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Mai Kai in Ormond Beach, FL

Pages: 1 16 replies

Turbogod posted on 04/21/2003

ANyone have any info on this place. Relatives just came back from there today. Stopped by there when their son spotted the Tiki.

donhonyc posted on 04/21/2003


Just checked on-line for a Mai-Kai in Ormond Beach. No dice. You sure they're not mistaking it for the Mai-Kai in Ft. Lauderdale??

TheMuggler posted on 04/21/2003

It is called the Makai, that's why you couldn't find it. Here is the website:


There is a picture of the tiki out front as well as a drawing of the place on the postcard page:


I haven't stayed there, but the only tiki I saw was the one out front.

It's a cool looking hotel, though!


donhonyc posted on 04/21/2003

Hmm....whaddayaknow. Guess there is a Maikai there. Interesting. Looks nice but not heavy enough on the Tiki scale.

JTD posted on 04/21/2003

I'll take a look this weekend and take some pictures. No guarantee on being able to upload them, though. Makes a good excuse for me to check on the Mai Tais at the Tiki/Bubba Gump place in Daytona!

  • JTD
Turbogod posted on 04/21/2003

My relatives took some pics, there appears to be 2 Mai TIki type poles around the back. And a Moai in the front. It is the Makai, I guess the pic was missing 1/2 the name. Here's what I got.

BTW thanks Muggler with hooking me up with St Thomas for the Mugs. Ours should be ready in a few weeks. I will post em up when I get them.

Tacky Techie Tiki Bar

[ Edited by: Turbogod on 2003-04-21 16:46 ]

thejab posted on 04/22/2003

Me and mrsmiley visited the place a year ago and we looked inside the lobby and in the upstairs room but no tikis inside.

The nearby Julian's restaurant is worth a visit. Great a-frame building steakhouse with intact 1967 decor of zigzag striped walls with illuminated masks. Sort of polynesian/jungle atmosphere with a supper club feel. It's north of the Makai on the main drag. Good food (the steaks were tasty) and super nice staff. Piano entertainment from high above the semicircle bar.

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 04/23/2003


Thanks for mentioning Julian's! I had no idea it still existed, and I know it only from the paper items I've collected. Do you know if they still had the painted mural inside?

Here's a menu cover and postcard. I have a matchbook as well, but it's very similar.

"JULIAN'S Dining Room & Lounge. 88 South Atlantic Avenue, Ormond Beach, Florida. Specializing in Prime Beef - Chops - Seafood - Chicken - Charcoal Broiled Steaks - COCKTAIL LOUNGE & DINING ROOM - 2 Private Dining Rooms for business & private parties. Entertainment Nightly - 4:00 PM to 2:00 AM daily including Sundays. Plenty of FREE parking at the Door. Julian Lopez - Owner-Manager."

Do you know if it was called anything else before "Julian's"?


thejab posted on 04/23/2003

As I recall all the decor was intact. I asked for matches because all I saw were plain ones on the counter. The very nice hostess went in the back and got beautiful vintage matches and gave them to me!

I'll post some pictures I took tonight if I can find them.

thejab posted on 04/23/2003

I looked for their web site because I recall they had a history page but it appears to be down. Not a good sign.


thejab posted on 04/24/2003

Here's some pics taken in January 2002 of Julian's:

Here's mrsmiley in front of the Makai motel:

thejab posted on 04/24/2003

My pictures don't show the mural but I think it was there still as most of the place was intact as you can see from the pictures.

Now I'm seriously worried because I called their phone number and a recording said the number is no longer is a valid number.

Kailuageoff or other Florida TC'ers - please tell me Julian's ain't closed!

JTD posted on 04/26/2003

Jab, et al,
I was at Julian's 2 and a half hours ago and it s alive and well - beautiful mural intact.
Between Julian's and the Makai is a motel called the Outrigger that had Tikis on the support pillars holding up the place. They'd been whitewashed and there were no other Tikis in sight outside. Did not venture inside as was running late.

purple jade posted on 04/27/2003

What are those illuminated masks made out of?

(WWTD...I like that!)

thejab posted on 04/27/2003

On 2003-04-26 16:48, JTD wrote:
Jab, et al,
I was at Julian's 2 and a half hours ago and it s alive and well - beautiful mural intact.

Thank you! I'm relieved. Perhaps the area code has changed (it's 904 on the matches) and that's why the phone # didn't work.

JTD posted on 04/27/2003


On 2003-04-26 20:14, purple jade wrote:
What are those illuminated masks made out of?

The masks are heavy duty plastic. The coloring seems to be in the plastic as the ones outside were somewhat faded :(, but not peeling.

  • JTD
purple jade posted on 04/28/2003

Thanks JTD~
That's what I thought. Obviously, would have been cooler if they were glass or porcelain, but, oh well...

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