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Trying to get in better shape

Pages: 1 6 replies

MAILMAN76 posted on 04/24/2007


I would like to get some tips/trics for making my statue in a better shape !

Greeting Limo


Bowana posted on 04/25/2007

Your Tiki is looking good so far, Mailman. Keep on carving!

What do you not like about it?!

MAILMAN76 posted on 04/25/2007

thanks for the credits..I like this tiki..
only what to do with the head.
I mean hair or no hair
color I dont like maybe fernis.[I hope I spell this right]
I haven t got not many examples here in Europe.

Capt'n Skully posted on 04/25/2007

I'd say to use chisels to widen/deepen your lines, and clean up the symmetry a bit in some places. It's a good start with lots more potential! Keep going!!

MAILMAN76 posted on 04/25/2007

On 2007-04-25 10:02, Capt'n Skully wrote:
I'd say to use chisels to widen/deepen your lines, and clean up the symmetry a bit in some places. It's a good start with lots more potential! Keep going!!

Thanks for your advice.My next tiki I use a head center line.I hope that my symmetry is better then.When I am finish I will posted a picture.
greetz Limo

AlohaStation posted on 04/25/2007

GO DEEP!! That log should be able to handle some deep detail. One tool that is used alot is the angle grinder with a sanding pad. If you have access to one I suggest using that. Good luck.

MAILMAN76 posted on 04/26/2007

thanks for the advice.. only now I get to deep and broke his mouth...
I have got allot to learn.May bay I can fix it?[carve or not to carve]


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