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Tikijackalope in Denver

Pages: 1 3 replies

tikijackalope posted on 03/26/2007

I'll be in Denver from Monday night through Thursday AM for a seminar. Has any new tiki place developed in Denver that hasn't been noted here yet? Did Tiki Boyds ever resurface somewhere? Can anyone recommend good googie photo hunting grounds other than Colfax?

ZuluMagoo posted on 03/28/2007

Hey Jackalope-

I just got back into town myself and caught your message. The new tiki bar coming to towm is still under construction and Boyd's never resurfaced. There is the Castaways down in Colorado Springs (only a short 1 hour drive and worth the trip) or Casa Bonita in Lakewood(NOT tiki, but if you have never been, it is a must see for tacky here in town). I PM'ed my cell phone #, give me a ring before you leave town.


ZuluMagoo posted on 04/03/2007

Jackalope - check your PMs, I sent you the info on that place in Wichita.


tikijackalope posted on 04/07/2007

Thanks! Check you PMs too. It looks like Wichita's Abe's Steakhouse may be gone, but I shot Denver's Cruise Lounge bar pretty extensively. I'll feature it in an upcoming post on Denver.

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