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Korla Pandit Video Found!

Pages: 1 9 replies

bongofury posted on 04/03/2003

After digging thru some boxes I found my copy of Korla Pandit. It is about one hour long. Haven't watched the whole thing yet. Anyone want a copy?

weirduncletiki posted on 04/03/2003

That's great news! I'd love to get a copy of the video. Send me an e-mail when you're making copies and I'll give you my address. Mahalo!

-Weird Uncle Tiki

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 04/03/2003

Oh Please, please, please!

I'll send you my address as well and cover whatever shipping and duplicating charges you need. Thanks for the offer!


thejab posted on 04/03/2003

I would love to get a copy.

divychic posted on 04/04/2003

ME ME ME!! Let me know the cost...thanks

Don-O posted on 04/08/2003

OH! I would like to have a copy of that! I remember Creig Balwin was playing selections of KP inbetween some films he was showing at the Midnight Bookstore before it closed.

Please send me you address through my e-mail and I send off any possible costs!

A sucker for good old organ music,

tiki_kiliki posted on 04/09/2003

I would love a copy! Email me at tiki_kiliki@swankpad.org with all info.


tikiluvgirl posted on 04/10/2003

Hey,don't forget me......let me know//or are you going to Hukilau...you could unload some much appreciated copies there....

KorlaFan posted on 06/22/2006

Hi, bongofury -

It looks like it took me a few years to find this post !

If, on the long-shot that it's not too late, I'd love to be
able to see the video you have of Korla Pandit.

If you can tell me the way to do so, I'd be more than glad to.



[ Edited by: KorlaFan 2006-08-03 00:30 ]

Tipsy McStagger posted on 06/22/2006

me too!! me too!!! p.m. me the details!! thanks!!

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