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Chick Hall's Surf Club - 5 bands and more!!

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skeeter posted on 05/29/2007

Saturday, June 16th
at Chick Hall's Surf Club
4711 Kenilworth Ave
Bladensburg, MD

5 - Bands
Ottley (Garage feat. Martha Hull and Marshall Keith of the Slickee Boys)
The Tritons - Barritone surf!!
Reverb Galaxy - Surf from another planet
Atomic Mosquitos - Surf/instro with a theremin
Robert Lighthouse - Blues

But wait, there's more:
Drink special of the night will be the Mai Tai (made with Dave and Anna's Mai Tai mix. Former owners of the Honolulu Restaurant) http://www.time2tiki.com

Monster Art show. Stephen Blickenstaff and John Detrich will be on hand merching out some of their killer monster art work.

And speaking of monster art, check out the poster by John Detrich!!
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All that, for a one time payment of $15!!

[ Edited by: skeeter 2007-05-29 09:15 ]

B Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/eb25c2d253b411234424099865b089d2?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
bigtikidude posted on 05/29/2007

cool flyer, sounds like a great show.
rock on.


skeeter posted on 06/13/2007

This weekend... :drink: :D

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