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Mexican rum called Tenampa????

Pages: 1 2 replies

arriano posted on 01/26/2007

I recently picked up a copy of the 1972 version of "Trader Vic's Bartender's Guide." Under the chapter on liquor Vic writes about various types of rum, including "Habanero Rum" from Mexico, and he states that "One of the finest brands is Tenampa."

I've been searching the Internet and can't find any mention of this brand of rum. Anyone know anything about it?

arriano posted on 01/30/2007

Well, I eventually was able to answer my own question. This was a type of liquor no longer commercially manufactured apparently. Habanero rum was a mixture of rum and either brandy or muscat wine, depending upon who was making it. Apparently very popular in the 1940s and made by several manufacturers including Tenampa. But from what I've read, habanero rum is no longer made. BTW - no habanero peppers were used, "habanero" meant "from Havana."

arriano posted on 04/13/2007

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