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Omaha's Mt. Fuji Inn & Shag Vodka Bar

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I, Zombie posted on 05/24/2007

Hello all,

Traveling to Omaha this weekend. I'm curious about the Mt. Fuji Inn. There was one comment here on TC from tikibars that was not too encouraging, but it was from awhile ago. Curious if any one has any additional info. The menu seems pretty good and the Mai Tai Lounge also sounds interesting:


Also, has anyone alerted SHAG to what's going on at the Shag vodka bar in Omaha? http://www.shagavodkabar.com/index2.html

Any other tiki info about Omaha would be appreciated. Thanks.


MrBaliHai posted on 06/02/2007

Too late for your weekend trip unfortunately, but here's an interesting review of the Mt. Fuji Inn at The Bottle Gang weblog.

I looked all over that Shag cocktail bar site looking for some kind of acknowledgment of Shag, but no. Blatant ripoff. Josh has a clear case against them if he wants it.


I, Zombie posted on 06/04/2007

Mr Bali Hai,

Thanks for the blog link... I like their review of the Mt Fuji Inn -- very accruate. We found the place to be interesting. Not a great tiki bar, but not completely terrible either. We went on a Friday night, and it was crowded with youngsters trying to consume as many sweet, cheap drinks as fast as they possibly could. What can you say? Nice enough crowd, but not very interested in tiki -- at least it didn't seem that way. It might be fun to go on an "off night" and talk to the bartender who's worked there awhile. Maybe getting a little of the "inside story" would make the experience more complete.

We'll be making one more trip to Omaha over the summer. I'll make note of some of the other places they mention.

Oh, and Suffering Bastard, it IS a complete rip-off situation going on at that vodka Shag bar. BUT not only that, the place is a sort of alternative evil-universe version of a tiki bar. Awful rock music, lots of TVs, phony shags, people (though friendly) clearly not interested in tiki, and VODKA. Good God. Really only good for the WEIRDNESS of the experience, though truth be told, the drinks were pretty good.

-I, Zombie

[ Edited by: I, Zombie 2007-06-03 21:05 ]

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