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it's time for a little arizona tiki thing....

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tiki-tina posted on 12/12/2005

Okay Desert Ohana...it's time a little tiki family get-together to help us all recouperate from all that holiday cheer!

So, who is in for some pupu's and lapu's?

January 14th is looking like a good day..so, what do you say?

Post here if you are interested....and we'll take it from there

Mahalo Nui Loa and Okole Maluna!

:tiki: :drink: :tiki:

La Tiki-ette posted on 12/14/2005

Definately interested!!!

Jungle Trader posted on 12/14/2005

AZ Tiki thing? I can't make it in January but I WILL be there in 06. Looking forward to a tiki tour.

lovevw181 posted on 12/15/2005

Very interested!!! I would like to meet others in the Tiki Ohana in the desert...

john posted on 12/16/2005

whacha got in mind?

tiki-tina posted on 12/18/2005

Great! Glad to see that there's some interest!

Tiki-ette, VW & John, we'll count on seeing you there...watch for more details...date, time, etc after the first of the year!

JT, sorry you can't make it this time, but give us a hollar on da
ole coconut box (emai) and we'll make it a do when you are in town...by then Trader Vics will be open and we can make it a big time! Interestingly, my hubby is a landscape architect, too! You guys will have much to talk about!

Anybody else in for the 14th?

MustDangSally posted on 12/28/2005

I'm interested. I'll even stay and DRINK this time!

tiki-tina posted on 12/29/2005

Right on, Sally! We'll count you in, too! Glad you'll make it....what about the rest of the AZ ohana? Everyone's been really quiet lately...any ideas?

lovevw181 posted on 12/30/2005

The Bikini is always a good place to hang out, cheap drinks too. The Drift is ok, but the drinks are kinda watered down and a little on the pricey side..... Definitely count me in on the 14th, wherever it is!

[ Edited by: lovevw181 2005-12-30 06:49 ]

Tiki Mo Fo posted on 01/01/2006

I have not had the chance to visit much of Phx, tiki sites. I should be in town that week for the b jackson auction.

john posted on 01/03/2006

the first friday artwalk is going on this friday the 7th in downtown phoenix from 6-11pm, i will have a display of all my glass tiki art as well as my other pieces on roosevelt - if anyone wants ot stop by

Creative Glassworks "Island Series"
Fused Glass Tiki Art

[ Edited by: john 2006-01-02 19:53 ]

La Tiki-ette posted on 01/09/2006

I am up for meeting at the Bikini Lounge on the 14th. I really don't enjoy the Drift (overpriced and the drinks are expensive and not very good) which is too bad because it is so close to my house.

tiki-tina posted on 01/10/2006

Okay everyone...the details are set!

Saturday January 14th, 2006
6:30PM Pupu's and Lapus @ Drift
Later, head on over to the Hotel Valley Ho lounge in anticipation of the opening of Trader Vic's
even later...we'll just have to see. :D

Friday, February 3rd, 2006
7:00PM @ Bikini Lounge
Later, enjoy First Friday's Art Walk
even later....wherever the tiki spirit leads! :D

Note: I will be out of town on the 3rd on business, so I will need some help with meeting and greeting the crew, but will be happy to make all of the advance arrangements.

Also looking to put together a weeknight @ the Bikini (maybe a Thursday) and a Sunday at Cocomo Joe's...stay tuned for more details and be sure to share ideas on what you'd like to do!
:drink: :tiki: :drink:

[ Edited by: tiki-tina 2006-01-10 08:58 ]

[ Edited by: tiki-tina 2006-01-10 08:59 ]

tiki-tina posted on 01/10/2006

Oh, and please PM me so I know you are coming, who you're bringing and which event I'll see you at.
Or you can post here, too.

Looking forward to seeing everyone!

Aloha and Mahalo Nui...see you soon!

[ Edited by: tiki-tina 2006-01-10 09:04 ]

lovevw181 posted on 01/11/2006

My fiancee, Anthony and I will try to swing by the Drift on Sat., but if we don't make it count us in for the Bikini on Feb 3rd! Lookin forward to meeting all of you.

john posted on 01/13/2006

you'll all have to stop by my first friday display on the 3rd
see you there

tiki-tina posted on 01/14/2006

Alooooooha y'all!

Only a few more hours until the Arizona Tiki Ohana reconvenes! See you this evening! And if you're not sure who you're lookin' for...just ask for the Tiki Central Ohana...we'll be looking to snag the back corner booth, so we should be pretty easy to find!

Remember, tonight at Drift...

6:30PM Pupu's and Lapus
Later, head on over to the Hotel Valley Ho lounge in anticipation of the opening of Trader Vic's
even later...we'll just have to see.

and if you can't make it this evening, there's always Friday, February 3rd, 2006 at the Bikini and First Friday's Art Walk!

AND we're still looking to put together an evening @ the Bikini (maybe a Thursday) and a Sunday at Cocomo Joe's...stay tuned for more details and be sure to share ideas on what you'd like to do!

Mahalo Nui Loa

:drink: :tiki: :drink:

[ Edited by: tiki-tina 2006-01-14 14:50 ]

tiki-tina posted on 01/22/2006

Okay...so, it was a very small gathering...but it was fun!

My, those Day Trippers were yummy!

And if you missed it, no worries...there's always Feb 3rd!
But someone will have to take the tiki torch because I'll be out of town that day.

So, who's in for the 3rd?

[ Edited by: tiki-tina 2006-01-21 17:18 ]

john posted on 01/30/2006

this friday is first friday,
my studio's display will be on the south side of roosevelt between 3rd and 4th avenue.
see yous there :)h

john posted on 02/03/2006


CutThroat posted on 03/24/2007

I'm at the Bikini every first Friday. (at least)

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