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WAITIKI - New album is here! Info on 5/23 CD release party, Tampa tour coverage

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waitiki posted on 05/15/2007
pablus posted on 05/15/2007


What a great time at the grand opening of the newly-named Rusty Key; reborn in honor of our mana-filled brother, Rustiki.

We listened to the as yet unreleased Waitiki CD.
It's sure to win more awards for the guys and will be a treasured part of many music collections.

Awesome job to everyone involved in the recording!
And some killer artwork and photography as well.

[ Edited by: pablus 2007-05-15 13:08 ]

Mr. Ho posted on 05/16/2007

even more photos at http://www.flickr.com/photos/8325980@N04/sets/72157600219685842 from WAITIKI's trip to Tampa this last weekend!

kikekeki posted on 05/16/2007

Man! was I sorry I had to miss the shows at both Skipper's and Tropical Heatwave :cry:
I'm looking forward to the CD!
Come back to Tampa Bay!!!

waitiki posted on 05/20/2007

For all the TC Ohana out there, this is actually the Rusty Key and some of Pablus' mug collection that you are seeing in this flyer :wink:

Exotic Tiki Entertainment of Polynesia and Beyond


[ Edited by: waitiki 2007-05-19 22:30 ]

waitiki posted on 05/22/2007

A preview of the artwork coming out on 12"!

(larger: http://waitiki.com/graphics/vinyl_coverandback_realsize_72dpi.jpg )

Hope to see some TC folks at the CD Release tomorrow night!


pappythesailor posted on 05/22/2007

That looks SWEET! I'll be there. C'mon, TCers. Who else is going???

The Granite Tiki posted on 05/22/2007

I'm pretty sure I'll be there as well!

johnman posted on 05/23/2007

Very nice work on the album art. It already looks like a classic. See you tomorrow night!!!

Bargoyle posted on 05/23/2007

Nice! I've got one album frame left, and now I know what LP is gonna be mounted & hung in the Lono Lounge.

See everyone tmrw night.

Thunderlips posted on 05/23/2007

This show is special to me for a couple reasons.

WAITIKI rules, number one.

Second, I grew up in Jamaica Plain back in the 80s
when the Milky Way Lounge was still a reg'lar old bowling alley
and their game room was the closest thing we had to an arcade.
School was right down the street so at 02:30 every day

Now I get to go back to the old neighborhood and see one of my favorite
bands and to top it off, BOOZE!

Basement Kahuna posted on 06/01/2007

That's a set at Hukilau I won't be missing! The sign was an honor I wasn't worthy of making...I just hope it lives up.

pablus posted on 06/01/2007

My cousin, Sneasle, who is a 30 year vet of the sign industry and a very close friend of Rusty took one look at that Rusty Key sign and grunted... then said "excellent."

That's like me writing a novel about it.
Mahalo again for that, man. I think he would have liked it big time. I know I do.

Yeah, you can't miss the Waitiki set at Hukilau.
They've got a song about Rum Barrels. And so do we.

rugbymatt posted on 06/04/2007

Hey I'm going to be in the Tampa area at a conference all this coming week (Tues - Sat). Any local Ohana want to rescue me from the Gaylord Palm resort and show me the tiki scene down there? Just wish the timing would have been better to catch Waitiki.

pablus posted on 06/04/2007

Check your pm, matt.

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