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New England Gathering-3/24/07

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Bargoyle posted on 02/16/2007

HuKeLau, Chicopee, MA Saturday, March 24th!!!

Apart from March 3rd (which is SBiMs party) this is the only Saturday show for the next few months.

I'm in. Who's with me? we get enough of us & we can take over one of those nice long tables right in front!!

Info from website:

Date: March 24, 2007
Time: 7:15 PM
Event/Band Name: Hawaiian Show
Description: A high energy Hawaiian luau show! Family Fun! Great for celebrations! Audience participation! You can be the next Kahuna! Three seating times: 5:30 p.m., 6:15 p.m. and 6:45 p.m. for one show at 7:15 p.m. There will be $3 cover charge per person that will be applied to the dinner check. Please call for reservations (413) 593-5222

The Granite Tiki posted on 02/16/2007

There are practically tears flowing from my eyes.

The Valentine's Day that wasn't. :(

Have a great time! As always, I will be there in spirit.

Bargoyle posted on 03/04/2007

bumping this one back up.

who's in?

Scottes posted on 03/05/2007

I guess you could twist my arm. :)

No promises yet, but I'll know a few days in advance.

Bogielocks posted on 03/05/2007

I'm hoping I can make to too. I was there for the first time last week. I was in Chicopee at Top Flight for a seminar, knew The HuKeLau was right around the corner. Picked up a few mugs.

When is the cut off for reservations? I new, so thought this would be fun way to introduce myself.



Bargoyle posted on 03/05/2007

All are welcome to this one. I think as long as they have the week to get ready for us (make reservation on monday for sat show) everything should be fine.

So, anyone who's comming, speak up by the 18th!

Also, for those who don't want to drive afterward, there are a few hotels nearby, and for the adventurous types, the Creative Pines Motel is right up the road... http://www.creativepinesmotel.com/rooms.html

Dibs on the jungle room!!

pappythesailor posted on 03/06/2007

We're in.

The drinks at the Hu Ke Lau are mostly free of alcohol so no worries about needing a place to sleep.

Bargoyle posted on 03/06/2007

On 2007-03-05 16:53, pappythesailor wrote:
The drinks at the Hu Ke Lau are mostly free of alcohol....

Not when you bring a flask!!!

johnman posted on 03/10/2007

Arggh!!! Miss will be in NH visiting a friend. They're going to see JT on Monday so she's staying the night. Yeah, JT as in Justin Timberlake. This unfortunately trumps a trip to Hu Ke Lau for me. I'm in a mad Tiki drought right now and need some relief soon.

pappythesailor posted on 03/10/2007

Bring the kids!

I can't make this particular event (I have a board meeting that day), but I think that after this one, we try out the New Tiki as discussed on another thread.

The owner was cool enough to come here to get our feedback, so we should give him our support.


Bargoyle posted on 03/12/2007

johnman, gonna miss ya. The huke show is something that defies description.

SB, sounds good. Im always up for hitting a new place. you got the link to this "other discussion"?

Tikisgrl posted on 03/12/2007

Look what just "re-opened" just 10 miles down the road New Tiki

pappythesailor posted on 03/12/2007

Westford isn't ten miles from Chicopee. Are you on glue? Speaking of glue--what's holding the NE Tiki Movement together? Is no on going to the Hu Ke Lau but me and Bargoyle? Is there a Jimmy Buffett concert on the 24th or what???

Jay, I think she meant 10 miles from Lowell, not 10 miles from Chicopee.

calm down. have a drink.


Rapscallion posted on 03/13/2007

Hello NE Tikis. I've been hanging around the tiki bar for too long without a posting - yes, this is my first. Perhaps it's the thaw in this New England winter that's releasing me from my cocoon. Perhaps it's because I've been handling my Hawaiian shirts to often as of late. Perhaps it's because I've been listening to Martin Denny again and again...
Anyway, I just stopped by to say hello. I'm pretty excited to read about the New Tiki in Westford, MA. It's been years since I've visited. I think I'll stop by this week for lunch. Also, I'm glad to see that there are some close-by memebers.
(Boxboro: my old town & Lowell: the city where I work.)
Speaking if work; it's time to get back - but my thoughts are certainly miles and miles away.

Aloha Rapscallion!

Scottes posted on 03/13/2007

On 2007-03-12 16:57, pappythesailor wrote:
Speaking of glue--what's holding the NE Tiki Movement together? Is no on going to the Hu Ke Lau but me and Bargoyle? Is there a Jimmy Buffett concert on the 24th or what???

I plan on showing up, and I might even have the wife convinced to come, too.

Scottes posted on 03/13/2007

*On 2007-03-13 05:56, Rapscallion wrote:*I'm pretty excited to read about the New Tiki in Westford, MA.

We have a number of folks in the area. Perhaps we need a date for a gathering at the New Tiki?

How about April 7th, two weeks after the Chicopee meeting?

Or sooner, or later... I'm easy. :)

Bargoyle posted on 03/13/2007

New Tiki trip sounds great. The 7th doesn't work for me though (family obligations for easter weekend).

I'll start a new thread on it...thinking the 14th if that works for everyone.

Now, back to the issue at hand....

HUKELAU!!!! CHICOPEE!!!!!! March 24th!!!!

C'mon gang!!! I'm telling you, the floor show is something you'll be talking about for years to come.

Pappy, post the link to your vids of last years v-day show. Lets get these people motivated! I'm a little disappointed with the enthusiasm (or lack thereof) on this one, and maybe those vids will convince everyone how they NEED to go to this show.

So, we've got Me (& Jess), pappy (+1?), and Scottes (+1?).... Not that we wont be a roudy little bunch, but come on!!! Lose yourself in the polynesian (and grand funk railroad) rhythms!!

Now, who's in?

Bargoyle posted on 03/15/2007


just a reminder to let me know by Monday (3/19) if you're comming. I'll get a spot nice & close to the action reserved for us.

Hula Cat posted on 03/18/2007

Melissa and I will be there ! (hula & tikicat) and looking forward to it ! ! we've met some if not all of you at the Mai Kai this past year and we are already familiar with the HUKELKAU.....what show time? can't wait to feel the tropical vibe again .....gotta see if Tiki Greg and Kathleen wanna go .....

pappythesailor posted on 03/18/2007


Yeah, Bargoyle--what showtime? I didn't get tickets yet either...

Bargoyle posted on 03/19/2007

Dont worry about tickets. i think they just add the $3 to the bill (or at least they used to). If not, I'll charge em, and everyone owes me a drink :wink:

Only 1 show, at 7pm.

I figure we'll gun for the 6pm seating, that way we can be somewhat done with eating and concentrate on boozing & watching the show! Might be able to make the lounge before hand, but with the st pats parade moved to the same day, we'll be barhopping in downtown hartford for most of the day, so we'll see how that all works out.

hula & tiki cats, lookin forward to meeting ya!

So, I've got the head count at 8 (barg+, pappy+, scottes+ hula+). If anyone else wants in, speak up soon. I'm making reservatioins tonight. i can prob change em if needed, but boy do they get pissed!!! lol.

Oh, and if anyone wants to join us sat morn/afternoon in hartford, give a holler. We'll be in front of "Black Eyed Sallys".

Scottes posted on 03/19/2007

Looking forward to it!

Bargoyle posted on 03/20/2007

Ok, so I called last night to make our reservations for 8 (since no-one else jumped on the band wagon and I felt I couldnt wait anymore) and I was told that there were only TWO seats left. I didnt get em. The guy suggested calling back tonight (which I did) hoping for a cancellation, but I was told tonight that it is now oficially SOLD OUT.

Sorry folks. I really thought there would some last minute additions so I wanted to wait until the last possible moment to book.

looks like I waited too long.

on the plus side, its good that the huke is selling out that show. guess there's some interest in western mass afterall.

Anyone wanna do something else? We can prob still meet there just for dinner (no show) or hit some other place.

Once again, I'm so sorry. i really didnt think this show would sell out at all. Completely my fault.

i feel like such a schlub.


Scottes posted on 03/20/2007

Well, all is not lost. We didn't spill any rum.


How about pulling in the New Tiki and doing that this Saturday instead of waiting? And then we can switch back to the Huke on the 14th? And now we know to reserve on the 1st!!

[ Edited by: Scottes 2007-03-20 16:29 ]

pappythesailor posted on 03/20/2007

I vote for that place in Newton.

since I can't do anything this weekend and I really want to try New Tiki, I'd prefer if you wouldnt switch it up to there.

but who am I?

Bargoyle posted on 03/21/2007

I think we should keep the New Tiki as planned (as much as I'm excited to check it out). The owner is prepping for us based on that date, and SB can make it then...its not always easy to drag those Maine-iacs down from up north!

Pappy, whats the place in Newton?

And if all else fails, the bar is always open at The Lono. The owner is kind of a schlub, but the drinks are good :wink:

Tikisgrl posted on 03/21/2007

For Bargoyle: that place in Newton


Scottes posted on 03/21/2007

That place in Newton would certainly work for me. I'm in!

pappythesailor posted on 03/21/2007

So 8 for the South Pacific? Bargoyle? I'll call and make da reservations.

pappythesailor posted on 03/22/2007

we just eat at the Hu Ke Lau and hang out.

We got a babysitter--WE GOIN' SOMEWHERE DAMMIT!

Scottes posted on 03/22/2007

I say Newton! That place looks cool.

Bargoyle posted on 03/22/2007

Newton looks pretty cool, and oyu know how I'm always up for a new place.

A bit further than I wanted to travel this weekend, but with the Huke being a bust, I guess its the only game in town.

Make the reservations Pappy!!

And, once again, the st pats parade is sat am in hartford if anyone wants to spend the day pub-hopping w/ us.

pappythesailor posted on 03/23/2007

OK--last call for the South Pacific in Newton, MA tomorrow @ 7:15. Who's in?

Scottes +1
Pappy +1
TikiCat are you up for the new location? Tikisgrl? Jon? Johnman? Bueller?

Scottes posted on 03/23/2007

Bueller is sick.

My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with a girl who saw Ferris pass-out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious.

I can't make this one, but I hope to be able to come to the New Tiki for the next one.

Take pictures tomorrow night!


pappythesailor posted on 03/23/2007

On 2007-03-23 08:57, Scottes wrote:
Bueller is sick.

My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with a girl who saw Ferris pass-out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious.

Thank you, Simone.

Scottes posted on 03/23/2007

No problem whatsoever.

Tikisgrl posted on 03/23/2007

No Tikisgrl... Must head north toward the cold weather! Take lot's of pictures...


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Hula Cat posted on 03/24/2007

On 2007-03-23 08:55, pappythesailor wrote:
OK--last call for the South Pacific in Newton, MA tomorrow @ 7:15. Who's in?

Scottes +1
Pappy +1
TikiCat are you up for the new location? Tikisgrl? Jon? Johnman? Bueller?

We would love to go, but it is quite a hike for us and couldn't get a last minute babysitter (for our 3 German Shepherds). Keep us in mind for future get togethers, tho! Have a great time.

Hula cat

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The Granite Tiki posted on 03/24/2007

As always, I'm there in spirit with you guys!

Hope you enjoy it as much as I have!

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Bargoyle posted on 03/24/2007

ok, been sobering up for awhile(its 5.25) b4 driving back form hartford (great day for a parade & pub hopping). Half an hour & we're on our way!

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Tikisgrl posted on 03/26/2007

Well how was it? Pictures Soon?


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Bargoyle posted on 03/26/2007

You'll have to get on pappy for the pics. He's our shutterbug.....he might be holding one or two for blackmail before posting.

I thought it was a pretty good spot overall. The front half of the place is pretty "blah", but the back room, with the murals etc, was a nice little retreat.

The food was ok (we all shared dishes & apps, and it was pretty much hit & miss standard New England asain fare), but the cocktails were actually pretty damn good (and strong). The Mai Tai was a bit sweet, but traditionally made. Pappy's zombie lived up to its name and got all up on him after only one!!

I also had a Suffering Bastard, which was a bit off from any recipie I've had, but had some of that pimento/allspice liquor in it that REALLY made the drink complex & interesting.

Best of all was, once again, the company. It was nice to see Mr. AND Mrs. Pappy out & about again, good to talk rum with scottes (again), and generally shoot my drunken mouth off to anyone who'll listen :wink:

It was a nice save of the night that almost wasn't.

Looking forward to the next one at the New Tiki!!

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The Granite Tiki posted on 03/27/2007

In my thread regarding South Pacific in the Locating Tiki area, I described it as a tale of two restaurants. The front and the back are like two totally different places.

I can't imagine anyone ever sitting in that front section when they can sit in the back!

Glad you guys had fun, wish I could have been there.

Let's see those pictures Pappy!!!

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