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New York Ukulele Ensemble

Pages: 1 2 replies

uke jackson posted on 04/02/2007

Aloha! One of the thiungs I've been busy with is realizing a dream of mine -- a professional ukulele band.

Well, I pulled together the New York Ukulele Ensemble and we're playing and recording. You can check out free streaming tunes by clicking http://www.nyukes.com then click music and choose your link to listen.

Hope you like the tunes.

pablus posted on 04/05/2007

I see you've been a very busy man.
Congrats on the culmination of your efforts.
Looks like a great group. Looking forward to hearing the CD.

uke jackson posted on 04/08/2007

Aloha Pablus! I hope you like the music! We're having a ball. We'll be playing at NY Uke Fest on April 28, if you make this year.

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