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dressing up your tiki drink

Pages: 1 7 replies

sandiegodan posted on 05/08/2007

Its not too hard to find a pineapple wedge, red cherry, mini umbrella, or some mint leaf...but where would someone find a tropical gardenia or other flower to put on top of a tiki drink?

Where do people here get their tropical flowers?

Some tiki drinks just aren't complete without that perfect flower floating on top...

telescopes posted on 05/08/2007

Good question. Also, where does one get the plastic base to float the flower on?

GatorRob posted on 05/08/2007

Chip said something about that once. Here it is.

GentleHangman posted on 05/08/2007

I didn't see anything in Chip's post regarding the plastic floater thingie.

telescopes posted on 05/10/2007

Is there a preferred way to anchor the flower into a drink. Next time I throw a tiki party at home, and it looks like it will be sooner rather than later, I think I'd like to have a few drinks with gardenas. Sandiegodan,, I'll be sure to have you and the wahine over to this event. As for as the cusine, I'm thinking of doing a poly/italian fusion thing.

Mike the Headhunter posted on 05/11/2007

My money would be on a shaved ice cone or the large amount of ice used in communal drinks would keep the flower in place. Otherwise before you mix it use a small dab of super glue on the stem and that might be all ya need to hold the flower in place, but i would think the ice or cone would be the prefered method.

DemeraraDrinker posted on 05/18/2007

I agree--as long as you have ice (especially crushed ice), I would think the stem would hold it up. If you're in the right climate, you should try growing the flowers yourself. I have two mint plants, so I'm making Noa Noas like they're going out of style from the Grog Log. I put a sprig in for a garnish, and it stands up.

You can also try sugarcane sticks for garnishes/swizzle sticks. I got some from some company in Hawaii:


There are a lot of other sources on the web.

californialife posted on 06/09/2007

Anyone know of any books specifically dedicated to garnishing drinks? I have a number of drink recipe books, but would love to have one largely on this topic.

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