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C.P.R.'s carvings- Aumakua p.23/ PNG p.28/ / Big Hawaiian DONE! (11/29 p.34)

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tikifreak1 posted on 06/15/2007

My name is Craig and I wish I could change my user name but it looks like I'm stuck with it.!!!

[ Edited by: tikifreak1 2008-11-29 13:57 ]

McTiki posted on 06/15/2007

Good luck!

Post pics! (often)



tikifreak1 posted on 06/15/2007

Will do!! Thanks McTiki! I just bought some Greenwood end sealer to help dry out my log better to prevent cracking. The sales person said it could take up to two months. Do I really have to wait that long??? Any tips and advice would be greatly appreciated. These forums are great, but everybody has there own methods and techniques and I can't make up my mind what to go with.


Benzart posted on 06/15/2007

Just Jump right in and start carving. First, post pictures of the log so we can find out what kind of wood it is, then crank up the tools and remember to take progress shots every day so we can see whats going on and offer any help where needed.
Oh, and HURRY!

tikifreak1 posted on 06/16/2007

About 22"x12" Now I just need tools and I'm ready to roll!

congatiki posted on 06/16/2007

Get off the danged computer and start whackin' into that thing...go! Get going...find
out what day it is from GMan and we'll give you 24 hours.

GMAN posted on 06/16/2007


Gman says it is Saturday, and we want to see some progress pics by Sunday. As Conga said, you better get swinging. Grab what tools you do have and lay into that log hard. I see a nice little Tang in that log....what do you see? Time to show us what you see......


McTiki posted on 06/16/2007

looks like F'n Oak!

I'll give em til Sunday evnening for progress pics.



McTiki posted on 06/16/2007

[ Edited by: McTiki 2007-06-16 06:27 ]

tikifreak1 posted on 06/16/2007

Thanks for pushing me guys!!! It's midnight here in VA and I just finished debarking. GMAN said to use whatever I had so I used a paint scraper and surprisingly worked pretty well!! I have no carving tools yet cause I thought the log would have to sit for a while, but I'm going to get on it! Thanks again!

RevBambooBen posted on 06/16/2007

A paint scraper??



GMAN posted on 06/16/2007

Paint scraper = my kinda carver. Excellent! I'm a big fan of using the wrong tool for the right job. Just be careful and don't cut your arms off (wear leather gloves). Is there somewhere local where you can buy a few gouges or flat chisels and a carving mallet? Before you get too deep into it, read the "Safety Thread" and "The Tools Carvers Use Thread" in the Carving Forum. They should help guide you a little.

Have fun and post pics. What is the subject gonna be?


GMAN posted on 06/16/2007

If the 4 piece flexcut is the large sculpture set (MC-175) grab it. That is what you will need to get going. How much do they want for it? I paid like 99 bucks for mine I think. Are you sure you don't wanna make a Tang out of that log?


tikifreak1 posted on 06/16/2007

GMAN, this is the set @ my local WOODCRAFT store, I checked the online store too and didn't see them. I'll do a search for the set you are talking about. Do you think these are to small to start out? Ohhh yeah, and I don't know what a Tang is. The only kind I know by name is the Moai. Thanks man, all of you have been a great help!

[ Edited by: tikifreak1 2007-06-16 07:52 ]

GMAN posted on 06/16/2007

Hey Craig,

Those Flexcuts could be useful I'm sure, but if I were you I would pass on them for now and spend my money on a good set of 10" mallet tools like the MC-175 set. You can order it from Mountain Heritage Crafters at a very good price. I believe they are in VA as well. If you can't find them on the net send me a PM and I'll shoot you a link.



[ Edited by: GMAN 2007-06-16 15:52 ]

tikifreak1 posted on 06/16/2007

[ Edited by: tikifreak1 2007-06-18 07:18 ]

GMAN posted on 06/16/2007


As you go you will find how much room to leave in between your lines to allow you to carve. What works in drawings rarely works in a carving unless you plan ahead for your cuts. I try to do as little drawing as possible and choose to work the piece out of the wood - but that might not work for you. Try starting with a good idea of what you want him to look like, a good picture on paper, and then start working him out of the wood with guidelines on the log as you need him. Get a center line to help with your symmetry and other lines to line up the eyes and other features.



[ Edited by: GMAN 2007-06-16 15:44 ]

tikifreak1 posted on 06/16/2007

Okay, good call!!!

GMAN posted on 06/18/2007

yep :)

GMAN posted on 07/03/2007

Hey Craig,

How goes the fight? We're waiting on some progress....have you been able to start?


tikifreak1 posted on 07/06/2007

Hey Gman, I ordered the MC175 set from mountain heritage that you recommended last Friday. I called yesterday to check on the status and they were out of stock and Flexcut takes the whole week off for the 4th every year, so I have to wait a little longer. I didn't give up!! I really can't wait to get started!!!

GMAN posted on 07/06/2007


McTiki posted on 07/07/2007

..........cricket noises......

tikifreak1 posted on 07/07/2007

It's begun!!! Thanks Greentikipat for the reference. Gman (help/advise)

tikifreak1 posted on 07/08/2007

Taking a break! Here is some progress if that's what you want to call it!

tikifreak1 posted on 07/08/2007

I think I F'ed up!!! I put his ears to far back and now the backside looks funny!

tikifreak1 posted on 07/08/2007

changed up the ears a little bit. working on rounding out the head and back. I just noticed I forgot his lower legs too, hopefully I can still work them in????

tikifreak1 posted on 07/08/2007

GMAN posted on 07/09/2007

Hey Craig, nice start. Keep thinking and trying to work it out. You'll be fine. Cut in deeper and start to think of the carving as a series of layers. The more layers and transitions to layers, the more interesting and appealing it will be. Think and experiment - then repeat!


tikifreak1 posted on 07/09/2007

Had a couple of minutes after work so I started to go a little deeper on the left side and worked on the legs! Gman are the flexcuts going to be easier to use then the bench chisels I'm using now???

GMAN posted on 07/10/2007

Yeah mate, the Flexcuts will help you a bunch. Keep diggin', thinkin', and chippin'.....


tikifreak1 posted on 07/11/2007

I think I'm starting to see him. Still have a lot more work! Not even close to being done.

McTiki posted on 07/11/2007

Very cool carve!



GMAN posted on 07/11/2007

Yeah man, you have a great start there. Keep picking at him, he's only going to get better! Sweet!


tikifreak1 posted on 07/11/2007

Thanks guys!!! GMAN I am glad you had me do this style as my first carve. I am learning a lot. A lot of trouble shooting too though! I don't know if it really looks right but I'm trying.

Thanks again


Benzart posted on 07/11/2007

YES< I think we are All just about to See him and he's Looking Very Good!

tikifreak1 posted on 07/11/2007

Thanks Benz!!! I actually just got your "Malicious" mug from tiki farm yesterday! It's awesome. Next is vicious, then hopefully some of your carvings, and GMANs and other when I can afford it!

tikifreak1 posted on 07/13/2007

GMAN, is this what you are talking about???

GMAN posted on 07/13/2007

Yep. You covered in dust yet?


tikifreak1 posted on 07/14/2007

Some progress smoothing things out!

And yes GMAN I got dusty!

[ Edited by: tikifreak1 2007-07-16 06:53 ]

GMAN posted on 07/14/2007

Yeah man, looking good. I'm glad you added some more gear to your toolbox. Those Flexcuts and the grinder are going to turn you into a machine. Get out and start reviewing as many pics of Tangs as you can and then see where/what you want to refine next. Keep pushing, digging, and most importantly - thinking. The further you take this guy the better he'll be and the more you will learn/figure out.


tikifreak1 posted on 07/14/2007

Thanks man!! I'm still not close to being done, he still looks like a log to me. I don't think I'm going to use my bench chisels any more on this guy. My flexcuts should be here sometime next week???? So I'm going to attempt to round out his head and back more until I get them.

[ Edited by: tikifreak1 2007-07-14 07:15 ]

tikifreak1 posted on 07/14/2007

Ohhhh yeah, Gman that angle grinder is awesome!!! Greentikipat if you're out there, you are amazing! You make your carving look so easy.


[ Edited by: tikifreak1 2007-07-14 07:15 ]

Benzart posted on 07/15/2007

TikiFreak, Looking Great. Looks like you are off to a great start and on the right foot too,just ONE Thing; WHERES the DUST MASK? You can't stir up that much dust without eating a ton of it. While it may not bother you today, Later down the road it will make you suffer.
Keep up the great work.

insanetikiers posted on 07/15/2007

man, where you at in virginia? us tiki lovers are a rare bunch here in tha commonwealth. we're from roanoke. not too much tiki here. carving is lookin great! keep it up.

tikifreak1 posted on 07/15/2007

Hey thanks, I live in Woodbridge (not to far from D.C.). I don't think you're to far from me, but not real close either??? Maybe we can meet up some day??? Your stuff is looking cool too!


insanetikiers posted on 07/15/2007

cool man. we bout three hours southwest from ya. we'll have to get together sometime & talk tiki.stay cool& keep tha chips flyin.

tikifreak1 posted on 07/17/2007

I know I need to shave the top of his head more, it looks like he has elephantitis!

Does anyone have any suggestions how to fix his legs??? (I didn't plan too good and the cuts are really tight!

Any suggestions on what to do on the backside of his legs??? Should I try to cut all the way through to the front?
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And finally my tools came! 30 oz. mallet is no good for my weak little arms though!
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