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DigiTiki & the Mrs. - Moving to Tucson, AZ

Pages: 1 6 replies

Digitiki posted on 03/22/2007

Its official, Me and the Mrs. are packing up and leaving LA for the Sonoran dessert! Looks like I'm going to be a regular at the Kon Tiki! So, this shout is going out to all Tiki Centralites in the Tucson area! We have to do a Kon Tiki night.

cheeky half posted on 03/22/2007

Hey Digitiki,

Welcome aboard! When are you and the Mrs making the big move? We highly recommend living within bike riding distance of the Kon Tiki (for obvious reasons.) Looking forward to joining you for an inaugural drink at our favorite bar.

cheeky half(s)

Kona Chris posted on 03/22/2007

Sounds great! Can't wait to meet you when you get here. Let me know what night you want to get together at the Kon Tiki, and I should likely be able to join up as well. Likely best to make it not a Friday or Saturday, as it is completely packed those nights, and you can't really get the good sense of the place.

See you then!


Jeff Central posted on 03/24/2007

Good luck with the move Digitiki!!!

A Kon Tiki night sounds great!! Too bad I'm stuck here in Ohio.

Hey, maybe you'll get to meet Ernie Menehune too!!!


Cheers and Mahalo,

squid posted on 03/26/2007

We'll all miss you guys. Best of luck in your new hometown. Drinks at the Tonga Hut before y'all skedaddle????

Digitiki posted on 03/30/2007

Drama, drama drama.

First off, thank all of you for the encouragement. Now for the drama. My wife had a good job offer in Tucson and it was time for a change (being able to afford a house). Well her job fell through at the last minute. The interesting thing is, she found out about it 1 day before we were both going to put in our notices at our jobs. So now we are both completely deflated and dazed. The whole move is on hold now until either her or both of us find a good paying job in Tucson, which is not the easiest thing. So now we are in a mixture of depression and relief. We both love LA, but were looking forward to the change and being able to afford a home. I guess I'll just have to drown my sorrows at the Tonga Hut and the Tiki Ti.

Jeff Central posted on 04/03/2007

WOW, what a close call digitiki!! Hope all is well.

You and your wife definitely need a drink (or two).

Cheers and Mahalo,

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