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Tiki Central / Tiki Music

Hawaiian Music @ Cylinder Preservation and Digitization Project

Pages: 1 4 replies

Atomic Cocktail posted on 06/12/2007

For your aficionado of early Hawaiian music much of the collection at the Library of The University of California at Santa Barbara is now accessible on-line as part of the Cylinder Preservation and Digitization Project.

Also of interest is the Glockenspiel collection.

Please listen and enjoy safely.

Your Pal,
Atomic Cocktail

[ Edited by: Atomic Cocktail 2007-06-12 16:42 ]

pablus posted on 06/13/2007

Awesome link.
They've also got uncompressed audio files in there.


"Obrien is tryin to learn to talk Hawaiian."

Never even heard of that one until tonight.

Mahalo, Mr. Cocktail.

weirduncletiki posted on 06/13/2007

Great resource. Thanks, A. Cocktail.

-Weird Unc

pablus posted on 06/13/2007

Hey Iuka, I claim dibs on that Irish/Hawaiian blend.


weirduncletiki posted on 06/14/2007

It's all yours, Pablus... but you'll probably have to leg-wrestle King Kukulele for it.

-Weird Unc

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