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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Gman vs Wild - Page 1; Kotiate Warrior 183; BoatMan 184; Gman Lizard Dance 190; Screamer 193

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GMAN posted on 06/01/2007


Here are a few update pics of the little figure carving. We have a tropical storm heading our way, Barry I think, and it is gonna be rainy so I imagine I'll chip on this guy tonight and tomorrow.

Thanks for stopping by,


Tikisgrl posted on 06/02/2007

Looking forward to seeing the next installment in the tiki carve.

And as always, thanks for the laugh!! Your photo's never fail to crack me up with the interesting angles and carving placements! Although, I don't think you've shown us the lap tiki before?



TravelingJones posted on 06/02/2007



Benzart posted on 06/02/2007

Lap tiki huh :) :) :). Did you do much to him today? I looked at page 116 and then at page 116 and didn't see ANY Difference at all. Must be sumthin in the water. I Did finally get to the Previous page and saw a bit of a days work. He's headed for greatness think!.

GMAN posted on 06/02/2007

Thanks guys. Yeah Ben, actually a quite a few hours in there. Sorry you couldn't see the changes. There are many....and a few that took some thinking.

Here are some pics from this afternoon. More to come....


Tamapoutini posted on 06/02/2007

On 2007-06-01 16:50, GMAN wrote:
Here are a few update pics of the little figure carving. We have a tropical storm heading our way, Barry I think, and it is gonna be rainy so I imagine I'll chip on this guy tonight and tomorrow.

You mean he'll be born in a cross-fire Hurricane? In the howling wind & pouring rain?? What a gas! :lol:

Another small work of brilliance coming I see - Love the patterning on his lips & he also seems to have a very serene facial expression at this stage. I am very interested to watch these little guys happening at the moment as Im desperate to push my knowledge of full 3-D figures. On a much smaller scale of course, but I really dont think there's a difference. Its all about understanding the form right? You got it. I want it. I hate you, too. :lol: colon :wink: (maybe we should each carve a 'green-eyed Monster' & swap?) :lol:


GMAN posted on 06/02/2007

Hey Tama, thanks. Here are a few progress pics from the rest of the day. I hope he meets your approval. Not sure what I wanna do next, so I think I'll sit and look at him for a while......

Thanks for looking,


Tikisgrl posted on 06/02/2007

GMAN, I'm so glad it rained!! The carving looking great so far... I missed out, does he have a name?


Benzart posted on 06/02/2007

Wow, What a Looker! Do I see One Freaky Finger beginning? I KNOW You Love those Freaky Fingerz, c'mon Admit it and lets see the goods. Really Tama hit on an important part of the carving; that calm, serene, confident and Powerful look about the man. You Definitely know he's in charge and won't take no crap from anyone. Thats a look that is difficult to achieve. And yes he's gonna become another masterpiece. One of these days when you grow up and learn to carve,,,OH WAIT, you already did and have, HA, I Knew it would happen!

benella posted on 06/03/2007

R E S P E C T.

GMAN posted on 06/03/2007

Thanks folks. This guy has been fighting me a bit. Now I'm being nice and all, and he is just kicking and screaming all the way....dirty little bugger. Anyway, I've got his number and instead of letting him beat me, I pushed him hard all day. He did eventually kick my a$$, but I think I got the better of him. Here are some pics.

Thanks for looking,


Tikisgrl posted on 06/03/2007

Wow GMAN he looks fabulous! Thanks for pushing so hard to get him to comply with your chisels. I really like the details as they are taking shape.

And a special thanks for only posting one picture where I had to turn my computer screen to see it in the right direction.


Tamapoutini posted on 06/03/2007

Looking Goood Gman! Eyes, brows, legs, lips; oh yeah! He may have fought hard but I do think you came out the winner.

Its so good to see that you really get in there and cut deep and use your skills, even on these smaller works. Frankly, Im sick of seeing half-a*$ed attempts at carving our wee Tiki-friends (Im talking mostly about the tourist pieces and other rubbish that is commonly available for the modest collector). Why is it that even 'artisans' from the countries/islands-of-origin do the bare minimum when producing their cultural figures..?? Its almost as if WE care more than THEY do...

Im glad you care.

Tama :)

Tiki Kaimuki posted on 06/03/2007

Beautiful work there, GMAN. I dig the detail on the lips.

JohnnyP posted on 06/03/2007

Very nice. Did you plan out the surface carving designs before you started this on or after he was cut out? I was wondering because they seemlessly fit.

Benzart posted on 06/04/2007

Lookin Good GMAN! Look DEEP into his eyes and look deeper, you can because you went pretty deep, but not as deep as you could have gone.
He really is taking shape nicely. Watch this treacherous wood as it will turn on you in a second and give you time to spend later. Your tools Must be Ultra sharp and the sandpaper fresh. Keep up the good work Bro.

hewey posted on 06/04/2007

Looks great, really took a jump in that last post. Another stunner :D

MBL posted on 06/04/2007

Too impressive! Nice work Gman! A true master.

GMAN posted on 06/09/2007

Hey all,

I've been having a bit of computer trouble lately and needed to purchase an external hard drive so I could clean up and free up some memory on my laptop. This laptop doesn't have much memory, and it was seriously bumming. It's all happy now that it has another 230 Gigs to play with.

Anyway, I've been working slowly on the little fellow, mostly sanding and using the hook-knife to clean him up. I've attached a few pics of his progress. I plan on giving him another coat of the stain mix, and then he'll get about 4 coats of oil over the next month or so. After the second and third coats of oil he will take on a bit of a shine and look more like a finished project.

Thanks for looking,



[ Edited by: GMAN 2007-06-09 18:29 ]

Tikisgrl posted on 06/09/2007

GMAN he's awesome! Wow fantastic detail & of course the color looks great too. Thanks for showing us all his attributes. I was worried he didn't have a proper Tiki derriere now I'm relieved!


JohnnyP posted on 06/11/2007

On 2007-06-09 10:57, GMAN wrote:

Nice job. 400 grit paper, that babys got to have a smooth bottom.


Benzart posted on 06/11/2007

I don't know, theres a spot halfway between the right eye and ear that only got down to 350 grit, I think you should have go over him again starting with 220 just to make sure you didn't miss any more spots. Then you might as well go to 600 at least, I KNOW how you love your sanding chores!!
Other than that he is about as perfect as he can get. You really nailed the expression and got a Lot of fine detail out of that Unforgiving piece of wood. The ancients must have been looking over your shoulder,,,Smiling.

finkdaddy posted on 06/11/2007

Gman, he looks sooooo good. The faces you've been carving have been amazing! Very life like.

Paipo posted on 06/11/2007

Holy sh!t, you've really stepped it up several notches with this little guy. Very cool piece G and beautifully resolved. Everything is perfect and in its place.

hewey posted on 06/11/2007

Very smooth mate. This one looks awesome, a very nice style to him.

benella posted on 06/12/2007

Hi G,

Very good work.
The stain makes it even more first class.

Babalu posted on 06/12/2007

G is the MAN!! Choice.

GMAN posted on 06/12/2007

Hey guys,

Thanks for all the nice words. They mean a lot. He's moving along, but still sucking up the stain in the areas I left at 240 or coarser. I think he will still take one more thin coat in those areas before I start applying the finishing oil. Here are some updated pics.


Heath posted on 06/12/2007

Looking real good!

McTiki posted on 06/13/2007

Dayum! Very nice G!


Benzart posted on 06/13/2007

Lookin Gooder and gooder!

GMAN posted on 06/16/2007

Thanks Heath, McT, and Benzo. I'm gonna put the first coat of oil on the Little Warrior tomorrow. I'll post some pics after this coat or the next coat.

On the bench today was a 36" hickory handle that I'm decorating with a crocodilian, spirals, and other shapes. Pics to come.......


FreddieBallsomic posted on 06/16/2007

That lil' Maori warrior turned out great! Another beauty, G... I gots to get that stain recipe from you or Benz.. Lookin' forward to your next project, Meng. fB


gman i would like to say you have come a long way this piece is beautiful my friend

Benzart posted on 06/17/2007

36" HICKORY Handle? Couldn't you find anything a little bit Harder?. Can't wait to see what you are gonna do to it! :) :) :)

GMAN posted on 06/17/2007

Fballs - Thanks man. He's not done yet. I put the first coat of oil on him today and he looks much better. After the third he'll be ready for a few more pics. I'll post'em when I shoot'em.

Marcus - Thanks. Having toolz has helped a lot. All my small toolz/chisels got sold with my parents estate. I've been slacking on replacing them. Now that I've purchased a few things I can go back to carving more complex pieces again. This little guy is almost done but I have a bit of work left to do with the finish. I'll post pics of him again soon.

Benzo - Yeah man, Hickory! I needed something good and strong. This will be a handle for one of my hunting toolz. We will call this the Crocodilian Medicine Staff (or the Thunder Stick). Here are a few pics I took as I worked today. The pics don't show it well. This is going to be a working tool and it's gonna get kicked around a lot. The last pic is as is sits, after sanding one coat of oil. He'll get a few more coats of oil and two abalone eye inlays over the next few days.

Thanks for looking,



[ Edited by: GMAN 2007-06-16 19:07 ]

Tiki Duddy posted on 06/17/2007

oh wow Gman, just beautiful work there. really like the color you got to him there. thanks for showing progress shots through the whole thing there, it always helps

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GMAN posted on 06/17/2007

Thanks Duddy, I'll be finishing both the Little Warrior and the Croc Medicine Staff over the next few weeks.

I woke up this morning and started another little figure based off of traditional carvings. This is the "Little Chief."

I took a bunch of progress pics as I worked since we have several new carvers who have been soaking up info like sponges. So this post is for those guys :) . What I did here guys is start with a good idea in my head and a rough sketch on a piece of wood. You will see that my lines were drawn and redrawn in several ways as I progressed during my session. Please don't get yourself locked into a diagram or drawing as you will wind up tossing a bunch of pieces as the wood throws you curves or as you make mistakes. Since you are new, learn to flow with it and let it evolve.

Anyway, here I took two sets Flexcuts outside with me and only used like 5 or 6. Most of the bocking was done with a 2" 3#. Then I used a 3/4" #5, a 1/2" #3, and a 1/8" #11. Most of what is shown here is blocking out of the piece in profile. This can be done by using a mallet or by just pushing the chisels; I did both. Also, after I got him mostly blocked, I dug out the small of his back and then drilled two holes, one just inside each of his elbows. I also drilled two holes between his legs to get me started in separating his legs. I hope these pics help you on your way. As always, PM or email me if you want to talk.

Oh, also JohnnyP-ighammer stopped by last night with his whole family. Man, what a lucky cat. He has a wonderful wife and three bright and beautiful daughters. They brought me a Johnny-carved Vanuatu Pighammer and you should see the bloody size of this thing. It's in my last pic here but I will post some better pics of it on Johnny's thread as he said he didn't photograph it before he left home. Thanks Johnny!

Here are the pics for the new guys....

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I hope this helps some of you guys,


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benella posted on 06/17/2007

Oh yeah, G, top class work. I love those progress pix, thanks.
I predict a super neat work. GOOOOOOOOD


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tikifreak1 posted on 06/18/2007

That helps a bunch!!! You are the "man" and make awesome stuff!!

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Benzart posted on 06/18/2007

Definitely Super step-by-step shots, Gman. Nice design. How hard is that hickory, and where did you find it?
JP, that Pig Hammer is the Real Gnats Knuckles, the Real Deal. Be Proud.

H Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/484543c20e507cf0845b33cc1e4779fa?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
hewey posted on 06/18/2007

The croc thunder stick is very cool - what exactly will you be using it for? I love stuff that gets used, and doesn't just sit on a shelf.

Those step by step pics are very helpfull too :D

B Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/5ce256db052ec2794b36100793feff5e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Benzart posted on 06/18/2007

I can see this guy is REALLY gonna have a Bad Bite with his 357 teeth, the bitee doesn't stand a chance. I Also love the length of the stick to keep the bitee's teetd far away from your tasty little fingers. Gators LOVE Gman fingerz!

Babalu posted on 06/18/2007

G rocks the foundation of the house of TC once again! Top self work man!

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meech11 posted on 06/19/2007

Thanks G for taking the time to help us new guys, every bit helps and is much appreciated! The croc stick is very cool too!

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kingstiedye posted on 06/22/2007

On 2007-06-09 10:57, GMAN wrote:

what a great display, g! you're turning out some great pieces. i love the croc you're working on now.

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Tamapoutini posted on 06/22/2007

Man. One project after another! I love it.

So the Croc-bonker is a walking-staff cum pig-smasher I take it? Awesome shape to the head. Look out piggies; if this thing doesnt work, he's got a bloody great Hammer in the other hand. R.I.Piggies...

Cool step by step on the teko-teko too mate; Ill be referring to that one myself. Hope you're going to keep going with it...

Top skills G!

TTT :)

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Howland posted on 06/23/2007

STILL kickin azz, aint ya? I really like that croc-headed hog spanker. I bet that'lll leave a mark! Hickory, ay? That's some serious hard wood--I had to make a huge set of kitchen cabinets and office furniture out of it when I used to work in a cab/furn shop. It would knock the carbide tips off saw blades and router bits occassionally--and that $#!% hurts when it hits you!


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