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Denver: Need drummer/percussion for Tiki/space age pop surf band

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tikitheremin posted on 03/08/2007

We've just started putting the project together -- we haven't found a drummer yet. Instruments include bass guitar, saxophone, theremin, and vibraphone.

We all have an interest in 50s/60s instrumental-- lounge, spy-fi, tiki and surf music. No one involved in the project has necessarily played in this kind of group before; some of us have played some jazz, and some of us are from a straight rock background but have always wanted to play in these musical styles. An affection and understanding of the music is probably most important.

Our goal is to play spaceage/tiki pop with a surf twist, if that's possible...and come up with some originals, while performing some covers; I'd like to see us twist up some of the covers in weird ways and also perform some lesser-known pieces in the genre.

Contact me!

ZuluMagoo posted on 03/09/2007

Aloha TT and welcome to Tiki Central!

I would love to see another local tiki/surf band on the scene. Right now the The Beloved Invaders are it, but they do a fantastic job! Good luck with the band and keep us informed. There is a small but steadily growing core group of tikiphilies here in Denver, keep your ears open here on TC for local tiki events coming up this summer, we already have several in the works.

Shoot me a PM with your email address and I'd be happy to add you to the Rocky Mountain Tiki Newsletter and event email list.


tikitheremin posted on 03/09/2007

I'm already on the Rocky Mountain Tiki Newsletter list, and thanks. I've actually sat in with the fine Beloved Invaders.
Spread the word -- I know the percussionist we see is out there somewhere...

Mouse Art posted on 03/11/2007

Hey TT, good luck w/your search. Wish I wadnt so far away. Im the drumz [also chants monkey grunts, harp & howls] wid these guyz http://www.agentsofvoodoo.com Would love to sit in with you! Good to hear a new group about to be hatched into the "Zonkin Muzik" scene!! ........Remy

DJ Terence Gunn posted on 03/11/2007

I wish you success in your endeavor, TT!

There was a similar group in Seattle in the late 1990s (during the end of the Lounge craze here), called Johnny Astro, that were quite good. The founder of the group still does stuff under that name, I think, but only hires session folks now and plays only corporate functions, weddings, etc.

In the past I've put together two such groups, similar to what you're trying to put together, and it was a very difficult task, indeed, to find the right musicians, let alone musicians who love that kind of music and would be willing to spend time playing it. Needless to say the groups didn't last long, and had a good deal of musician turn-over.

I'm a percussionist (and reluctant trap set player) very much interested in that style of music, and a year or two ago tried to put such a group together again, but to no avail. Now I'm focusing on putting together an instrumental Lounge & Exotica group, and am facing the same problems.

tikitheremin posted on 04/27/2007

We had a drummer for a while, but he went on to another project. Instruments include bass guitar, saxophone, theremin, and vibraphone. So we are looking again!

Our goal is to play spaceage/tiki pop with a surf twist, if that's possible...and come up with some originals, while performing some covers; I'd like to see us twist up some of the covers in weird ways and also perform some lesser-known pieces in the genre.

It's sounding great -- just need some percussion! There must be someone in Denver with some Chaino and Ventures in his soul...

bigtikidude posted on 04/28/2007

There are about 4 or 5 surf bands in Col. The Aquasonics are another one.
They are going to be out here in So. Cal. this weekend.
but look them up. I can't remember the names of the other bands off the top of my head.

But you might want to join/check out http://www.surfguitar101.com
and post in the Musicians/gigs wanted area.

good luck.

tikitheremin posted on 04/28/2007

Yeah, there are a few bands kicking around the Rocky Mt. Area -- The Aquasonics, the Orangutones, Get Three Coffins Ready, and the incredible Beloved Invaders, who I've played with a couple times. Those are the ones that come to mind immediately, and they are all rather more surfey sounding than what we're after, but are all pretty great. The Aquasonics have a cocktail kit drummer which is pretty cool.

I'll keep plugging. Thanks for the link, I'll check it out.

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