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Show us your record collection!

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twitch posted on 06/24/2007

I could've sworn up 'n down there was already a topic covering this, but a relatively thorough search turned up nothing anywhere... Could be I saw it on the night my sweet tooth went crazy and I put away half a bottle of Sangster's Jamaica rum cream...
I'd like to see other collections up here, just so's I can get a look at what else is out there to hunt down (a lot)...
Too much to hamper down TC, so -
A Collection of Exotic Albums
(A good chunk of the images I had to upload to RYM myself)

...AKA "Thirstin' Haole the 3rd"


[ Edited by: twitch 2010-03-19 14:49 ]

Jeff Central posted on 06/25/2007

Very nice Twitch!!! :)

Thanks for the link. You got some GREAT records there.

Nice job on the photos too!

Cheers and Mahalo,

virani posted on 06/25/2007

That's great. I might sign in on that website and do it too.
Thanks for the link, and you have a really great collection.

GatorRob posted on 06/25/2007

Hey, nice collection! So many that I don't have. And thanks for the album cover scans. I love eye candy like that.

twitch posted on 06/26/2007

Thanks for the comps!
I actually never knew how many of the things I had accumulated until I joined the RYM site & listed them. Grab one at a thrift, give it a quick listen and then it gets lost between some punk & country albums or stuck in with the wacky outsider-Christian-whistling LPs... of course, that's only applying to the cheesier ones: Sumac, Denny, Drasnin etc. all have their hallowed slots.
About ten of them I got off ebay - 8 hard-to-find ones in one lot. Wish I was that lucky the rest of the time...
But beware if you join RYM - it's highly addictive and'll slowly chip away at your TC time.
Now how 'bout those other collections? Show 'em off!

Pahoehoe Ule posted on 06/27/2007

Well, OK. My record collection is all on cds, but it's alright: a lot of them SOUND like LPs. The guided tour begins here...

This is the lounge/Exotica/electronica section, from the 49th State Hawaii stuff through Zloty Dawai. Note room for future expansion.

Same room: classic rock Abba to ZZ Top, and graciously interpolating Tiger Lily's teapot collection.

Here we have the concert DVD & box set shelf. Note stacks of new acquisitions awaiting their jackets. This is in the monastic computer closet adjacent to...

...the Celtic/Soundtrack/Jazz/Classical shelf. From the Akira soundtrack to Zawinul. Wire rack on closet door contains new acquisitions awaiting a listen and further classification. Yeah, I know.

Contrary to all the ex-punkers who're supposed to be Tikiphiles now, Welcome Back My Friends to the Show That Never Ends...Ladies and Gentlemen, the Progressive Rock Wall!!!(aaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!)

Co-owner (with Tiger Lily) of Jackson Street Books; operator of Gray Mortuary Recordings, featuring releases by Menage`A Twang and forthcoming Exotica titles by Tony Arnold (Pahoehoe Ule). Music & odd book enthusiast; advocate of moderate hedonism.

[ Edited by: Pahoehoe Ule 2007-06-28 09:07 ]

Kawentzmann posted on 06/27/2007

I am all for vinyl, have a bout 5 albums I haven’t really listened to yet.
I will contribute a pic here in the future.


I, Zombie posted on 06/27/2007


Wow, some amazing shots! Twitch, those are some great LP covers. And Pahoehoe Ule, I love the "wall(s) of sound." Very impressive.

Here's what I've got up online:

A bunch of favorite LPs can be seen here: http://www.jetsetplanet.com/gallery/

Also galleries at http://www.kfai.org/node/94 (half way down the page there are some gallery links), and individual covers for each week's show (click on the "more" buttons in the "previous shows" section).


[ Edited by: I, Zombie 2007-06-27 05:16 ]

The Mayor Of Exotica posted on 06/27/2007

I have much of the common Martin Denny, Arthur Lyman, and Les Baxter, both Robert Drasnin Voodoo's, but on vinyl, I have a few unusual items. A mint copy of Dominic Frontiere's "Pagan Festival," which I love, Dick Shory's New Percussion Ensemble "Music for Bang Baaroom and Harp," also mint, which is not as cool, and "Felix Slatkin Conducts Fantastic Percussion," also mint, which I do like quite a lot.

I, Zombie posted on 06/27/2007

On 2007-06-27 08:53, The Mayor Of Exotica wrote:
and "Felix Slatkin Conducts Fantastic Percussion," also mint, which I do like quite a lot.

Mayor, I very much AGREE! That Slatkin LP is fantastic. In fact, I'm busting it out for next week's show!


p.s. I'm also for lower rum prices. You've got my vote!

sputnikmoss posted on 06/27/2007

Here's a shot of the listening lounge..right next to the bowling shrine. About half of the cd's are missing from the shelf because they are either in the car or at my husband's work. The vinyl is a mix of new wave, punk, garage rock, glam rock, and psychedelic.I have a stack of exotica and weird 1950s dork music with cool covers in the tiki room. We have a 1950s Blaupunkt console in there.

I, Zombie posted on 06/27/2007

On 2007-06-27 12:44, sputnikmoss wrote:
. . . and weird 1950s dork music ....

[sigh] weird 1950s dork music.... ah yes, the stuff that dreams are made of...

Pahoehoe Ule posted on 06/28/2007

A bunch of favorite LPs can be seen here: http://www.jetsetplanet.com/gallery/

Thanks for the direct: that's quite a beautiful collection of album art. I especially like the fact that you included some Mancini and Quincy, as well as classic lounge.

Pahoehoe Ule

I, Zombie posted on 06/28/2007

Pahoehoe Ule,

Thanks for checking out the LP cover gallery! Glad you liked it.

On 2007-06-27 08:53, The Mayor Of Exotica wrote:
.... and "Felix Slatkin Conducts Fantastic Percussion," also mint, which I do like quite a lot.

Mayor, finally dug this record out... it's been awhile. The version of "Autumn in New York" is absolutely incredible -- nice and spooky opening, then the flute on the melody with a quiet march beat -- followed up by the "percussion instrument potpourri" (where everyone and his brother gets a turn on something) and then the harp kicks in. Add back in a haunting ending of flute and harp --- NICE!

I just added it to the playlist for next Monday's show.


[ Edited by: I, Zombie 2007-06-28 15:47 ]

Jeff Central posted on 06/30/2007


Nice collection Pahoehoe!!!


Jeff Central posted on 06/30/2007

On 2007-06-27 08:53, The Mayor Of Exotica wrote:
I have much of the common Martin Denny, Arthur Lyman, and Les Baxter, both Robert Drasnin Voodoo's, but on vinyl, I have a few unusual items. A mint copy of Dominic Frontiere's "Pagan Festival," which I love, Dick Shory's New Percussion Ensemble "Music for Bang Baaroom and Harp," also mint, which is not as cool, and "Felix Slatkin Conducts Fantastic Percussion," also mint, which I do like quite a lot.

Yes, the Dominic Frontiere album "Pagan Festival" is very nice. Very much in the vein of Les Baxter's "Sacred Idol" LP. It is also available on CD from the Collectables label.

Another album you may enjoy is Frank DeVol's "Bacchanalle" album. This was entirely composed by Leon Pober and sounds very much like the above two albums. This is also available on CD.

Anything by Bobby Christian is worth picking up. He was a percussionist for Dick Schory before breaking out on his own. They are a lot more creative and inventive.

Cheers and Mahalo,

[ Edited by: jeff central 2007-07-01 04:16 ]

twitch posted on 07/01/2007

On 2007-06-27 05:12, I, Zombie wrote:
Here's what I've got up online:

A bunch of favorite LPs can be seen here: http://www.jetsetplanet.com/gallery/

Also galleries at http://www.kfai.org/node/94 (half way down the page there are some gallery links), and individual covers for each week's show (click on the "more" buttons in the "previous shows" section).


Niiiiiice. I need about a good third of those albums. (And I don't mean want, I mean need!)

tikiskip posted on 07/01/2007

I have seen record stores with less records than Jeff central.
In fact his record bins are from a music store. Jeff you are the man.
You know more about these records/musicians than I do about my own family.
You are the exotica master.
Thank you for showing me your collection.

Jeff Central posted on 07/01/2007

Thanks for the kind words tikiskip. You are welcome over anytime.

Record collecting is an infectious disease. I have just learned to live with it and use it to help others discover music as well. Believe it or not, there are many other collectors/geeks out there with just as much knowledge, if not more so, than myself.

It also helps to have a real strong passion for music. Sometimes I can throw a record on and literally start crying because the music is so beautiful.

That's why I collect records. :)

Cheers and Mahalo,

[ Edited by: Jeff Central 2007-07-01 04:27 ]

ikitnrev posted on 07/03/2007

You asked for it .... so here is my record collection. I don't know how many records I have, but they cover about 80 linear feet of space. I've tried to label certain sections, so you can get some idea of where my tastes lie. Many of these I purchased mainly for the covers.

Follow the color coding, to get a taste of what goes in in a crazed, lunatic mind. Believe it or not, each section is alphabetized, by artist.

  1. 1960's rock - garage, surf, and other in the rock genre
  2. 1970's/1980's rock/pop stuff, with my punk LPs mixed in. The music I was listening to in high school and college years
  3. Wacky Christian Religous covers (with coconut monkeys in front)
  4. Wacky Spoken Word and Instruction LPs
  5. Mostly Polka records, some classical with cool covers

  1. My 1950's section -- Sinatra, Prima, Bellafonte, Three Suns, torch singers, etc
  2. Xmas Records

6 ) more 50's LPs
7) Xmas Records (same ones as above)
8 ) Jazz LPs (lots of jazz mixed in with other sections
9 ) My Exotica/Polynesian/Hawaii section .... anyone want to scan these for me?

  1. More Xmas records
  2. Latin, Caribbean, and Cuban Music
  3. Twist LPs
  4. Folk Records
  5. 1960's Music (EZ listening, Now Sound, other groovy sounds)
  6. Belly Dancing LPs
  7. James Bond Music
  8. Movie and Television Soundtracks
  9. Country (mostly from the 60's)
  10. Comedy Records
  11. Stereo Test and Sound Effects Records
  12. Children's Records
  13. 1970's, 80's and beyond Rock Overflow
  14. Cha Cha records
  15. Odd stuff ( Mummer's Parade Music, Marching Band LPs, Lps without discs)

The above is what happens when you mix a new house with lots of free space in the basement, and approximately 15 years of thrift store shopping, starting in 1992, when people were ditching vinyl like crazy. 96% of these records were purchased for $1 or less

My retirement plan involves having the free time so I can actually sit and listen to this stuff.


tikiskip posted on 07/03/2007

Great collection vern!
vinyl is so cool.
The covers, liner notes.
You don't get that with cds.
Plus how ya going to put a zipper on a cd.
ie Stones album.

I, Zombie posted on 07/03/2007

On 2007-07-02 17:47, ikitnrev wrote:
The above is what happens when you mix a new house with lots of free space in the basement, and approximately 15 years of thrift store shopping, starting in 1992, when people were ditching vinyl like crazy. 96% of these records were purchased for $1 or less

Holy Cow! What a pile of vinyl. And the way you've cataloged stuff is just perfect. Thanks for sharing!


Jeff Central posted on 07/03/2007


Awesome collection Vern. Thanks for posting the pictures and for the brief descriptions of categorization! Boy, I would love to sit down and go through that small goldmine you have. Show and Tell would be great for that record collection!!!

It would take another lifetime just to listen to everything!!

Cheers and Mahalo,

virani posted on 07/03/2007

wow vern, I'd love to see your collection. Impressive.
Just a question : what's "Wacky Christian Religous covers (with coconut monkeys in front)"

Can you show some covers ??

ikitnrev posted on 07/03/2007

Thanks for the comments everyone.

Virani -- When I refer to wacky Christian LPs, I am usually referring to the outfits that the various singing religous groups are wearing on the LP cover. I'm sure that most of the music on the discs is harmonious and sedate, but the front covers are often amazing in their 1970's polyester leisure-suit glory. The coconut monkeys were referring to two actual 3-D coconut monkeys, that were sitting on the floor in front of the LPs.

About three years ago, most of the above records were in complete random order - I was more into chaos then, and liked the idea of pulling a few Lps out, and having no idea what they would be. When I finally got things ordered, I realized I had about 350 duplicate Lps, and in one case, inadvertly owned 4 copies of the same LP.

From 1995 - 2000, I edited a zine, based on old records, that was titled 'Cannot Become Obsolete' I hope to put the contents of those zines onto the web someday - not sure of when I will get around to it. Be patient, and you will hopefully someday see some of my covers, with accompanying essays.

twitch posted on 07/06/2007

Vern, I am jealous. I'm betting you've got many gems I'd drool over...
BTW, here's a pic of my own wall of sound...

I'd do a circle-the-genre-thingie but it's so damn hot here I can barely peck out these letters...

Oh, and here's an example of a wacky christian cover -

The Mayor Of Exotica posted on 07/07/2007

Oh, and here's an example of a wacky christian cover -

This reminds me of something I wish I had a picture of. I was in San Juan, Puerto Rico, walking by El Morro, the big old Spanish fort. In the armpit of the fort grounds, there is a neighborhood called La Perla. It's quite a ghetto, but it's the oldest neighborhood in San Juan. I heard what appeared to be a sound check for an imminent live performance, and went to investigate. Sure enough, there was a small bandstand and some musicians there, arranged in front of a large banner that read, "(Can't remember the guy's name), Ex-Narcotraficante y su Orquestra."

forumguy13 posted on 05/10/2008

I found a website http://www.dougsqccollectibles.com and this guy has over 100,000 records of all types and sizes. He doesn't have a whole lot listed yet, but I emailed him and he had everything I was looking for.


Sneakytiki posted on 05/18/2008

Here is a small sample of my 100's of records, 100's of cassetes and couple thou cd's, which I know is nuttin' compared tah sum of yuh all.



tikipaka posted on 09/28/2008

Ok, this is one wall of the record room, which is about 1/3 of the lp's. On the left hand side of this photo, you can just make out that those are records crates stacked on top of each other. On another wall are pull out wooden drawers of Dave's collection of 7"'s.

Some where on TC I already put up some of these pictures but not sure where?

Our exotica and space age vinyl is just a small segment of our collecting passion.

This one we found yesterday and we love the cheese cake Cover. :lol:

We also have a shed out back that is filled to the brim of LP's that will not go into the main collection. They will be going into a store shortly for sale. Our personal collection is approximately 11,000 records, and we have approximately 20,000 in the shed. The majority of our collection is KBD PUNK, HARDCORD, PSYCH, JAZZ, 60'S ROCK and various other rare vinyl.

Sorry in my first post here, the photos of a few of yesterdays finds were blurry, so I went back and tried again. So here you go.

We picked up about 15 albums yesterday, these are probably the best. It wasn't a great day for sales because of the weather. I also picked up a great bar ware set that I'll post a photo of under vintage bar ware. :lol:

[I would rather have a bottle in front of me, than a frontal lobotomy]
Although, I probably could you one.

[ Edited by: tikipaka 2008-10-26 13:26 ]

[ Edited by: Bora Boris - Cleaned up some "edited by"s - 2011-12-11 22:37 ]

Kawentzmann posted on 09/28/2008

Really great collection. That Cramps 10'' is one of my faves along with the early black album with The Way I Walk and later Smell of Female (which I don’t have).

tikipaka posted on 09/28/2008

Thought I'd put up those, but the flash was to much. And I can't take a picture for crap, or should I say when I take pictures they end up like crap. :lol: Oh, by the way the other one (Can your pussy do the dog) is actually a 12".

[I would rather have a bottle in front of me, than a frontal lobotomy]
Although, I probably could you one.

[ Edited by: tikipaka 2008-09-28 13:04 ]

[ Edited by: tikipaka 2008-10-07 16:04 ]

Kawentzmann posted on 09/28/2008

Nice. My cousin has got A Smell of Female with another cover. And my copy of Can Your Pussy Do the Dog is a ten inch, hence.

Jeff Central posted on 09/29/2008

Nice record collection Tikipaka!!

I like how you display them as well. :)

Cheers and Mahalo,

Tiki Kaimuki posted on 09/30/2008

Here is a small taste of my recently pared down vinyl collection. I mostly collect punk and jazz. Of course traditional Hawaiian and exotica will always be picked up when found! SORRY for the sideways images. I am on a Mac and have no clue how to use it!

[ Edited by: TIKI KAIMUKI 2008-09-29 19:30 ]

tikipaka posted on 10/01/2008

Tiki Kaimuki, I see you & I have the same taste. Here are a few to make you drool. :lol: And as usual, I take crappy photos..

Just kidding on the drool thingy. :lol:

tikipaka posted on 10/04/2008

I think somewhere on here TheJab talked about this one. So I had Dave pull in out so I can take a picture of it for your viewing pleasure. :lol: 50TH STATE JAZZ, Lyle Ritz and His Jazz Ukulele..

Maybe, I should just give up on the photo taking. Sorry, I suck at this picture taking stuff. :( :oops:

[I would rather have a bottle in front of me, than a frontal lobotomy]
Although, I probably could you one.

[ Edited by: tikipaka 2008-10-04 03:29 ]

Tiki Kaimuki posted on 10/04/2008

On 2008-09-30 17:01, tikipaka wrote:
Tiki Kaimuki, I see you & I have the same taste. Here are a few to make you drool. :lol: And as usual, I take crappy photos..

Just kidding on the drool thingy. :lol:

Hey tikipaka, There is a bit of drool drizzling from my lower lip. Here are some more from my collection. Hopefully the photos will come out right this time!Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/5679/48e79787.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=8e14329ca8842710874d19cd6f4235cb
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/5679/48e797ab.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=3c32715fb8a31f456078ddeea0dedb04
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/5679/48e797bd.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=d43a059ac66d3999994002150535eeb8

tikipaka posted on 10/04/2008

Niceeeeeeeeeeeee.. :D Here are a few more great ones.
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4870/48e7cfe9.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=035a2b36a6dd69352721db0a56a8bab3 I give up, either the pic's come out blurry, or I can't frame them right.

Tiki Kaimuki posted on 10/06/2008

WOW! Where do I begin? IS that Cough Cool original. That's a tough one, as is pretty much everything in the pic.

tikipaka posted on 10/06/2008

Yes, they're all originals.

twitch posted on 10/06/2008

Okay, what is this - a Killed By Death forum? :)

Seriously, my tongue is hangin' out!
Original punk 7"s & Blue Notes & other jazz, oh man. Awesome collections!
(And if that Cough/Cool is original, I'll have a heart attack...)
Great to see a lot of us have the same backgrounds/tastes here, too.
Now I gotta go take some pictures, dammit.

[ Edited by: twitch 2008-10-06 05:44 ]

Tiki Kaimuki posted on 10/06/2008

On 2008-10-06 05:40, twitch wrote:
Okay, what is this - a Killed By Death forum? :)

Seriously, my tongue is hangin' out!
Original punk 7"s & Blue Notes & other jazz, oh man. Awesome collections!
(And if that Cough/Cool is original, I'll have a heart attack...)
Great to see a lot of us have the same backgrounds/tastes here, too.
Now I gotta go take some pictures, dammit.

[ Edited by: twitch 2008-10-06 05:44 ]

Yeah, I was thinking this is straying from the definitions in this forum. I started a new kbd thread in beyond tiki. Post pics of all your punk stuff there! http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=30056&forum=6&3

[ Edited by: TIKI KAIMUKI 2008-10-06 12:24 ]

[ Edited by: TIKI KAIMUKI 2008-10-06 17:44 ]

tikipaka posted on 10/06/2008

TIKI KAIMUKI & Twich, :oops: sorry and to everyone else here on TC. :cry: You're right, and the punk doesn't belong here. :wink: So I thought I would grab a couple of great collections of Yma Sumac. Here are a couple of boxed sets of 7".

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4870/48eaa166.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=63881dd4f0f648a8bbc3f29dbac530e4

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4870/48eaa15b.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=9c1d11124dbba2230de442af90d5ddaa

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/60a56b6fdfeeca4741cf252ea4708552?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
tabuzak posted on 10/07/2008

Pahoehoe Ule said:

Contrary to all the ex-punkers who're supposed to be Tikiphiles now, Welcome Back My Friends to the Show That Never Ends...Ladies and Gentlemen, the Progressive Rock Wall!!!(aaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!)

After a 9th Ward, (2) Corn and Oils, and a Shrunken Skull, The Mayor of Exotica confessed the Gentle Giant influence on the last Waitiki album. I had suggested Hatfield and the North or Matching Mole. Oh well....


tikipaka posted on 10/09/2008

:roll: Any body out there remember this one from the early 80's?

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4870/48ee9330.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=c0a094a2dfe13e9b72f7e2f61e753595

Oh well, time for a good old :drink:

B Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e01c7e12080283066ced001977e37f65?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
bigbrotiki posted on 10/10/2008

On 2008-10-09 16:30, tikipaka wrote:
Any body out there remember this one from the early 80's?

There's a fella in this picture who should: He was one of the original members of that band. :D

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/35/48efc5e8.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=b5be0fd0266b77b6d0d533db6edfdff4

tikipaka posted on 10/10/2008

Ok Sven, :o I'm guessing here, but would that be Michael from Monitor/The Tikis in the back ground?

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4870/48efd82d.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=8980545a49c1d7aa54de86bf7c719676

Well, is it? :???

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