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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki

How About This For A Tiki Auction!?!

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Geeky Tiki posted on 04/15/2003
Trader Tiki posted on 04/15/2003

For $700, I'd rather have something I could actually drive


SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 04/15/2003

This is what's called a code 3 Hot Wheels car. Meaning the actual car was made by Mattel, but has been modified by someone by taking the car apart, replacing or substituting car parts, repainting it (in this particular case, stickers were used) and sometimes repackaging it and then having it ready for resale. The high price is in knowing that well known people (in the toy biz) have had a hand in putting this item together. Usually the big price comes with psuedo-respect that you spent big bucks for a repainted, customized 99cent car and that part or sometimes all of the money goes to charity (usually The Ronald McDonald House).

blah blah blah blah blah

Think it's cool? Just go buy your favorite 99cent Hot Wheel, buy a pack of Shag stationary that comes with little Tiki stickers, and BAM, you've got your own tiki car. You've just saved over $655.00!

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