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New England Tikiphile Events

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I feel ya Scottes. I took Thursday off. Priorities. :)

No shows in Mass until the Tiki Tour.

There's Block Island on June 12th (love the Block...nothing like cocktails on the ferry at 9 am!!) but thats a Tuesday....perhaps another day off is in order?


June 12th is just after my vacation ends. Are they playing anywhere the first week of June? I need to make a rum run throughout CT anyway...

On 2007-05-22 19:51, Scottes wrote:
Are they playing anywhere the first week of June? I need to make a rum run throughout CT anyway...

Sorry, nothing on the booksbetween the Hukilau/Block Island week and the CD release. Actually, other than a couple of private parties and the Bus Tour, there really is very little on the books for the rest of the year. We have been kicking around the possiblity of another webcast gig.

Once we get through this next month or so, we will be contemplating our next moves. Stay tuned!

bargoyle at hi-lo in parking lot. posting from palm pc.

waitiki show..fan-friggin-tastic as usual.

new album is great. 2nd listen here in car..

ok, bargoyle sleep now...drive later.


Great Show!!!

CD is Fantastic! I also listened twice.

Pictures to follow (if they're not too blurry)

Bargoyle, YOU are hilarious! You need to tow an Airstream for nights like this.

yawn what time is it?
Oh crap! gotta got to work

Man, how about that sumo wrestler? I'd say he stole the show, until the belly dancers sashayed out. Unbelievable.

back to work for me...

P.S. Great meeting you guys last night! That place is ace as well.


Bargoyle is alive & well (ok...maybe not "well"...alive & hungover?).

Took alitle nap at the Hi-Lo and then drove back this morning, racing the sunrise. I think the sun won.

Great time last night.

Nice to meet some new faces, and hang with the rest of ya again.

Waitiki just keeps getting better & better.

Anyone else give the album a good listen yet? Lovin it!

ok, need about 20cc's more of sleep...Stat!!

g'nite...morning...afternoon...whatever... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

[ Edited by: Bargoyle 2007-05-24 08:36 ]


Man did I get Boston Sidecar'd last night. My head is still banging. Great suggestion on the drink Bargoyle.

Well I'm glad we all got home safely. What a show! WAITIKI just never disappoints. I was able to get one listen to the CD on the way home and loved it. Another great work from the guys from Okonkuluku.

Back to telecommuting :)

Thanks to all who made the trek, whose sleep patterns took the hit for the team, who braved the maze of Boston traffic to get to Jamaica Plain for the celebration of the release of our new brainchild. It really REALLY would've sucked without you!

I had a blast but you're right about the traffic. I was UTTERLY lost going home. I just drove and drove and drove... Then,(I swear this is true) I finally saw one landmark I knew--the Tahiti in DEDHAM!

Tim, I love the new album. Everybody should buy it.


On 2007-05-24 11:41, pappythesailor wrote:
I was UTTERLY lost going home.

What? My drunken babbling directions didnt get you home nice & easy? heh heh

Sorry about that.

Here are some pictures from Waitiki's great night!
(Excuse the poor photography)

[ Edited by: The Granite Tiki 2007-05-26 15:09 ]


Awesome pics Granite!!

But who's that rediculously drunk fat guy in the red shir.......oh....uh...


Nice ratio of belly dancers/sumo guy/drunks. Just what you want to see!


hey boyz

i just saw the posts on here about the Makaha in Acton MA -a friend mentioned they had drinks. is this a waste of a time for WAITIKI to visit and experience?

mr ho


I eat at the Makaha every week. There's something about mediocre Chinese food that I love....

But there's not a lot of Tiki there. And with our luck Waitiki would play on some day that Makaha lost it's liquor license for the Nth time.

Don't get me wrong - I like Makaha and eat there every week. But they don't strike me as a place for Waitiki. (Though I've never been there at night, only for lunch.)

I'd rather see Waitiki at New Tiki - at least they have a stage, and they're trying.


Hey Mr Ho,

almost any tiki bar is worth an excursion. This one may be a bit of a disapointment after places like the Mai Kai & the Kowloon, but its something (and thats better than nothing).

As far as playing there, I'm with Scottes.

What we need is a way to get the 80's band off the stage at the Kowloon...have you guys play on the boat....

[ Edited by: Bargoyle 2007-05-30 15:03 ]

The Makaha is as tiki as Wendy's. Not to take away from the food which was OK by my reckoning.


A little off-topic, since it's definitely not Tiki in any way, but are any of you New Englanders into photography? If so, do you have any interest in a photographic cruise of Boston Harbor and the Charles on a 63-foot yacht?

If so, send me a PM so this forum doesn't get cluttered with non-Tiki cruft (like this post).


Ok, since Scottes started it, Im going further off topic.

A really good friend of mine is on the new Fox show "On The Lot" (She's actually the wife of a good friend of mine, but she's a good friend too).

SOme of you may have met her at past parties I've had. Her name is Hilary Graham, and she's one cool kitten.

Watch the show (mondays I think) and then vote for her like 300 times.


I remember her. Yep. I remember her.



Ya do?


i just happened to see her film, and recognized the bus driver as Boston jazz vocalist Ron Murphy! Imagine that!!!!


And the guy at the end...the jogger, thats her husband, Andy.

Nice folks. I hope they win (or go far enough to get noticed)


Aloha all!

I'm going to be at the Kowloon on Tuesday night (the 5th) if anyone wants to join me. Post here or pm me.


I'm in. I have Wednesday off. When will you be there?


I wish I knew. I went last Thursday.


Change of plans folks. Looks like I'm not gonna make the Kowloon tmrw afterall. Sorry.

Someday soon though, I promise.

Perhaps a June meeting of the NE Ohana at Kowloon is in order?

I'm thinking Saturday, the 30th. That work for everyone?

[ Edited by: Bargoyle 2007-06-04 13:25 ]


Ok, that went over big...

hello? Is this thing on? Damn interweb.

Ok, I got a different idea. This one is NOT for the timid. A new place to check out.

Definately neuvo tiki, but who knows until you go....

and get this...its in Connecticut. Yup, we're a state thats on the move baby!!!

Anyone interested in an expedition into deepest darkest New Haven/Stamford?

Also the place right up the road from me is open but they dont have a liquor license yet, so I'll wait on that trip. I mean, if I'm going to a place thats stumbling distance from my house, I certainly intend on Stumbling.....home.....or at least sleeping in my car in the parking lot.

[ Edited by: Bargoyle 2007-06-05 14:31 ]

When I go out too much, I get "the look". If I go out too much with you, YOU'll get "the look"...


For those not going to HuKiLau and without anything to do this Saturday, the 16th, we're having a Pig Roast for Jess' birthday.

Not really a tiki event (its not our usual Luau), but the Lono Lounge WILL be open and the pinball machines are set to free play......oh, and we'll have a 25 foot slip n' slide....plus the usual wackiness that makes up a Bargoyle party :wink:

Anyone interested, PM me.


Hey Bargoyle - I'm up for something on the 30th. It's my birthday so I've got to get out that night. Any chance on doing something closer? Been to Ho Kong in Woonsocket yet?


Will definately take you out to the Ho Kong for your Bday Johnman!

Count on it.

On 2007-06-05 14:41, pappythesailor wrote:
When I go out too much, I get "the look". If I go out too much with you, YOU'll get "the look"...

Pappy, I dont think its the frequency of the times we go out...its more the condition I leave ya in when I deliver you back to the missus.

"uhhh, yeah....hey....I left your husband propped against your front door, so be careful when you open it, ok? Soooooooooo, good seeing ya again...bye" lol

Big day in August. Tell her its just training for the Tour. Need to get that liver good & stretched out.

Anyone else in for Johnman's bday on the 30th?

I might be in for the 30th.
It depends on a bunch of factors, but I will be looking for some relief after having a big event on the 28th.



I can't promise, but I would love to be there. I won't know for a while - I'm supposed to meet a group of folks in Newport the next morning, but it's looking like it might get canceled. So I'll try.


Awesome - there will be tiki on my bday!! I just got my in-laws to watch the kids so both Miss and I will be going on June 30th. Looking forward to seeing you again Bargoyle. This time I get to take the drunken bafoon role. I'll do it know justice as you are truly the master.

Anyone else wanna join in? Pappy? Looks like a maybe from Scottes and SBiM. Ho Kong is definitely worth a visit. Pappy and I went there a couple of years ago and were pleased with the place. No Mai Kai of course but decent for a RI establishment.

I think I'm in.


On 2007-06-14 19:35, johnman wrote:
This time I get to take the drunken bafoon role. I'll do it no justice as you are truly the master.

Johnman, I'm sure you'll do fine. The torch is safe in your hands. I remember seeing ya leave the Lono once or twice feeling no pain. Dunno if you remember, but I do. You've just been crafty enough to not get caught on film yet.

Oh, and the 30th is thunderlips bday too! Maybe we can get a tiki b-day two-fer?

[ Edited by: Bargoyle 2007-06-19 12:11 ]


Oh yes - I kinda remember leaving the Lono a couple of times. That place gets me in trouble all the time though! So I probably won't get "Lono drunk" at the Ho Kong - maybe 3/4 Lono.

Thunderlips is a 6/30 baby too? Sweet man - you must join in the festivities!

I will be there!

Unless somebody surprises me with birthday plane tickets to Bora-Bora.

Chances are that won't happen though.

I'll probably get a set of drill bits or something.


Hey Thunderlips I picked up some drill bits made in Bora Bora for you. Does that count??

Hey what time do you guys want to get things started at the Ho Kong? 7 sound good?

OK. 7:00


7:00 works for me. (PM right?)

And what does everybody want for presents? Besides Bora-Boran drill bits, of course.

Rum? Do I hear rum? Its the gift that keeps on giving! Fun for the whole family!

I want a big tiki. also rum.

If it counts for anything - Im a 6/20 bday boy. Proud to say I spent my B-day dinner at the Polynesian Village in Disney world sippin Mai Tais at the bar, after spending the day riding POTC, and searching for Elizabeth Swann! No go on the Elizabeth Swann, but found plenty of polynesian/spirit. Oh yeah, sat in on the lame excuse for the enchanted tiki room show too!

Happy B-day Jess, Johnman and Thunderlips!

Happy belated to you to Jon!! Jess & will be at Disney end of next week (July 6th-15th) I dont know if we'll do the ETR again. It pains me to watch that horrible show....then again, it IS indoor and air-conditioned...and hey, 7 minutes of Gilbert Gotfried singing...could be worse I suppose....could be nails running down a chalkboard or something. :) Oh, and Mr. Bean singing about shaking that conga...nothing more tiki than that! lol

[ Edited by: Bargoyle 2007-06-27 13:02 ]

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