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On the Mondo Tiki/Viva Las Vegas weekend: Take over Taboo Cove!!?

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bigbrotiki posted on 01/31/2003

OK, so this thing is really happening, finally, and I had this idea, I mentioned it to Holden, but he will be too busy setting up the main event, so:

Here is a chance to take over the Taboo Cove for one day and make it what it always should have been: Rent it for Friday or Sunday and fill it with Tiki Centralites and all of the other Tiki tourists, play ONLY Exotica, find someone who can mix the right cocktails, and ENJOY!

Who's gonna organize that?

PolynesianPop posted on 01/31/2003

Sounds Good. I think Friday night might be a good way to warm-in the weekend. I know a lot of folks will be leaving town on Sunday and I'm not sure if Taboo Cove is open in daylight hours....

hula hula posted on 01/31/2003

I was talking to luckydesign when he was out here and we came up the same idea, I have the info on renting out the cove, but I think they said the max was 4 hrs or so. I can get deffenit price if ppl are really into this but it would have to be cash upf front,And I can see how that might not work out too well i.e tiki gardens. Also it would have to be on friday since the bash is on saturday and its also viva las vegas weekend (rockabilly weekend) so it we have to jump on this asap.

PolynesianPop posted on 01/31/2003

Well, if its too much money to officially "reserve" it, we should just setup a meeting time and crash it. I'll be there on Friday for sure. Hula Hula doesn't know it yet but I'm crashing at his pad for the Bash that weekend...

hula hula posted on 02/01/2003

tahts probaly the best deal , just have everyone meet up there. Since its a friday night and viva las vegas weekend im sure they'll accomidate the music,and as for bar tender there only 2 that are any good anyways, Its weird though they we're all trained by tony ramos, but they still dont get it.I know that a few of the are just OJT and never offically went to bartending school.

and yes polypo can stey wit us. I got an open living room also if anyone else want to crash, you just gotta share it wit my iguana and she roams the house freely.

DawnTiki posted on 02/01/2003

Ok, let me see if I get this...Mondo Tiki weekend is Easter Weekend? What about those of us with families with little ones? It's not like you can blow off the Easter Bunny. Mondo Tiki?...Easter Bunny?...Mondo Tiki?...Easter Bunny? Man, this isn't fair.

hanford_lemoore posted on 02/01/2003

Dawntiki: You mean the Easter Island Bunny? Bring the eggs along, perhaps the little ones can hunt for them in and around the hotel room.

BigBro: Sounds like a great idea! It should be done before it's closed!


[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore on 2003-01-31 19:08 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 02/01/2003

So how much is it to rent the damn' thing?
I don't think that many of the Tony Ramos trained kids are there any more since the management change. But what about those women that supposedly knew how to make a good Polynesian cocktail?
IF the amount is too high, how can we impress on to the management that it would be to their benefit if they played Exotica and mixed good drinks that weekend?

hula hula posted on 02/01/2003

Actually there all the same bartenders since day 1, none have changed. There were all hired from rum jungle and trained, when the new managment took over the only thing that change was the good drinks and music.
I have a call out to shanda sumpter the general manager of the venus(what the taboo cove is under), she has yet to call back. If other liked to try here her number and email

Shanda Sumpter

crazy al posted on 02/01/2003

Hey Hula-Hula...

It has not been inked, but APE might play the Mondo event. We need to book a Fri. night gig to make the trip pay off. My contact at the Venus is gone and Otto poo-pooed on the new management and said I should try another venue.
Do you thing I could get APE in there on Fri, or have other venues to hit up?
Here is the APE site to pass on http://tikimania.com/ape.html
please respond to me directly, Thanks

stentiki posted on 02/03/2003

On 2003-01-31 18:58, DawnTiki wrote:
Ok, let me see if I get this...Mondo Tiki weekend is Easter Weekend? What about those of us with families with little ones? It's not like you can blow off the Easter Bunny. Mondo Tiki?...Easter Bunny?...Mondo Tiki?...Easter Bunny? Man, this isn't fair.

Hey Dawn Tiki,

I have the same problem and I don't even have little ones! I hate having to choose between my family and these events. I'm still tryin' to figure out how I can do this but it doesn't look promising. Perhaps if Ape is around on Friday and we take over Taboo Cove, I can do that and skip Mondo Tiki. Tough choice but as they say, you gotta pick your battles...

Doctor Z posted on 02/03/2003

For us, deciding between Friday or Saturday (or both) is based mainly on who is playing at Mondo Tiki. If the BSO rumours prove true, Z Girl and I will DEFINITELY be there both nights, and take a middle-of-the-night flight back so we can spend Easter with our families.

(however, there is something a little unsettling about 'taking over' a place on Good Friday...)

MakeDaMug posted on 02/03/2003

A bit more dirt...
The BSO (Brian Setzer Orchestra) rumors are factual - opening band is slated to be Royal Crown Revue. It's all in negotiations right now - I'm hopin' to get this finalized Tues., 02/04 so I can post some real stuff. The day will be ultra tiki poolside lounge, requisite w/3-4 bands, deep-tiki grounds decor, top floor poly cocktails and as the HR will have it to get their "E Channel/Wild-On" billing, a "Tini Bikini Wahine" competition along with my request for "That F'n Ugly Aloha Shirt" contest. The daytime activities will commence at 10am and go through 8pm (w/a nighttime 9-midnight concert at the Joint) and end w/polynesian fire jugglers/tropical drums. The grounds decor will be a mass collaboration of all tikiphile creators w/some hopeful big' ol smokin' 10+ plus Wayne Coomber's. Appleton's Rum (umm... yumm... hiccup!) is slated to sponsor the alcohol - perhaps TVic's might do the mixers (a great combo!). Shag branded/ltd. event commemorative paraphernelia along w/ ltd. ed. event mugs by Al, Drew, Jimmy C., Squid,
Joe Vitale, Pizzuti, Danny G.. Rumor'd is also Shag gaming layouts (black jack, craps) but that's still got some serious work-up to happen. That's it for now - more to come as it's available.

PolynesianPop posted on 02/03/2003

On 2003-01-31 18:58, DawnTiki wrote:
Ok, let me see if I get this...Mondo Tiki weekend is Easter Weekend? What about those of us with families with little ones? It's not like you can blow off the Easter Bunny. Mondo Tiki?...Easter Bunny?...Mondo Tiki?...Easter Bunny? Man, this isn't fair.

Yes, being a family man myself, I had this same dilemma. Here's what I'm doing:

Friday - driving out in the afternoon, Cheeseburger at the Oasis for dinner(?), drinks at Taboo Cove, APE Concert, crash at Hula Hula's pad.

Saturday - Mondo Tiki all day, RCR and BSO concert at night.

I'm leaving town at midnight on Saturday. This should get me home at about 3:30am (I live in the 909). 6 hours of sleep later, and I can get up with my kids and spend Easter Sunday with my family.

BTW - I'm doing the same thing with Tiki Oasis since its on Mother's Day weekend. Since the Tropics is only 75 miles from me, I'll just be driving out on Saturday morning and leaving around midnight so I can be with my wife on Mother's Day (a BIG requirement). At 70 mph on the freeway, it's only 1 hour away!

stentiki posted on 02/03/2003


You're a maniac! Look what the 909 has done to you!

hula hula posted on 02/04/2003

has anyone else tried to contact Venus/Taboo cove? I have not heard a damn thing and have left a ton of messages with various depts.


crazy al posted on 02/04/2003

I think the Venus is hip to us cheap ass Tiki types....Tooo few in # tooo small a pocket book.. they're in business to make money and are looking to bring in the general public.

thats what i've heard

[ Edited by: crazy al on 2003-02-04 11:40 ]

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Luckydesigns posted on 02/05/2003

I agree with Al that they want the general public in there and don't want to limit their possible occupancy by letting us reserve the place. I also think that if we go in there, I for one am not going to be ordering a four dollar coors light. We're there for the real deal and to spend a lot of money on tropical drinks. We don't need the Venus, I have come to terms that that place is a dance club. We could easily fill the Cove AND provide a band. If they are ignoring that, I think hope may be lost.

We don't need to reserve the place for ourselves. If they would so much as comply with reverting back to the old format for one night then we have won.

Hula, I'll see you there soon again amongst the Hip Hop and the Club music. Tell Corinne I'm on my way.

crazy al posted on 02/06/2003

Hey All! I actually got a response from the Venus!!! And Fri night is open!

it might help APE if there were some inquiries as to the "roomers APE was playing there"...Hmmm

Also can the turnip be squeezed a bit more for an Ape gig at the Venus???
I will not be carving at the Venus, you will have to go to the HardRock for that.

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Luckydesigns posted on 02/07/2003

Well, there goes my theory....
I'll see you at the Venus Al!

crazy al posted on 02/07/2003

looks like there is a $20 cover for dudes, chicks are free! at the Venus

if Ape pulls off booking a gig there... I think we could swing getting TC folks in with a pass or discount if we have proof of them going to Mondo the next day. The money would be coming out of the band's cut of the door. This is all up in the air...

The place holds 550. I don't know if they draw a big regular crowd or not.
How many TC'ers will show on Fri night?

crazy al posted on 02/07/2003

How would it work if Ape played at the Cove.. Do they book bands?, Would we pass the hat? Would we get a DJ?

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floratina posted on 02/07/2003

The Cove is just a small bar. Venus adjoins the Cove and it is the performance venue.

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Futura Girl posted on 02/07/2003

There is a tiny tiny stage behind the bar at the cove - room for a 1-3 singers - never seen it actually used? Maybe we could do a Martin Denny Birdcall Kareoke going there!
Venus has room for a 8 piece band however.

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thejab posted on 02/07/2003

There is potentially a large group of people who may attend a Friday night event at Taboo Cove / Venus because that entire weekend is the Viva Las Vegas rockabilly event. Some TC members (myself and sweet pea(?) to name 2) will be there and plenty of people who appreciate tiki culture. The trick is getting folks to leave the event considering the best acts are on Friday and Saturday from about 8PM - 2AM. I may attend the Tiki Farm bash at the Hard Rock but it would be in the daytime on Saturday. Friday night features Joe Bennett, Ruth Brown and others. If any event at Taboo Cove is going to happen it should last into the wee hours so folks from VLV might attend but not miss the best performers, which are the main reason for going to VLV.

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sweetpea posted on 02/14/2003

I't's true, i will be in Vegas too, but for VLV, like the Jab said. hmmm, Looking at the scheule for Friday night, I dont' think I'm gonna be leaving the Gold Coast, at least not till 3 am... is the Cove open that late?
If so, I'll do my darndest, but that means I would miss Ape, dagnabit (HOWDY AL!) Anyhow, hmmph. If any of you are in Vegas EARLY, oh, lets say Thursday between 2-6 pm, and ya wanna do some boozin and schmoozin, and see some kewl RAB bands, (yup, I git live bands this year) come on over to The Orleans. I'm havin a lil par-tay at Brendans Irish Pub. It'll be fun!

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thejab posted on 02/14/2003

I'll be flying in about noon Thursday to get an early start on the boozing so I'll see you at the Orleans! Remind us all when the date gets closer, OK?

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Futura Girl posted on 02/15/2003

For the folks with tiki toddlers, I HIGHLY encourage taking them away for the weekend trek to Mondo Tiki. My fondest and most memorable childhood memory of Easter was when my family was on a road trip to explore California. I remember being really honestly worried that the Easter Bunny would never know where we were, since we weren't gonna be home on Easter morning. But sure enough the Easter bunny found our hotel room and even set up a little hunt in our hotel room in Carmel California which I will never ever forget.

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RevBambooBen posted on 04/15/2003


DawnTiki posted on 04/15/2003

To Bad, So sad, another TC event goes by without moi. It sounds like there will be Much, I mean Mondo fun to be had by all that are attending. Any So. Cal. folk driving to Mondo on the I-15, make sure you wave to me when you drive by Loserville. I'll be the girl in the grass skirt holding a mai tai, throwing a pity party! Waaaa! Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=414&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.handykult.de%2Fplaudersmilies.de%2Fcry.gif&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=c404505d032117ed60478da3318c63e6

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2003-04-15 01:23 ]

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Luckydesigns posted on 04/15/2003

T-minus 5 days, and counting....

I still haven't heard an update about the Cove on Friday night.

PolynesianPop posted on 04/15/2003

I'm still going to be at Taboo Cove on Friday night regardless. I believe Floratina and Hula Hula will be with me as well. Will probably get to the Cove around 8-ish to avoid cover charge and get a seat at the bar. Hope to see you there.

hula hula posted on 04/15/2003

I hope theres no cover, I went to the piano bar last night at 8 or so and there we're already chargin.

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SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 04/15/2003

hula hula wrote:
I hope theres no cover, I went to the piano bar last night at 8 or so and there we're already chargin.

Yup! Exactly like I was talking about before on a previous post about cover charges popping up. Oh well, it's Vegas! Hey Bax, can you give my 10-spot to Hula?

hula hula posted on 04/15/2003

10 spot????? am i laying down a bet or somthing I dont recall.

PolynesianPop posted on 04/15/2003

Hula, don't ask questions - just take it! SCD is always insulted when you refuse to take money from him -- trust me.... :)

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