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Inviting Old Members Back to Tiki Central

Pages: 1 6 replies

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 04/14/2003

I noticed while referring back to the old Yahoo Tiki Central site that there are currently 517 members on that board, with new members joining as late as 4/11/03. (Jab, joining in on the old site NOW?) haha!

Anyway, I thought that maybe someone, possibly Special Agent Pop, could email those old members that are on that board, to come join us here at the new site. It never hurts to have those with tiki-interest to come join in on our boards, and possibly get to meet them at local events, especially those that initially joined on the old site. By doing this, maybe they have mugs to trade or sell, vintage photos or information to share, and maybe even a great closet-carver or two out there that needs to be discovered.

I'd be happy to do it, so long as the initial email doesn't sound like we're spamming them, but then again, it may need a Special Agent's signature on it to sound official.

I know we've just let people find us, and join in, but how about those that joined long ago and forgot to come back?
I see it like having two large handfulls of dry beans, tossing them up in the air, and only keeping those that stay close to the center. Why forget about the rest, just because they bounced out of the main circle?

Lastly, there are still some great reference photos on the old site. Is there a need to have someone transfer those to the appropriate files in our new Photo Archives before Yahoo possibly decides to change or do away with less active clubs on their sites?

Just my 2 coconuts worth.

Any thoughts?


thejab posted on 04/14/2003

I recently looked for an old message on the old group and had to renew my membership to do so. Perhaps that's why there are still members listed in that group. I think there is still a message from Hanford that informs people who try to join about the new group.

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 04/14/2003

Just messing with you Jab! Yeah, there is a forwarding message, but those old members won't know about it unless the actually go to the old website. My thought is to have a friendly email reminder and to "gather those beans that bounced away".


PolynesianPop posted on 04/14/2003

I'd be happy to email the old beans however, it would probably be a good idea to work with Hanford on this one. Like SCD said, there's a chance the "Re-join TC" could very sound like and actually be Spam.

Regardind the old Yahoo Photo Archive: Yes, there's some gems in there. I only wish the space wasn't limited. I remember when we started deleting albums to make room for more, newer pics. There were some gems in the ones that were deleted too.

Tiki_Bong posted on 04/14/2003

Hey, what ever happened to 'ol tiki what's his name?

hanford_lemoore posted on 04/14/2003

As a founder over at Yahoo groups I can send a member-wide email to everyone. I do this from time to time to remind people to come over here. Perhaps it's time I do another one.

By the way, Yahoo totally screwed us on our messages.... they deleted most of them.


floratina posted on 04/15/2003

Paging Daisy May!

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