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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki

www.Tiki.info for sale or trade

Pages: 1 5 replies

kahukini posted on 03/27/2003

Do you sell tiki stuff or want to make some sort of tiki website? Get the perfect URL,


Will sell (make offer) or trade for something cool.

email ford@deism.org

For non tiki-talk:

Thank you & good night.

[ Edited by: kahukini on 2003-03-27 11:46 ]

Ikit posted on 03/27/2003

Do you own THIS site? The way I found this site was by typing in Tiki.info and it took me here.

If you do not mind my asking why are you parting with it?

kahukini posted on 03/27/2003

Hanford Lemoore owns THIS site, tikicentral.com and runs tikicentral.com/tikicentral

I own the URL tiki.info which I have used for a couple of years to point to tiki central as my shortcut.

I bought it actually intending to make a tiki info packed website of some sort but websites are a hobby and I already have too many going on. Please email me if you'd like to buy it (or trade).

Ikit posted on 03/27/2003

Thanks for the response. I have a few domains and know what you mean. I wish you luck selling it.

Good luck!

kahukini posted on 03/29/2003

I've decided to set a price: $75

tiki.info !

kahukini posted on 04/05/2003


Now only $60. That's right, I'm exchanging this FINE short URL for the price of ONE bottle of my favorite Tequila.


Pages: 1 5 replies