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Hale Tiki Decor for sale in Atlanta!!! Pick up on the way to/from Hukilau! Updated 5/30 w/ prices!

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Kanaka posted on 05/29/2007

Due to medical and finnancial reasons I am selling my house and tiki collection. I have a bunch of Hale Tiki decor for sale that I purchased from Brad Owens last year to install in my basement. The house never got finished and I need to get rid of this stuff. I can't find my original sales paperwork so I will accept offers from TCers until I do. If I can't get decent money I'll stick it on ebay. Most of this stuff is impossible for me to ship but you can pick it up on your way to/from the Hukilau this year.

Inventory with new measurements and prices:

1 Basement Kahuna marquesean pole/rail post, 52" tall. (1 is sold) $325 ea.
1 Hale Tiki 7.5' pole. $225
1 Basement Kahuna ships mast rope ladder with pulleys, 9' tall. $150
1 large lobster trap. $80
1 small barrel. $15
Assorted ships pulleys and rigging $25/pulley w/attached rope
1 brass propeller. $25
1 carved Hawaiian style tiki, 41" tall. $150
1 Papau New Guinie mask, 48" tall. $225
1 swordfish club, no broken teeth, amazing! 62" long. $225
1 Basement Kahuna large carved club, handle says "David Wolf First 1", 40" $225
1 small carved fijian style club, 26" long. $50
2 small triagular clubs, $50
1 Basement Kahuna lobster trap light, 68" long. $225
1 Trader Vic's carved outdoor ashtray/planter, 24' tall, $45
1 Long geometric carved club, 45" long. $75
Cool large wicker light fixture w/assorted baskets. $100

First one to claim and pay for item gets it. E-mail me at josephscotthall@yahoo.com.

I can not ship these items at this time but will work with you on this.

If you want to stop by on your way to/from hukilau you can pick and choose what you want.

[ Edited by: Kanaka 2007-05-29 13:03 ]

[ Edited by: Kanaka 2007-05-29 13:07 ]

[ Edited by: kanaka 2007-05-30 05:24 ]

[ Edited by: kanaka 2007-05-30 08:57 ]

Swanky posted on 05/29/2007

The tall pole was carved by Palm Tree Charlie with BK's logo design and torched/finished by BK. The rail posts are BK's work.

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