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Colossal Squid!

Pages: 1 11 replies

Tiki Chris posted on 04/03/2003
Basement Kahuna posted on 04/03/2003

Talk about some Calamari!

manic cat posted on 04/03/2003

gosh, I didn't know that there was a larger squaid than the giant squid. I wish that the article reported how long this baby was. It didn't quite look 50-60 ft in length from the photo. I hope one day they find one which is alive!

Rain posted on 04/03/2003

i did a search for "mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni," the latin name for that big ol' squid, and i came up with a spanish site proclaiming

and i couldn't help but think of Don Francisco from Univision's "Sabado" Gigante,"

which then made me think of the ONE time I've been to the Mai Kai - Don Francisco was sitting with a large group of people two tables away.

we could start a new game - Six Degrees of Tiki!

ps - for more calamari goodness, search for "vampyroteuthis infernalis," the VAMPIRE SQUID. it's got cool little glowing blue eyes.

Cultjam posted on 04/03/2003

Ok, so then those old paintings of giant squids fighting whales weren’t based on myths but were first hand accounts?

Oh my!


KahunaMilu posted on 04/04/2003

Hey, this reminds me. I have been wanting to carve one of the Cthulhu idols described in Lovecraft's THE CALL OF CTHULHU.

I have seen where artists have made these before, but they are always pretty "realist". I would like mine to be a bit more Tiki-stylized. Does anyone have any pictures of Polynesian carvings of birds and octopi or squid so that I can know how to do the wings and head?

[ Edited by: KahunaMilu on 2003-04-04 04:54 ]

Trader Woody posted on 04/04/2003

The breakfast news show we have here in the UK were asking people to name it - the best was 'Squid Vicious'!

Trader Woody

atomictonytiki posted on 04/04/2003

Don't yer know that Cthulhu is into tiki, look its Cthulhu the beachcomber

Tiki Chris posted on 04/04/2003

On 2003-04-04 04:53, KahunaMilu wrote:

Does anyone have any pictures of Polynesian carvings of birds and octopi or squid so that I can know how to do the wings and head?

This might help:

Rain posted on 04/04/2003

even though they're not tiki, check out photos of more modern gargoyles - they can provide good wing references.

KahunaMilu posted on 04/05/2003

Thanks, all.

That plush Cthulhu may actually be the biggest help yet. }:)

Shipwreckjoey posted on 04/06/2003

Dietrich Varez does some really amazing stuff. We have a Varez original block print called "ahi" hanging in our dining room. It's one of his first works done in 1979 when he was virtually unknown outside of the islands (maybe not even there). I would like to pick up more of his prints but they're probably out of my price range now...unless anybody out there in T.C.land is having a sale.

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