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Apartment Tiki Pix

Pages: 1 4 replies

bongofury posted on 04/17/2003


SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 04/17/2003

Ummm....ok, I'll bite...

Name of the place?
City & State?
Your personal decoration or the Apartment Complex's?
Know who carved them by chance?

Ha! It's funny that we usually get all the written info and no pictures. This is one is the other way around! :lol:

Thanks for the pix, BongoFury!

Lake Surfer posted on 04/19/2003

I like the last one the best... very detailed...
It has moais in its eyes...

tikifille posted on 04/19/2003

The Kona Pali in Northridge, CA had all their tikis painted that green enamel color when I was there (2 yrs. ago). But I don't remember any of these. I wonder if the same owner owns a string of these. Is it the Kona Kai near Bahooka that's the sister of the Kona Pali? Are your pics from Ventura?

bongofury posted on 04/23/2003

SugarDaddy...Tikifille...posted those as we were heading out the door to Vegas...And the answer is....


Natives by entry are gone.

Manager did NOT want to let me in for pix but relented and gave me 2 minutes.

Tikifille was right....Kona Pali loves green...had better luck getting in, put on the tool belt and they thought I was working there...I was...TC!!!

BOT 222/223


[ Edited by: bongofury on 2003-04-22 22:46 ]

Pages: 1 4 replies