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Tiki Central / General Tiki

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chefgrey2 posted on 04/19/2003

The new show with Julia Louise Dreyfus had Tikis all over it...She was singing in this Tiki Jazz bar...Huge Tikis all over the place!

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 04/19/2003

Yes, I saw it too. Looked alot like OA stuff there. The glass floats did have lights INSIDE of them, as well as lit pufferfish too. It was cool, but would like to have seen the nice effect with the lights dimmed really low. I bet it was all rental stuff. Of course, we all would have loved to be the stagehands that got to take some of the set home with us had the show actually purchased the items.

I knew another TC'er would spot the tikis!


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