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Tiki posts on YouTube

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tikimary posted on 11/13/2006

Check out my YouTube page for tiki music/videos:

Go to http://www.youtube.com, in the search box, type in: gottiki
APE's music video of Tiki Oasis 2004 and Mai Kai Gents from the Napa Luau with King Kukulele, (these have both been previously posted on Tiki Central by Crazy Al and Iuka Grog). Recent posts are from the Catalina Tiki Fest with King Kukulele.

APE - Tiki Oasis 2004

Napa Luau - MaiKai Gents-King Kukulele

King Kukulele and the Friki Tikis- House of Bamboo - Catalina Tiki Fest

King Kukulele and the Friki Tikis with special guest Crazy Al "Fish, Fruits and Nuts":

[ Edited by: tikimary 2006-11-13 14:07 ]

Cherry Capri posted on 04/12/2007

I have a pretty long list of favorited videos to see, mostly retro, ephemeral stuff, and not necessarily tiki, BUT surely stuff that would be of interest to tiki enthusiasts... I mean who can pass up seeing
Jayne Mansfield - Wild Bikini Action!
The Honeybees singing You Need Us!
A Champagne Tribute to Dean Martin on Lawrence Welk!

AND I do feature the incredibly fabulous Crazy Al in "How to Carve a Tiki" Video!!!
(Click on favorites)

tikiracer posted on 04/12/2007

Here's the 2 tiki videos we've made and put on youtube

our christmas emailer

promo vid

more coming soon...

pappythesailor posted on 04/12/2007

My favorite--Waitiki at the Lono Lounge (thanks to Jon for posting it!)

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