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eBay: Shag Prints For Sale

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richardtharbaugh posted on 04/17/2007

[ Edited by: richardtharbaugh 2011-12-29 01:40 ]

Gromit_Fan posted on 04/18/2007

Hi Rich,

Thanks for posting these!
I have a question, or really, something I am curious about;

I have never quite understood the benefit to buyers or sellers when
posting an auciton with a low starting bid, but a "reserve" on eBay auctions.

As a eBay seller, I always figure, I should list whatever
I am selling with the openning bid being the lowest amount
I would be willing to accept for it.

I see that two of your three auctions don't have reserves,
but one does, clearly the most valuable of the ones you have thus far listed.

I would think that your a/p should fetch a nice price,
but it seems more "straight up," and "open" just to have
the openning bid at whatever you minimum to part with it is, and then people know.

Plus, eBay charges you for having a reserve,
which is basically an insurance policy against it
selling for less than you want to part with it with for.
It costs you money to have a reserve, and it often irks would-be bidders.

I guess I don't see the benefit to either party.

I get the concept of reserves for live auctions with auctioneers,
and everyone gathered in a room with their paddles: it generates
interest and motivates people, who have all been sitting in a
crowded room waiting for their lot to appear.... (Also reserves for live auctions
are often unknown whether they exist or not, with someone bidding up to
the reserve secretly, but, at eBay, everyone knows there is a reserve.)

Reserve to me means, "I know what amount it will take to make me
willing to part with this print, but I am not going to tell you."

Both as a seller and buyer of rare limited edition serigraphs,
I find reserves just tend to irriate potential bidders and don't really do anything for the seller that just listing the openning bid for the minimum to part with it wouldn't resolve and then everyone is happy and knows where they stand.

Just my $0.02.


On 2007-04-17 14:40, richardtharbaugh wrote:
Hey All -

I have some Shag prints on eBay, and I'll be adding more over the next day or two.

Up now is:

Moonlight Hula - Tiki Print

The Board Meeting - Very Low Number

Espressa Consegna - Artists Proof

Coming up is "Making the Point," the Rat Pack print, "The Gift" or "Thank You" from the Sophisticated Misfits show, unavailable for public sale, "J is for Jetsetter," possibly a "London Luau" and a few others. If you have any interest or questions, drop me a line. Thanks and Mahalo.


[ Edited by: Gromit_Fan 2007-04-18 09:29 ]

[ Edited by: Gromit_Fan 2007-04-18 09:52 ]

Gromit_Fan posted on 04/19/2007

"Um, yes, waiter, I would like a large plate of crow."

Rich, I just noticed on your auction you clearly list your
reserve price that must be met. Uh, yeah...GREAT! now I feel stupid! :wink:

I actually collect another artist and only recently,
finally, "gave in" and started buy Shag's work, because it is work
that makes one happy to look at.

Thanks for your private message as well. I am not looking for any print
in particular, although I suspect with the release of "LA Modern (Night),"
they have just upped the demand for "LA Modern (Day)."

Like you, I want one so I have a set...It seems like a diptych now, doesn't it?!

But, there are some great Shag prints on the horizon.
The first one with a Tiki attacking, "The Extraordinary Evening" is due
in the next few months, and it is going to be one of the larger prints,
with published dimensions, including the border of 23" x 43."

I will snag one the first day those are up for order.

Again, having another artist that I primarily collect, I have to keep my
"Shag habit" under control. If you are looking for Shag's "The Elegant Theif,"
I think I know where you can get still get one for the publication price, but
I won't have confirmation of that until later this week.



[ Edited by: Gromit_Fan 2007-04-18 22:54 ]

richardtharbaugh posted on 04/19/2007

[ Edited by: richardtharbaugh 2011-12-29 01:41 ]

Tipsy McStagger posted on 04/19/2007

..also, the higher the price you list an auction to start at, the more ebay charges for the listing fee.....which is why it cost you less to list an auction starting at .99 cents versus $400.....it may be cheaper to list a reserve.....anyone know??

Gromit_Fan posted on 04/19/2007


Yeppers, my bad!


For eBay, it depends, and they seem like they are ever-shifting the costs of one thing or another and then they have those seller promotions, which usually involves "Free Upgrade to Large Photos!" or "0.10 insertion fee day!" ;P

I used to think having a reserve was a set price, like the "insertion fee" which is set regardless of whether one is selling a Tonka truck or Trump Tower, so it may be cheaper.

In any case, posting openly what the reserve is in the auction description, as Rich did, is totally cool as far as I am concerned, because then people know what their minimum bid needs to be if they want an actual chance to acquire the piece.


On 2007-04-19 08:52, Tipsy McStagger wrote:
..also, the higher the price you list an auction to start at, the more ebay charges for the listing fee.....which is why it cost you less to list an auction starting at .99 cents versus $400.....it may be cheaper to list a reserve.....anyone know??

[ Edited by: Gromit_Fan 2007-04-21 11:49 ]

richardtharbaugh posted on 04/27/2007

[ Edited by: richardtharbaugh 2011-12-29 01:40 ]

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