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Know of any tiki publications?

Pages: 1 3 replies

wahine posted on 04/17/2003

Hi everyone!
Just joined. What a cool place.

I'm in the midst of a mad search for any tiki or tiki-related publications that are out there, online or in print. If you've seen anything current besides Tiki News please let me know how I can get my eyes on it.

Thanks muchly.

PolynesianPop posted on 04/17/2003

Aloha Wahine! Welcome to the tribe. Have your tried looking at the book list on this site? Here's a link:


mrsmiley posted on 04/17/2003

The link that Poly Pop listed is great. In my opinion the two most informative (non-drink) resources are Sven's Book of Tiki (an incredible book of images and information) and Otto's Tiki News (a zine). Tiki News hasn't had a new issue in a year or so but Otto does have some back issues and I suggest you email him and buy a copy of each back issue that he has. Otto is always working on a new issue, but he has no idea when it will be published.

mrsmiley posted on 04/17/2003

sORRY, wAHINE---I see that you already knew about Tiki News. Anyone else--you must get Tiki News!!

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