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Phoenix June 23rd Trader Vic's

Pages: 1 3 replies

MustDangSally posted on 06/08/2007

[ Edited by: MustDangSally 2007-06-22 09:21 ]

Jungle Trader posted on 06/09/2007

I'll get out there one of these daze. Can't make it on this date though. SHOOTZ.

WooHooWahine posted on 06/11/2007

While you are in the Scottsdale area make sure you check out Drift too. :)

[ Edited by: woohoowahine 2007-06-10 21:21 ]


Greetings friend. We have just been transplanted to the Phoenix area from Seattle. While I will actually be home visiting on the 23rd, I hope that my cute husband Matt will make it...Mahalo for the invite!

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