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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Buzzy's work: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate

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Bay Park Buzzy posted on 04/03/2007

I cut the headress off last night

I thought it looked too much like the cubey Ku I did a while back. Now he is different and has his own unique identity.

Here he is with his new hangout buddies:

Gonna start something else right away...

Buzzy Out!

hodadhank posted on 04/03/2007

I dig that Ku head Buzz!

4WDtiki posted on 04/03/2007

Put a cowboy hat on it! :P

Benzart posted on 04/03/2007

Three Musketeers, cool! That gut didn't need no stinkin headdress anyhow! I'm Sure he feels Better now!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 04/04/2007


Here was another quick one a couple hours ago in a partially finished state:

Here it is now in a state of near completion:

No hat for this guy.
HodadHank: Thanks Hank. Be in touch soon.
Benzart: Yeah, he don't need no hat.
4WD: Benzart says he don't need no hat.

Buzzy Out!

Sneakytiki posted on 04/04/2007

Buzzy I'm really impressed at how quickly u carve a nice tiki like this one. How many hours did it take u total, 4?

Tiki Duddy posted on 04/04/2007

got yourself a little gang of tikis there. nice new work buzzy.

hiltiki posted on 04/06/2007

Buzzers where are you????? We are all waiting!!!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 04/06/2007

Wednesday had a less than stellar sunset:

Thursday made up for it:

Sneakytiki: I probably have just over two hours on that one (not counting log prep time.) It's quick because 85% of it is the outer flat surfaces which are not even touched. It's also only about 2.5 feet tall and is a split log. It wasn't a good log chunk, so I wanted to do something simple that would turn out well, in a short amount of time. I'll probably put another hour into it during the sanding, staining, and sealing process. It was never meant to be anything special; just cheap for the quality.
TDuddy: We're the West Side Tiki Gang, claiming Bay Park... :)
Hiltiki: Well, I had a relapse, or a setback, or a bad day, or whatever you would call it. Had to rest for couple days. No tiki action over here. I did a little bit of yardwork and houskeeping instead, and spent the day with my mom. It was also UFC day yesterday...I'll get back to real work when I get done babysitting this afternoon.

Buzzy Out!

The Sperm Whale posted on 04/06/2007

Just thought I'd pop in to say ALOHA Buzzy!!! I am having some back issues too!!! I've been going to the chiropracter twice a week. Working with a F'ed up back suxks ass!!! I hope you get better soon.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 04/08/2007

Hey Spermy! Good to hear from you again. Sorry 'bout the old back...Seems to happen to the best of us.

Sunset was just some ugly clouds that gave way to darkness yesterday. Sorry to let the sunset fans down, but no sunset picture.

Carved a quick face on a log last night

Total time in it so far: 1 hour 16 minutes

I managed to do four quick ones in the last week.

Now that I have been on TC for one year, I have a few things to say about all the newbies and tiki trend jumpers around here...

Feels Like Forever
Buzzy Out!

Babalu posted on 04/08/2007


Thanks for carving man! Your inspiration.

Hey, have you ever worked with torry pine before?


benella posted on 04/08/2007

beautiful gang.

Tornhalo posted on 04/09/2007

Buzzy, I can't wait to see what the next year brings.. Every post is an inspiration. Thanks!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 04/09/2007

Babalu: Nope, never touched the stuff. I asked my tree guy if there were any unique characteristics of Torrey pines, and he said no, it's just like any other pine tree. Missed you on Sat, hopefully well cross paths soon.
Benella: Yes, and I will be sending this gang out soon as part of a tiki gang outreach program. They will learn to live as civilized tikis in yard and patios throughtout the greater SoCal region, happily contributing to the whole tiki revival vibe we all seem to be so caught up in.
Tornhalo: Hey man, sorry that the sunsets have been less inspirational than my work this last weekend. It's been overcast and cloudy for a couple days. Early sunset quality forecast for today is 15% wow factor.

Since the sunset will probably not happen again, I slapped out...er, crafted this low budget tiki this morning, just to start out the week on a positive note:

He's a crusty little guy...

Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 04/10/2007

Non stop fun around here:
Another face on a log which I will apply the generic name of "tiki" to for marketing purposes.
Ladies and Gentlemen: Face on a log done in tribute to the tiki revival style, or Tiki for short

Put another notch in my belt

Still got time for one more...

If I was a new carver, I'd tell myself to go deeper and take a little more time on my stuff to get a cleaner look.
Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 04/10/2007

Sunset today:

I made another tiki to match today's sunset...

Not too good, but if you don't see a lot of them, it's good enough...

Speaking of a lot:

It just keeps growing...
That's what SHE said :lol: I'm just talking to myself again.

I'll make something more respectable this evening from this little log chunk

Just Carvin' Away
Buzzy Out!

Cammo posted on 04/10/2007

Those crusty ones are funny. You can knock those out in, what, 15 minutes per?

If the Thing from Fantastic Four had a tiki in his flower bed out front, that's what it would look like.

Thing OUT!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 04/11/2007

Tuesday Sunset:

Cammo: Yeah, about 25-30 minutes for those...

Took the day off from carving yesterday, peeled a bunch of stickers for the Tiki Farm sale instead.

I'll do something today, I just can't decide what yet...

Buzzy Out!

GROG posted on 04/12/2007

Don't forget to bring GROG's moai to the Parking Lot Sale if you have room.

Thank you.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 04/13/2007

Today's dirty sunset:

GROG: He called "shotgun" already...

Sanded and stained this dude just now:

The colors of the wood will even out slowly over the next couple months. The top portion is how thw whole log will end up looking.

Buzzy Out!

Zaya posted on 04/13/2007

On 2007-04-12 21:29, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:
GROG: He called "shotgun" already...

Yeah, in Zaya's car!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 04/13/2007

GROG: You might have to call the CHP and put out an Amber alert for one missing GROG Moai, last seen heading north on I-5, in Zaya's car...

Sanded and stained the next one:

Two more to go, and one of them is going to be quick.

Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 04/13/2007


One more and the boss says I can call it a night...

Buzzy Out!

GROG posted on 04/13/2007

Zaya, you better be driving that moai to help deliver it, and NOT to YOUR house, or the wrestling match back on.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 04/13/2007

Last one for tonight:

This day is finally over...
Buzzy Out!

hiltiki posted on 04/13/2007

Buzzy I hate to tell you but your day is just starting. Wait a min, our day is just starting, you are probably asleep. Anyways hope to see some of this stuff tomorrow at the event.ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz............................

Sneakytiki posted on 04/13/2007


I can't believe how fast u knock out those tikis! Nice work!


Benzart posted on 04/14/2007

COOL Stuff as Usual Mr Buzzy. I've missed your sunsets and posts, Glad to be back home.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 04/14/2007

Tiki Farm Sale Eve:
Car's all loaded. Cammo came and picked up about ten of my tikis. I'm ready!!!!!
See you guys at my booth tomorrow. :)

Here were the cheap ones I finished last night:

Check out my thread on marketplace for a complete catalog of everything I'm selling.

Happy Days!

On 2007-04-13 15:17, Sneakytiki wrote:
I can't believe how fast u knock out those tikis! Nice work!

It's not something to be proud of, but they pay the bills and allow me a lot of time to make whatever I want. That's the nice part of nice work! But thanks all the same. I'm trying to get GOOD and FAST.

GROG: Your Moai is finally on the way...

I take cash, Visa, Disc, and MC.
Buzzy Out!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 04/14/2007

On 2007-04-13 20:24, Benzart wrote:
COOL Stuff as Usual Mr Buzzy. I've missed your sunsets and posts, Glad to be back home.

Hey, you posted while I was posting!! Missed the sunset today-too busy loading up for tomorrow.

Welcome back Ben. Howz the tan?

Buzzy Out!

PockyTiki posted on 04/14/2007

High five buzzy! High five! Great stuff!

Tiki Duddy posted on 04/14/2007

buzzy! havent checked up in a few days here, glad to see the work again.

Zaya posted on 04/15/2007

The Tiki Farm parking lot sale today turned out great!! Here are some of my pictures from the event.

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Grog's new Moai misses Zaya and wants to go back to her house. It's way more fun there.
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And now for the "After" shots.
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Thanks for a great day!

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Stiki Tiki posted on 04/15/2007

Wow I've been in hell all day thinking of what I missed, heard a wild rumor you have a fat wad of cash in your pocket too!
Hope you or Cobain will send me a mug!

QK Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/34828dec0472b917996ea2af4420097a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Queen Kamehameha posted on 04/15/2007

On 2007-04-14 23:53, Stiki Tiki wrote:
Wow I've been in hell all day thinking of what I missed, heard a wild rumor you have a fat wad of cash in your pocket too!
Hope you or Cobain will send me a mug!

yep agreed, sorry I missed you buzzy, I met some fish friday night that didnt agree with me and had to miss the event. Your stuff was amazing. I will now have to figure out a way to get a "buzzytiki" . Wow I am so bummed I missed this


C Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/2bace9dc0ed0c365e3734639187d1fed?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
congatiki posted on 04/15/2007

Great pics Buzzy and an awesome collection of carvings...looks like quite a few went off to
new homes. Congratulations.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 04/16/2007

On 2007-04-14 23:53, Stiki Tiki wrote:
#1 Wow I've been in hell all day thinking of what I missed,
#2 heard a wild rumor you have a fat wad of cash in your pocket too!
#3 Hope you or Cobain will send me a mug!

#1 I don't think you really missed anything. Except a bunch of funny colored mugs that were super cheap, a bunch of tikis, sun, fun, hot dogs, and the best damn gathering of famous TCers ever! Oh, yeah, and GROG too.
#2 I had a roll of quarters in my pocket and I was happy to see everyone too! I think you can see it in some of the pictures. No, look to left. Yes, THAT's it.
#3 I thought you had some mugs already?

yep agreed, sorry I missed you buzzy, I met some fish friday night that didnt agree with me and had to miss the event. Your stuff was amazing. I will now have to figure out a way to get a "buzzytiki" . Wow I am so bummed I missed this

Damn! Sorry you got sick. I'm sure our paths will cross one of these days. Get Well! I'm almost out of tikis, and feeling kind of lonely here, so several more "buzzytikis' are in the immediate future...

On 2007-04-15 13:22, congatiki wrote:
Great pics Buzzy and an awesome collection of carvings...looks like quite a few went off to new homes. Congratulations.

Thanks Conga. I'd like to thank Zaya for the lovely pictures. I sold 17 of my carvings that day. Came up in three cars and left with one, and it was only half full. I cannot think of one negative thing about the whole experience, at all. Other than my bottom lip is sunburned as heck....

Cammo: Thanks so much for dragging my crap up there for me.

The whole TC Ohana: Yuz Guyz Rule!

Buzzy's Mom: Thanks for spending the day with all of us tiki affected people.(FOOTNOTE: My mom said she likes all you guys and had a great time! She couldn't wait to meet GROG and Bamboo Ben! Thanks for being on your best behavior, guys. ARRRR!)

Yesterday Sunset:
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Post Tiki Farm Sale Hangover:
I didn't just burn the candle at both ends the last couple of weeks getting ready for the event, I incinerated the said candle. So, before I start carving anything new, I need to clean up the stuff I didn't have time take care of because i was too busy doing the tiki making thing.
Here's the sad state of affairs at the estate right now:
Living room/nightime carving area
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4531/4623d742.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=45754194c7e53283fa133bac9d16337a
Garage/laundry room/sanding and finishing workshop
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4531/4623d74f.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=53797b136a4e50df8376e7015c62ea08
Outside carving area needs to be reconfigured for summer path of the sun, and cleaned
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I think my deli would fail the heath inspector's criteria for a safe foodhandling area
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4531/4623d93f.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=773afb310441b177dbb90730d78d99d9
Is there a chapter about tiki carvers in that book that identifies mental disorders? I'd like to know what the psychologists have to say about all this...

I got a flyer on my porch offering cleanup services by some housekeeper. I think i'll call her so I can see the look on her face when i say "All this needs to be spotless!"
While she is cleaning, I'm going to sit on the couch and watch mtv reality shows while drinking beer. I wonder how long it will take for her to run away in horror. Is there a place to get workers, when the workers who do the jobs americans won't do, won't do THOSE jobs?
Damn labor shortage!

Guess I'd better shut up and start cleaning :(

Oh wait, it's nap time...
Buzzy Out!

Image Missing: https://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:qpzTLqT3jMRTgM:www.leaderslair.com/lightningcrashes/thor318.jpg

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2007-04-16 13:26 ]

ST Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/8c0907211c9a058cbeddad83daf0d56f?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Stiki Tiki posted on 04/16/2007

wow it looks like Tiki Land threw up in your house...

hodadhank posted on 04/16/2007

On 2007-04-16 14:13, Stiki Tiki wrote:
wow it looks like Tiki Land threw up in your house...


Yeah Buzz, your garage could be condemned and I can't believe you let that albino pig run amok in your living room!

I can't belive there were any tikis left at all. I love leftovers!

Tiki Duddy posted on 04/16/2007

hey that sale there looked like alot of fun. looks like some happy customers there! thanks for posting.

hiltiki posted on 04/17/2007

Buzzy I love your tiki place can you post more pictures please. I am getting some ideas what to do to my place to make it look more like yours!!!
:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/8c506af3311c8b5263572b52f4915fbb?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
MakeDaMug posted on 04/17/2007

On 2007-04-16 13:25, Bay Park Buzzy wrote:

On 2007-04-14 23:53, Stiki Tiki wrote:
#1 Wow I've been in hell all day thinking of what I missed,
#2 heard a wild rumor you have a fat wad of cash in your pocket too!
#3 Hope you or Cobain will send me a mug!

#1 I don't think you really missed anything. Except a bunch of funny colored mugs that were super cheap, a bunch of tikis, sun, fun, hot dogs, and the best damn gathering of famous TCers ever! Oh, yeah, and GROG too.
#2 I had a roll of quarters in my pocket and I was happy to see everyone too! I think you can see it in some of the pictures. No, look to left. Yes, THAT's it.
#3 I thought you had some mugs already?

yep agreed, sorry I missed you buzzy, I met some fish friday night that didnt agree with me and had to miss the event. Your stuff was amazing. I will now have to figure out a way to get a "buzzytiki" . Wow I am so bummed I missed this

Damn! Sorry you got sick. I'm sure our paths will cross one of these days. Get Well! I'm almost out of tikis, and feeling kind of lonely here, so several more "buzzytikis' are in the immediate future...

On 2007-04-15 13:22, congatiki wrote:
Great pics Buzzy and an awesome collection of carvings...looks like quite a few went off to new homes. Congratulations.

Thanks Conga. I'd like to thank Zaya for the lovely pictures. I sold 17 of my carvings that day. Came up in three cars and left with one, and it was only half full. I cannot think of one negative thing about the whole experience, at all. Other than my bottom lip is sunburned as heck....

Cammo: Thanks so much for dragging my crap up there for me.

The whole TC Ohana: Yuz Guyz Rule!

Buzzy's Mom: Thanks for spending the day with all of us tiki affected people.(FOOTNOTE: My mom said she likes all you guys and had a great time! She couldn't wait to meet GROG and Bamboo Ben! Thanks for being on your best behavior, guys. ARRRR!)

Yesterday Sunset:
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4531/4623d615.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=cfef5d028c0c182f4ee74396dc2671f5
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4531/4623d620.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=7814cab8e5e19b7dcd67bc2c9455328a

Post Tiki Farm Sale Hangover:
I didn't just burn the candle at both ends the last couple of weeks getting ready for the event, I incinerated the said candle. So, before I start carving anything new, I need to clean up the stuff I didn't have time take care of because i was too busy doing the tiki making thing.
Here's the sad state of affairs at the estate right now:
Living room/nightime carving area
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4531/4623d742.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=45754194c7e53283fa133bac9d16337a
Garage/laundry room/sanding and finishing workshop
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4531/4623d74f.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=53797b136a4e50df8376e7015c62ea08
Outside carving area needs to be reconfigured for summer path of the sun, and cleaned
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4531/4623d764.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=17423b3c8da8fa1e946d17e1f025ddf2
I think my deli would fail the heath inspector's criteria for a safe foodhandling area
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4531/4623d93f.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=773afb310441b177dbb90730d78d99d9
Is there a chapter about tiki carvers in that book that identifies mental disorders? I'd like to know what the psychologists have to say about all this...

I got a flyer on my porch offering cleanup services by some housekeeper. I think i'll call her so I can see the look on her face when i say "All this needs to be spotless!"
While she is cleaning, I'm going to sit on the couch and watch mtv reality shows while drinking beer. I wonder how long it will take for her to run away in horror. Is there a place to get workers, when the workers who do the jobs americans won't do, won't do THOSE jobs?
Damn labor shortage!

Guess I'd better shut up and start cleaning :(

Oh wait, it's nap time...
Buzzy Out!

Image Missing: https://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:qpzTLqT3jMRTgM:www.leaderslair.com/lightningcrashes/thor318.jpg

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2007-04-16 13:26 ]

Hey Buzzy - this is really a hilarious post! It was nice meeting you and I just wanted to thank you again for the cool vintage ashtray. Much appreciated!!

H Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/484543c20e507cf0845b33cc1e4779fa?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
hewey posted on 04/17/2007

Looks like you had a good day at the parking lot sale :D Yeh, my house is looking like that at the moment...

Benzart posted on 04/17/2007

Buzzy, I think you have the Typical tiki carvers workshop there. Just pile it all up into one corner and work on filling the other corners.
Your tiki pictures were Totally Awesome. Beautiful Stuff man and I'm glad you did so well with it. You make me proud but then You did all the work. cool pix and super Sunset too!
Sorry I missed it too, I was on a Cruise and couldn't be there. Sorry!
Keep up the MAD WORK :) :) :)

Cammo posted on 04/17/2007

"I'd like to know what the psychologists have to say about all this... "

If they ever got their noses out of those Jung Over-Symbol books and tried carving a Tiki they'd say it was FUN!

And that is one sad looking dog there. (Where did all my wooden pals go, sniff...)

Hey, Buzz, where are the Tiki Mugs??? You got lots of plastic in the sink, but no MUGS! What's up? Do you drink Mai Tais out of BLUE PLASTIC?????

G Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/09845a0a5fdbf142ab6c6c187b75b9fc?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
GMAN posted on 04/17/2007

Congratulation Buzz! Looks like a lot of folks stepped up to purchase a number of your carvings. That's just great man! Oh, I guess that was a wad of cash in your pocket....I was gonna leave a comment about you needing to get into the "movie trade." Either that or you had an adjustable wrench in your pocket......or you were REALLY happy to see Grog?

I'm glad you had such a great reception at the meet. Smile, and enjoy it. You deserve it! We've all watched you work so hard for so long. So, are you gonna buy toolz, pay bills, or maybe something that sparkels for Zaya??


Image Missing: http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b5d733b3127cce945d26af857300000010108Cbs2zdmxcs

"The saw is family"

[ Edited by: GMAN 2007-04-16 21:15 ]

Cammo posted on 04/20/2007

Buzzy's been cleaning the last few days (or sleeping?) so here's one for you sunset fans, stolen from Bongofury's recent posts.

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Yikes! Now THAT's a SUNSET!

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