, instead of wasting time trying to big the biggest bully in the schoolyard.

There's enough art and style for all of us to share!

Blah blah Blah.

you're missing the point!

morbidboy posted on 03/26/2007

Anyways, if you guys happen to go to Viva Las Vegas10, please try to pick me up a mug.


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RevBambooBen posted on 03/26/2007

On 2007-03-25 23:27, morbidboy wrote:
Anyways, if you guys happen to go to Viva Las Vegas10, please try to pick me up a mug.


Classic reply!


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TikiLaLe posted on 03/26/2007

Nothing gets the 'TC' girls more excited then talking about mugs !!!

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Tom Slick posted on 03/28/2007

It is an important topic in itself,so i created a link below as in hopes NOT to derail this thread any longer. Morbid just wants a VLV mug, thats all this topic was about. So I posted images and hope that Sven, BBen, Bosko, Danny and everyone else interested can add information in a positive on-track thread. You guys are all a wealth of knowledge, and I'd hate to see it wasted in this thread. So if you would, click the link below and see some of the images from a book auction i found. Besides, technically the title of topic says Viva Las vegas Mug...And the mug itself, based on design factors would fall into the Kustom Kulture realm, making it a Kustom Kulture mug...Now, there is
a parallel between tiki and kustom kulture,but they are completely 2 seperate entities...

And sorry Morbid...alot of us at TC have a tendancy here to veer the original subjects off of the original topic. I hope you get your mug...

Go here if you want to discuss OA/Polynesian Culture/Art

[ Edited by: Tom Slick 2007-03-28 11:11 ]

morbidboy posted on 03/28/2007

eh, it's ok. I don't mind guys having some fun... that's why we're all here.

I just really want this mug!

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