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Drasnin in L.A.!!! Monday!!! Nutty and friends at The Purple Pit!

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JetSetiki posted on 03/29/2007

This is one of those rare moments, boys and girls...we've got Drasnin at The Purple Pit!! Come get your kicks with Nutty and friends. It's guaranteed to be a gas!

Dig Rock?
Dig Jazz?
Go to @ http://www.nuttyjazz.com and get NUTTY!

[ Edited by: rivcat 2007-03-30 20:09 ]

bigtikidude posted on 03/30/2007

Holy cow, damn I need to win the lottery, to do all these events coming up, and to pay the bills, because it sucks having to work the next morning after a school night event.


crazy al posted on 03/31/2007

that tiki dude has been hit to-many wipe-Outs!!

Hey folks!! you don't have to buy a ticket to Florida and the Hukilau'07 to get Robert Drasnin to sign your "Voodoo" LP cover!!! go to the Derby Monday Night!!! Robert Drasnin produced one of the best selling Exotica albums of all time "Voo Doo" and has produced the follow-up LP for this years Hukilau... and will perform it live at this years Hukilau!! He will not have a 20 piece orchestra with him in LA, but will have cool tunes non the less..Basically, it will be Drasnin plus sextet, and charts are worked accordingly. The whole night will be a lot of fun..... check it out!!!!!!!!!!
you will want to stay for Nutty once you hear the start of there set..............

[ Edited by: crazy al 2007-03-31 11:03 ]

bigtikidude posted on 04/02/2007

Bump, this is tonight people, you gotta go to this, no excuse why you cant be there. Its a big Deal for Robert Drasnin to play here.


stentiki posted on 04/02/2007

I'll be there with my entourage.

We're skippin' school tomorrow. :wink:

RevBambooBen posted on 04/03/2007

I was part of Sten's possie but bailed out

due to the fact of a gnarley oil base stain headache!

Hope y'all had fun!

I'm sure ya did!!

vintagegirl posted on 04/03/2007

What an amazing night of vintage exotica music by one of the originals himself! For those that couldn't afford to watch him record Voodoo II or buy a plane ticket to Hukilau, this was your chance to see this great legend perform...and for only $10!!...and in our own backyard!! Those with bad headaches are excused (I've been there!), but I'm not sure what was holding back the rest of y'all. Ok, I know, there was a holiday too, so those are excused too...although it did make the traffic much lighter than usual. Anyway, I'm so glad I finally got to see Drasnin live and jamming like nobody's business. The guys from Nutty were backing him and they were pretty top-notch themselves. Last night kind of reminded me of the early days of the (current) Derby when great bands performed, but nobody knew it was going on. You could really just sit and listen to the music with minimal background noise and no crowds. Bongos, vibes and Robert Drasnin...it doesn't get more Tiki than that!

JetSetiki posted on 04/04/2007

Hiya Vintage Girl! Thanks for coming out to The Purple Pit last night for Drasnin's show, and thanks for the compliments. Did you stay for Nutty's set? I don't think I got to meet you, but I hope you got to see what Nutty really does!

Monday nights are tough to get people out, but we hope to take this Purple Pit venue to another night-and maybe another place-soon. In the meantime, I'll keep everybody posted on our upcoming events. We've got D J Bonebrake's Orchestra Superstring with us next show, Monday 4/16, at The Derby again. All Nutty needs is more people to come see 'em (and, of course, a cocktail on stage for the crooner!).

Sonny Moon of NUTTY

CheekyGirl posted on 04/04/2007

Even thought this was on a "school night" the chance at seeing a legend in action couldn't be missed.

Nutty had a really great twist on some familiar songs, they are defintely a must see again.

These are the only pictures that came out sort of okay.

Robert Drasnin


JetSetiki posted on 04/05/2007

Thanks Cheekygirl! Glad you dug the show.

Guy Wonder, Bob Drasnin, Sonny Moon after the exotica show.

tikigreg posted on 04/05/2007

Uncle ARTY!! Where are you!!!!!!!!

bigtikidude posted on 04/05/2007

I am soooo glad I went, great show By Robert Drasnin and you guys too.

I was telling a few people that night that His "Voodoo" cd was my first Exotica cd. As it is on Dionysus records which also did alot of surf music I was into in the 90's and SHAG did the Art for it, and I used to see him in the Tiki Tones and Huntington Cads alot. so I wanted to get the cd because of those 2 reasons. But I totally fell in love with his music and style.

I told Robert On Monday night that I now have many Arthur Lymann,
Martin Denny, and Les Baxtar recordings(and like them alot), But I think his album is the best, and will always be my favorite Exotica album.

Wow!!!! you guys and Orchestra Superstring????
thats sweet. I was telling people about them on Mon.
is there anyway that we can start the show at 8 pm ish.
it would really help us that have to get up at 5:30 am. :)


JetSetiki posted on 04/05/2007

Cool Daddio! Thanks. I have to agree, Bob's album just goes down like the most amazing tiki cocktail! Hey, is there a drink called the "Voodoo"? It would be smooth, sweet and warm the heart and soul inside And suddenly you're afloat!

Another great, great exotica cd that people aren't as aware of is "The Savage and the Sensous" by Don Ralke and his orchestra. Phenominal LP that finally got re-released as a CD through Harkit Records in the U.K.,and considered one of the greatest exotica albums of all time. A little different than "Voodoo" but brilliant.

We're contemplating a different (earlier) time slot for our upcoming shows, as we know Mondays are tough. I'll keep you posted on that...


crazy al posted on 04/16/2007

DJ BONEBRAKE TONIGHT 8:00!!!!!!!!! Derby!!!!!!!!

bigtikidude posted on 04/16/2007

I will be there, and Jon Paul and Marie are coming too.
Just wish Tiki Ti was open on Mondays, :(


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