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Trade: Transformers for Tiki's

Pages: 1 4 replies

Rorysm posted on 04/16/2003

Hi. I'm new to Tiki collecting and I'm a lowely teacher, so spending cash is not much of an option. Anyway, I'd be interested in trading off some of the only valuable stuff I own... Transformers (not the electrical king, I'm talking about the toy robots from the 1980's). I'm hoping there's enough of you from my generation to give a rat's butt about transformers to trade (actually, I once was hoping that my generation would uprise and overthrough the government and make transformers our new currency--but I'll settle for some cool tiki mugs/carvings/etc...).

If there are some interested people, just reply and then I'll post a list of transformers I'll trade and you can make some offers.

hula hula posted on 04/16/2003

OOOOOhhhhh , i love transformers,send me a list Ventura_dj@yahoo.com actually I had nearly all the first and 2nd gen. stuff, but sold it on ebay for an emergancy. Anyways, I still need the reissue prime and UM if you got those. Also want x-9 rvage and botcon tm tigertron.

Ok im got stop being geeky now , transform into swanky kool tiki guy.

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 04/16/2003

:music: HulaHula! More than meets the eye :music:

Rorysm posted on 04/17/2003

I'll have to look and see what all I have. I know I have an origional Optimus Prime and it's in good shape(the trailer's back door is broken off, but I have it, and the figure doesn't want to stand up on his own--you have to prop him up). I also have the big city/fortress figure (but I don't think I have any of his accessories), and I have a CRAPLOAD of the figures. It'll probably be best if I just take some pics and post them, then field offers for trade.

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 04/17/2003

Rorysm wrote:
...and I have a CRAPLOAD of the figures.

Is a CRAPLOAD smaller or larger than a truckload? I guess it depends on what you had to eat the night before. :lol:

I had a friend when we were teenagers who considered himself a "butt-man". He'd look at a girl and say "she's cute, but has a crappy butt.." or "wow! nice legs, but she's got a shitty butt..". I'd get grossed out since my cartoon-channel mind literally thinks of a crappy or shitty butt....EWWWWWW.

I figured this was info you guys really wanted to know! :lol:

Good luck on your sales Rorysm!


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