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Tikibelle posted on 09/30/2005

Just wondering if anyone has seen the new movie "Serenity" yet. I loved it, but then again I love anything Joss does. I found myself a new shirt too:


Anyway, Those of you who saw it, what do you think?

I dream of tiki posted on 09/30/2005

I hope to be going this weekend. Boyfriend has been recapping with the Firefly series box set to refresh the memory.

Here's to the potential of a great movie. Yeah Joss.

Tiki-Kate posted on 10/01/2005

I saw it this afternoon and was completely blown away. It was absolutely everything I hoped it would be and more.

I laughed. I cried. I screamed. (The screaming was a little embarrassing.)

Joss Whedon is indeed my new master.

hiltiki posted on 10/01/2005

I just started watching Firefly on the Sci Fi channel for the first time . I love it , real good.

hewey posted on 10/01/2005

My girl is a massive Joss fan, so now I have seen most Buffy, Angel episodes and the special features too. I gotta admit, I like the guys style. (although seeing "once more with feeling" 4 times in the one week was too much!)

The movie Serenity was tops. Great writing, top acting, cool. A few little issues, but nothing I cant get over. Looking forward to seeing it again, so I can take more in.

Tiki Chris posted on 10/02/2005

just saw it last night.

great movie and, like the new york times review said, better than anything george lucas has done lately.

it was fun seeing a big screen version of firefly. the fight scenes rocked, the dialogue smoldered, & the plot was brilliant.

anybody out there see the movie but never the firefly series? it's well worth checking out.


hewey posted on 10/03/2005

On 2005-10-02 07:39, Tiki Chris wrote:
just saw it last night.

great movie and, like the new york times review said, better than anything george lucas has done lately.

it was fun seeing a big screen version of firefly. the fight scenes rocked, the dialogue smoldered, & the plot was brilliant.

anybody out there see the movie but never the firefly series? it's well worth checking out.


Yeh, agree with all that! What DO people who havent seen the series dig it? The movie has had like no advertising down here.

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 10/03/2005

Three more good reasons to see Serenity:

(If I could find any photos of actress Gina Torres taken at the Los Angeles premiere of the movie, I'd post them too)


hewey posted on 10/03/2005

Man Kaylee scrubs up good for a mechanic...

BettyBleu posted on 10/11/2005

Not a big Whedon fan in the past and missed the whole Firefly series for the brief time it was on the tele...but I loved-loved-loved Serenity!! Happened to get to a free pre-screening in July while exposing my innner-geekdom (first-ever crush was James T. Kirk - love me that man!) at the ComicCon. Laughed, cried screamed (yeah, I did too!). Saw it again on opening night - still amazing!

Fantastic film. Go see it!

-I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar.

hewey posted on 10/12/2005

Well, last night I just saw it...


the third time actually.

Its amazing how many little things you pick up after another viewing. That guy can write!

Polynesiac posted on 10/12/2005


Mai Tai posted on 10/31/2005

On 2005-10-02 22:30, hewey wrote:

On 2005-10-02 07:39, Tiki Chris wrote:
...anybody out there see the movie but never the firefly series?

...What DO people who havent seen the series dig it?

Yeah, it was great!!! I never caught any of the tv series, but loved the movie. I might not have checked it out at all if not for the glowing reports on TikiCentral. Oh, and Sabu does have three valid reasons to watch the movie as well!

hewey posted on 04/24/2007

Well, thought I would give folks an update. My girl has joined the Aussie serenity based forums (great folks, by the way, some very nerdy, but who I am to make that call!). In fact I just dropped her off this morning at the airport so she could fly down interstate to see her mates off the forum. Oh yeh, she also has a serenity (chinese symbol, like on the ship) on her back.

It's quite an interesting forum - it was originally developed by universal to plug the movie here in Australia. It was the first time ever a forum like that has gone from being owned by a movie company to fan ownership. They organised a charity screening of the movie after the DVD had been released, managed to fill out a theatre, auctioned off heaps of goodies and raised $4K

GROG posted on 04/24/2007

GROG love Serenity and Firefly. GROG had never seen the series before GROG saw the movie. After GROG see Serenity, GROG buy DVD of series and movie when they came out. Whenever GROG come home for lunch from work, GROG usually watch an episode of Firefly as GROG eating GROG's lunch. GREAT show, GREAT cast, and awesome writing for MOST of the shows.

tikiracer posted on 04/24/2007

Our copies of the movie and series on dvd are getting dangerously thin after almost constant viewing.

Best telly in a very long time. There is so much gosa on uk tv.

There is a rumour of a mmorpg based on the world of firefly, coming soon. Not sure if I've got the time to fit that in, just need to get food pills and learn to sleep only one hour a night.

Jayne gets all the best lines.

"that's why I don't kiss them on the lips"

"the only fluid I see is the puddle of pi** refusing to pay us our wage"

"let's be bad guys"

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