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My new favorite band...45 Grave

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donhonyc posted on 03/20/2007

I don't know where the HELL I've been for the last 27 years, but it took YouTube to turn me on to these guys. I'm sure all of you L.A. TCers know them well.


Damn...I'm pissed at myself for not knowing about them back in the day! At least they still tour. Wonder if they're still worth checking out.

Tipsy McStagger posted on 03/20/2007

On 2007-03-19 20:40, donhonyc wrote:
I don't know where the HELL I've been for the last 27 years, but it took YouTube to turn me on to these guys. I'm sure all of you L.A. TCers know them well.


Damn...I'm pissed at myself for not knowing about them back in the day! At least they still tour. Wonder if they're still worth checking out.

they have a real killer surf tune on their first album.....it's called surf bat, if i'm not mistaken.....

cynfulcynner posted on 03/20/2007

Is that a Shriner fez I see on the drummer in the "Wax" video?!?

Ah, the memories. Also check out TSOL, Descendents and 7 Seconds if you haven't done so already.

When I was a teen I wanted to be either Dinah Cancer or Exene when I grew up. Now I'd be happy just to sing in an X tribute band .

tiki mick posted on 03/20/2007

Check out "vox pop"!

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 03/20/2007

Wow! I haven't listened to them in 17 or so years. The CD is somewhere in the attic and never made it to the Ipud.

christiki295 posted on 03/21/2007

Dinah Cancer was the Bomb.
I was fortunate to seem them live back in the day in the Glorious 80s at Berkeley Square.


On 2007-03-20 08:35, lucas vigor wrote:
Check out "vox pop"!

If you do, be warned. Naughty album cover.


They use to play regularly at the Cathey de Grande in Hollywood. The late great Top Jimmy use to play there every Monday.

[ Edited by: KING BUSHWICH THE 33RD 2007-03-21 14:45 ]

stuff-o-rama posted on 03/22/2007

I spent a year of "Blues Mondays" at the Cathay, literally, from around 1981-82. Even Jimmy's farewell show. I was so sad to hear Jimmy died. I found him on myspace though... I saw so many bands there, including Country Dick and the Snuggle Bunnies... 45 Grave seemed to play there a lot too.

I also found Dinah Cancer on myspace, her page is http://www.myspace.com/dinahcancer

as well as 45 Grave's new band http://www.myspace.com/45grave2005

Seems to me they weren't really known to be a "big draw" outside of LA, unlike Black Flag, Circle Jerks or X were. But they often played on the same bill with them all.

christiki295 posted on 03/26/2007

On 2007-03-22 00:11, stuff-o-rama wrote:
I spent a year of "Blues Mondays" at the Cathay, literally, from around 1981-82. Even Jimmy's farewell show. I was so sad to hear Jimmy died. I found him on myspace though... I saw so many bands there, including Country Dick and the Snuggle Bunnies... 45 Grave seemed to play there a lot too.

I also found Dinah Cancer on myspace, her page is http://www.myspace.com/dinahcancer

as well as 45 Grave's new band http://www.myspace.com/45grave2005

Seems to me they weren't really known to be a "big draw" outside of LA, unlike Black Flag, Circle Jerks or X were. But they often played on the same bill with them all.

Good times at the Cathy de Grande.

Nice research.
It would have been good to see them on Halloween.

Hakalugi posted on 05/31/2007

I once ran in to Don Bolles (drummer of 45 Grave, the Germs, etc.) at Aron's Records when they were still on Melrose (1984?). He was browsing through the Einsturzende Neubauten vinyl. We started talking. I told him how I just saw EN at the Mojave Auszug with SRL and that I was disappointed with the EN gig. I was bashing them for being too predictable as in using a pre-used set list with no improvising. I mentioned to Don that I had a copy of the first EN album. He said it was very hard to find and that he was just looking for it. He offered to buy it from me. I said "No way!" He said he had to be at the Cathay de Grande and asked if I could give him a lift. I said "sure". While driving to the club he again asked me if I would sell him the EN album. I said "No, sorry." I ran in to him again six months later and he asked me again! I still said no. I felt a little sorry for him but I wasn't about to relinquish my copy. I hope he eventually tracked one down.

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