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Oceanic Arts 50th Anniversary Tiki mug in stock @ OA now!

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MakeDaMug posted on 05/12/2007

What a total honor it was to have been part of this project! I'm happy to officially announce the debut of the Oceanic Art's 50th Anniversary Tiki Mug!

The mug was sculpted by Tiki Diablo and we were commissioned for the manufacturing. The total run is 500 & there's a strict limit of 2 per customer.

It gets better. Accompanying each mug is a 12-page booklet featuring the history of Oceanic Arts. Bob & Leroy have seen so much in their days and the booklet allows you a brief history of how Oceanic Arts has progressed & evolved over their now more than 50 years.

This is definitely one of my favorite projects and favorite mugs to be associated with since starting Tiki Farm.

[ Edited by: makedamug 2007-05-11 17:43 ]

SoccerTiki posted on 05/12/2007

This is one very cool mug! Celebrating the two very cool tiki god-fathers and founders of Oceanic Arts. Created by the very cool Tiki Diablo. Made by the very cool Tiki Farm!!! Definitely in my top 5!

"Mortgages and Mai-Tai's...Whatta life!"

[ Edited by: SoccerTiki 2007-05-11 18:45 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 05/12/2007

GROG posted on 05/12/2007

Congratulations Bob, Leroy, Holden and Danny on a most excellent mug, and congrats Bob and Leroy for 50 years of pioneering tiki and the inspiration to so many artists and tiki enthusiasts.
You are truly living legends. May Oceanic Arts last another 50 years.

MakeDaMug posted on 05/12/2007

On 2007-05-11 19:49, RevBambooBen wrote:

Rattiki posted on 05/12/2007

So how can we order them? :D

Tiki_God posted on 05/12/2007

yeah, Us tiki freaks on the east coast want some loving too... :tiki:

Dr.TikiMojo posted on 05/12/2007

And the Nor Cali Ohana who will drive to SoCal but maybe not in time to get one! :wink:

MakeDaMug posted on 05/12/2007

I'd recommend that you find somebody in So Cal in our giant Tiki Ohana to enlist. Bob & Leroy are selling these at their store only. They're old school and God bless 'em! Good luck!

[ Edited by: makedamug 2007-05-12 01:01 ]

sneakyjack posted on 05/12/2007

If anyone wants to hook me up with 1 I'll cover the shipping (and cost of mug) to the east coast.

Pm as needed.

Cool mug indeed!

ikitnrev posted on 05/12/2007

Likewise, if anyone in the LA area wishes to pick one up for me, I will reimburse for the cost and shipping. Please PM me.

I feel like a fisherman, throwing his net out into the sea, but the net is falling fall short of where the fish are. DC is just too far away from Whittier. I have been to Oceanic Arts, loved the place and purchased a favorite tiki item while there, but don't see a return trip in the near future.


Tipsy McStagger posted on 05/12/2007

if they are only selling 2 per customer, you better hope the person getting you a mug doesn't want both of them...or you're screwed....i don't think the "oh yeah, i need 2 more for a friend of mine out east" is gonna fly with bob and leroy, otherwise anyone can go in with the same line and get extra mugs to hawk on ebay, thus screwing more people out of getting one or two....whose idea was this anyway??

the rule should have been, for every $200 or so bucks you spend at O.A. either in store or via internet/phone sales you get a mug at a certain price...the more you spend, the more mugs you get to purchase...that should weed out the riff-raff.

kingstiedye posted on 05/12/2007

i dig the contrasting colors and design.

[ Edited by: kingstiedye 2007-05-13 13:49 ]

Jeff Central posted on 05/13/2007

Damn, that is one sweeeeeet mug!! Tiki Diablo did a spectacular job with the sculpting!!

Anyone out West care to pick me up one........PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can offer cash with incentives!! :wink:

Cheers and Mahalo,

RevBambooBen posted on 05/13/2007

They're heavy too!

MakeDaMug posted on 05/13/2007

On 2007-05-12 15:21, Tipsy McStagger wrote:
if they are only selling 2 per customer, you better hope the person getting you a mug doesn't want both of them...or you're screwed....i don't think the "oh yeah, i need 2 more for a friend of mine out east" is gonna fly with bob and leroy, otherwise anyone can go in with the same line and get extra mugs to hawk on ebay, thus screwing more people out of getting one or two....whose idea was this anyway??

the rule should have been, for every $200 or so bucks you spend at O.A. either in store or via internet/phone sales you get a mug at a certain price...the more you spend, the more mugs you get to purchase...that should weed out the riff-raff.

Tipsy... not a good idea. What if you've got $50 to spend & you only want the mug. You're screwed. This "the rule should have been" is no bueno. Furthermore, by making people spend money just to get a mug is scandalous.

POCKETIKI posted on 05/13/2007

Obviously being in England, as great as that is folks!, cause numerous headaches trying to get limited edition mugs, if it's not the time difference, it's the distance! Well I quickly got on to Oceanic Arts, by email, and asked them about getting the mugs shipped to England. This is their reply:

Aloha Trader Jim:
Tiki Farm will handle mailing of the OA 50th mugs. Please contact Holden at Tiki Farm....Bob & Leroy

So my question is...Do we get them direct from you Holden? Either way is fine by me so long as I do get one!

Trader Jim - Make mine a Mai-Tai hopefully in an Oceanic Arts 50th tiki mug!

Tipsy McStagger posted on 05/14/2007

On 2007-05-13 12:12, MakeDaMug wrote:

On 2007-05-12 15:21, Tipsy McStagger wrote:
if they are only selling 2 per customer, you better hope the person getting you a mug doesn't want both of them...or you're screwed....i don't think the "oh yeah, i need 2 more for a friend of mine out east" is gonna fly with bob and leroy, otherwise anyone can go in with the same line and get extra mugs to hawk on ebay, thus screwing more people out of getting one or two....whose idea was this anyway??

the rule should have been, for every $200 or so bucks you spend at O.A. either in store or via internet/phone sales you get a mug at a certain price...the more you spend, the more mugs you get to purchase...that should weed out the riff-raff.

Tipsy... not a good idea. What if you've got $50 to spend & you only want the mug. You're screwed. This "the rule should have been" is no bueno. Furthermore, by making people spend money just to get a mug is scandalous.

..true enough..but nobody is making anyone do anything...businesses use that tactic all the time.."spend"x" amount and get this special item at "x" cost "....there's nothing scandalous about it,it happens all the time but i understand your view...however, that doesn't address the other half of the dillema. how do you expect people to get mugs for others when there is a 2 mug limit mug per person?? that's what really seems scandalous here cause it opens the door for trickey and deceit...suppose someone goes in, buys their 2 mugs, goes outside and sends their wife in, she buys 2 mugs and then sends their son in a few minutes later and he gets 2 mugs.....now the guy has six mugs in one household...2 mugs to keep for himself (or however many he wants)and he can sell the rest on ebay to cover the cost of his mugs that he is keeping and then some.....this is not as far fetched a senario as it may seem and i suspect it will be happening often...now that is "no bueno"...there are 500 mugs available which means there are really only 250, if you figure one person can purchase 2 at a time..not alot to go around.

...help me out people!! am i being crazy here??

ikitnrev posted on 05/14/2007

Although I am one of those who would like an Oceanic Arts mug, I am not offended by the selling policy. I don't feel it is my role to criticize Oceanic Art's policy, as I am sure that they have many other things that they wish to think about.... (i.e. carving tikis rather then shipping tiki mugs)

Bob and Leroy can be proud of a business that has lasted 50 years. If I were them, I might like the idea of 250 to 500 of their former customers, or potential new customers, coming in to congratulate them and simply say 'Hi, thanks for a job well done'.... especially if those people trickle in over a several month period.

They could have offered all the mugs for sale on a website, but then those mugs might have sold out and shipped out quickly, and then there would have been no incentive for people to stop on by.

[ Edit revision: I meant to say 'there would be less incentive for people to stop on by' ... there is always good reasons to stop in at Oceanic Arts - a tip of the hat to Tipsy for pointing out my late night poor choice of words ]

I am not sure of when my next visit to the L.A. area will occur. Perhaps it might be sooner than I anticipate, and a mug may still be available. But if they were sold out, I would likely spend the money on some other tiki carving, or some other cool product they have offered for sale. And hopefully I would still be able to shake their hands and offer my congratulations when I do so.

I do believe the key thing here is to recognize and celebrate Oceanic Arts 50 years of being in business - that is an achievement that is perhaps as grand as the Mai Kai celebrating their 50th anniversary last year. Obtaining a mug for myself, in comparison, is a quite minor concern.

I just hope that Bamboo Ben hasn't made six visits, and grabbed 12 of the mugs, to go along with that 12 pack of Budweiser he purchased.


[ Edited by: ikitnrev 2007-05-14 05:22 ]

MakeDaMug posted on 05/14/2007

On 2007-05-13 20:00, Tipsy McStagger wrote:

On 2007-05-13 12:12, MakeDaMug wrote:

On 2007-05-12 15:21, Tipsy McStagger wrote:
if they are only selling 2 per customer, you better hope the person getting you a mug doesn't want both of them...or you're screwed....i don't think the "oh yeah, i need 2 more for a friend of mine out east" is gonna fly with bob and leroy, otherwise anyone can go in with the same line and get extra mugs to hawk on ebay, thus screwing more people out of getting one or two....whose idea was this anyway??

the rule should have been, for every $200 or so bucks you spend at O.A. either in store or via internet/phone sales you get a mug at a certain price...the more you spend, the more mugs you get to purchase...that should weed out the riff-raff.

Tipsy... not a good idea. What if you've got $50 to spend & you only want the mug. You're screwed. This "the rule should have been" is no bueno. Furthermore, by making people spend money just to get a mug is scandalous.

..true enough..but nobody is making anyone do anything...businesses use that tactic all the time.."spend"x" amount and get this special item at "x" cost "....there's nothing scandalous about it,it happens all the time but i understand your view...however, that doesn't address the other half of the dillema. how do you expect people to get mugs for others when there is a 2 mug limit mug per person?? that's what really seems scandalous here cause it opens the door for trickey and deceit...suppose someone goes in, buys their 2 mugs, goes outside and sends their wife in, she buys 2 mugs and then sends their son in a few minutes later and he gets 2 mugs.....now the guy has six mugs in one household...2 mugs to keep for himself (or however many he wants)and he can sell the rest on ebay to cover the cost of his mugs that he is keeping and then some.....this is not as far fetched a senario as it may seem and i suspect it will be happening often...now that is "no bueno"...there are 500 mugs available which means there are really only 250, if you figure one person can purchase 2 at a time..not alot to go around.

...help me out people!! am i being crazy here??

Dave, I think you need to reconsider this. It's the fairest way Bob & Leroy know how to do business. To answer your question, Yes.

[ Edited by: makedamug 2007-05-14 00:02 ]

Tipsy McStagger posted on 05/14/2007

.....understood. I just feel that those overseas and abroad will likely not get one and end up overpaying on ebay....this is unfortunate, but also nothing new....

Tipsy McStagger posted on 05/14/2007

On 2007-05-13 21:24, ikitnrev wrote:
Although I am one of those who would like an Oceanic Arts mug, I am not offended by the selling policy. I don't feel it is my role to criticize Oceanic Art's policy, as I am sure that they have many other things that they wish to think about.... (i.e. carving tikis rather then shipping tiki mugs)

well i feel it IS my role to critized anything and everthing i may feel is bogus.....

Bob and Leroy can be proud of a business that has lasted 50 years. If I were them, I might like the idea of 250 to 500 of their former customers, or potential new customers, coming in to congratulate them and simply say 'Hi, thanks for a job well done'.... especially if those people trickle in over a several month period.

..i have done business with bob and leroy for many years and i too am very proud of them..but that's not what my gripe was about...

They could have offered all the mugs for sale on a website, but then those mugs might have sold out and shipped out quickly, and then there would have been no incentive for people to stop on by.

..do you really need an incentive to stop by??? are there not over 1000 tiki reasons to go to oceanic arts?? if you need an incentive to go there you clearly are bored with this....

I am not sure of when my next visit to the L.A. area will occur. Perhaps it might be sooner than I anticipate, and a mug may still be available. But if they were sold out, I would likely spend the money on some other tiki carving, or some other cool product they have offered for sale. And hopefully I would still be able to shake their hands and offer my congratulations when I do so.

...good for you....

I do believe the key thing here is to recognize and celebrate Oceanic Arts 50 years of being in business - that is an achievement that is perhaps as grand as the Mai Kai celebrating their 50th anniversary last year. Obtaining a mug for myself, in comparison, is a quite minor concern.

..YEAH,tell that to the poor slob that really wanted one of these mugs, and now will have to pay out the nose cause he lives in europe or somewhere....i'm sure he will feel quite consoled....

I just hope that Bamboo Ben hasn't made six visits, and grabbed 12 of the mugs, to go along with that 12 pack of Budweiser he purchased.

...and good for ben, too!!

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2007-05-14 04:53 ]

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2007-05-14 04:57 ]

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2007-05-14 05:02 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 05/14/2007

On 2007-05-13 21:24, ikitnrev wrote:

I just hope that Bamboo Ben hasn't made six visits, and grabbed 12 of the mugs, to go along with that 12 pack of Budweiser he purchased.


[ Edited by: ikitnrev 2007-05-14 05:22 ]


18 packs are a better deal!

FreddieBallsomic posted on 05/14/2007

Yo, RBB!If you do happen to have 12...I'll take one and cover 2, 18 pks. :wink:

Tiki Kaimuki posted on 05/14/2007

On 2007-05-14 08:48, RevBambooBen wrote:

On 2007-05-13 21:24, ikitnrev wrote:

I just hope that Bamboo Ben hasn't made six visits, and grabbed 12 of the mugs, to go along with that 12 pack of Budweiser he purchased.


[ Edited by: ikitnrev 2007-05-14 05:22 ]


18 packs are a better deal!

C,mon Ben, any good boozer knows that the 30 pack is the way to go. It also makes a nice stool.

Basement Kahuna posted on 05/14/2007

Nice! Go OA! Go Danny!

sporkboyofjustice posted on 05/14/2007

That is one fine looking mug. It has a very old school quality to it that makes me feel warm inside. I grew up in Whittier and never knew about OA until I moved away. When I do get the chance to OA there is just so much history there, it just feels good to be there. Somehow this mug has captured some of that and looking at the picture brings some of that feeling to me. Hopefully I'll be able to get a family member to pick one up for me and I'll be able to hold one in my hands.

I had wondered what kind of mug could do OA justice and everyone involved pulled it off quite nicely. Congrats to Bob and Leroy (and everyone at OA) on 50 years.

PS: Beer comes in 30 packs?

[ Edited by: sporkboyofjustice 2007-05-14 12:35 ]

midnite posted on 05/14/2007

*MakeDaMug wrote:
"What if you've got $50 to spend & you only want the mug."

Ask, and ye shall...how does the rest of that go? Receive? I say we kick. No, that's football. "Ye", that sounds Chinese. Maybe something to do with checkers? Ping Pong?

Tipsy, you're crazy, man...crazy!

!%#@* it, Dude, let's go bowling.

Tikisgrl posted on 05/14/2007

Which brings us back to our original point. How do us nice but geographically challenged folks get one of these cool mugs?

If anyone wants to help me I would be very grateful and would be happy to trade some east coast swag or some other stuff I might have extras of?



Tipsy McStagger posted on 05/14/2007

from what i understand, after i made a phone call since i wasn't really getting a straight answer here, was that oceanic arts is not going to ship any mugs..only sell them over the counter at their store...i was told that that would be tikifarms responsibility somehow...so i guess if anyone in the outer limits can't get to O.A. or have a friend pick you one up, better wait till the farm sends the word....I imagine there will be some sort of announcement down the road after "x" amount of mugs are sold and enough interest has been generated...already they are on ebay and there have been some incidents happen already that i mentioned above....again, not a far fetched scenario.

MauiTiki posted on 05/15/2007

On 2007-05-14 16:11, Tikisgrl wrote:
Which brings us back to our original point. How do us nice but geographically challenged folks get one of these cool mugs?

If anyone is sending their wife and kid in to get a few for us geographically challenged TC friends, let me know I would be happy to pay for the mug and shipping. I'm sure Leroy would understand.

I think the 500 will last a while selling this way even if people do bring their friends and family with them to help get the mugs out to the collectors.

Tiki Diablo posted on 05/15/2007

I got mine today !

RevBambooBen posted on 05/15/2007

The FBI was there today!!

Was chatting with Bob and they

came in and accosted me!!!


" All I was doing was playing Delivery Boy!!!"

Jeez. This is getting crazy!!

All for mugs??

It is a sweet mug though!..................!

and, Bob and LeRoy and OA are da kine!!!!!!!!!!

RevBambooBen posted on 05/15/2007

The FBI was there today!!

Was chatting with Bob and they

came in and accosted me!!!


" All I was doing was playing Delivery Boy!!!"

Jeez. This is getting crazy!!

All for mugs??

It is a sweet mug though!..................!

and, Bob and LeRoy and OA are da kine!!!!!!!!!!

RevBambooBen posted on 05/15/2007

The FBI was there today!!

Was chatting with Bob and they

came in and accosted me!!!


" All I was doing was playing Delivery Boy!!!"

Jeez. This is getting crazy!!

All for mugs??

It is a sweet mug though!..................!

and, Bob and LeRoy and OA are da kine!!!!!!!!!!

RevBambooBen posted on 05/15/2007


MakeDaMug posted on 05/15/2007

On 2007-05-14 22:46, Tiki Diablo wrote:
I got mine today !

LOL! Find somebody to get yours - there's a giant Ohana here in So Cal. Don't rant & dave (I mean rave)- please just get yours soon before they sell out. Is there a "search" function on TC for So Cal members? Please, just figure out a way - I know you can!!


[ Edited by: MakeDaMug 2007-05-15 00:04 ]

croe67 posted on 05/15/2007

I might get to Orange County sometime soon on business, but since that has yet to be confirmed, if someone is willing to pick up a mug for me, that would be GREAT. & if I do get to the area soon, we can meet-up over a Mai Tai for mug delivery..... Anyone interested??? Would be greatly appreciative, as I won't be paying crazy ebay prices.....

& MakeDaMug is absolutely correct!! No point in getting your panties in a wad over this - it's just like many, many collectible mugs that have been issued over the years - they can be a challenge to get, but that's part of the FUN - enjoy it & go along for the ride. All this negative energy shouldn't be generated off of ONE SWEET MUG!!!!

BambooLodge posted on 05/15/2007

On 2007-05-14 23:32, MakeDaMug wrote:

Don't rant & dave (I mean rave)


Now that's frickin' funny!

Tipsy McStagger posted on 05/15/2007

hahhahhhahaaa!! you nutty guys!! glad i can amuse you all....my rants get raves all the time!! hahhaha

...anyway, my mug is on the way!!! whoooohooooo!! there but for the grace and generosity of an awesome fellow t.c. member go I !!! thanks again for pickin one up for me!!!

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2007-05-15 07:57 ]

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2007-05-15 07:58 ]

Rev. Tiki posted on 05/15/2007

Greetings, So Cal Ohana! I really, really, really would like to have an OA mug, but I am stuck in St. Louis for now. If anyone is able and willing to help me secure one mug, I would greatly appreciate it. Please pm me. Many Blessings! Mahalo, Rev. Tiki

Hiphipahula posted on 05/15/2007
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