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Exotica 2003 in Chicago: Who's coming?

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kongtiki posted on 04/25/2003

With Oasis next week and Hukilau just around the corner, it's almost time to start thinking about Chicago in August. By way of helping local venues anticipate how many of you to expect, let us know if you're thinking about showing up. You'll be glad you did...

(And check out the newly updated Exotica 2003 site over at http://www.konakai.com/exotica )

[ Edited by: kongtiki on 2003-05-02 09:21 ]

Turbogod posted on 04/25/2003

I am pretty sure I will be there! So 1.

hala bullhiki posted on 04/25/2003

i will be there with my wahine in tow.....we'll prolly be bringing at least 4 other non-tiki central folks as well!!!

bigbrotiki posted on 04/25/2003

I vill be there...(unless some b-movie producer hires my sorry ass to be the shooter of yet another summer celluloid master piece)

thejab posted on 04/25/2003

It's my kind of town, so count me in!

purple jade posted on 04/25/2003

(unless some b-movie producer hires my sorry ass to be the shooter of yet another summer celluloid master piece)

Jeez, Sven, tone down the vanity, wouldja? :P

I'm working on arrangements to be there, with some Chicago friends too.

ken_miller4 posted on 04/25/2003

Of all the events this summer, this one is the closest to us, so we'll almost certianly be there.

I just wish we knew about this a bit earlier! We are already heading to Chicago May 9-11 to catch a rock show and check out Hala Kahiki and Trader Vic's, and now it looks like we'll be back again three months later. Oh well, it's a short trip, so I don't mind making it twice.

ken_miller4 posted on 04/25/2003

Of all the events this summer, this one is the closest to us, so we'll almost certianly be there.

I just wish we knew about this a bit earlier! We are already heading to Chicago May 9-11 to catch a rock show and check out Hala Kahiki and Trader Vic's, and now it looks like we'll be back again three months later. Oh well, it's a short trip, so I don't mind making it twice.

Swanky posted on 04/26/2003

Kiliki and I will be there. I will try to get another friend from Minneapolis to come over and join the party.

We love Chicago. If I didn't have a daughter keeping me here, that's where I would be living.

And we can go back through Lowell Indiana and see what great stuff that antique store has!

tikifish posted on 04/26/2003

Chicagoooo Chicaaagoooo, that tawdlin' town! (sp?)

Yep. It's only 8 - 9 hour drive from Toronto. In Canadian terms, that's close as hell. We'll be there!

Gonna cancel for the Hukilau though. Anyone want my room?

Tiki Diablo posted on 04/27/2003

Making plans too, what about artist showing/sales?

kongtiki posted on 04/28/2003

Due to the decentralized nature of the Exotica events (they're all over town at different times and days) there has, as yet, been no specific plans made for a gathering of artists or a planned sale. There is a gallery show in development, for which we hope to have more information soon, as well as a sizeable tiki presence at a local all-night flea market. We're also going to see if we can locate a centralized exhibitor space to little swap meet and sale, but again, these things aren't as locked down yet as one might like. Hope your summer planning still goes well...

powerofthetiki posted on 05/01/2003

I think that TurboGod and I will be road triping to Chicago


tikivixen posted on 05/02/2003

If only to see the man who danced with his own wife, I am definitely going to try for this one. At the very least, perhaps Mrs. O'Leary's cow will be in evidence.

Eurgh, I'm having Judy Garland show-tune hot flashes.

Anyway, I was born in Illinois. I owe the darned state a visit at least once in my life. And although budgetary restrictions may result in my sleeping in a cardboard box under someone's hedge, still...

Wonder if anyone's planning on driving from California? Hmmm? Do I hear a road trip, I'm hoping???

Dawn32 posted on 05/02/2003

Hi, my name is Dawn and I'm a newbie to this site. I would love to attend Exotica 2003. Could someone let me know some more information? I live in the burbs and have frequented Hala kahiki. As a matter of fact, Hala Kahiki is right behind my parents house. I collect all types of older barware my favorite of course, tiki. I would love to make a home bar and any helpful hints that you could throw my way would be of great help.

kongtiki posted on 05/02/2003

Well hey there Dawn! Check out the newly launched http://www.konakai.com/exotica site for all of the information on events, vendors, artists and more that will be a part of Exotica 2003. And then look for big updates comingin early June and July as well....

Dawn32 posted on 05/02/2003

Thanks for the link! I would like to maybe host something at my place before the Hala Kahiki event since I'm right in melrose Park (10 minutes away) and I've got a decent deck and nice size place. That way I can get some advise on my place too! let me know what you guys think.

jtmpls posted on 05/02/2003

I'll be there!! Possibly 2 of us if Mr. Grad student can go the weekend before school starts up.

thejab posted on 05/02/2003

Just checked out the updated web site and I'm real excited now! Getting to visit the Kona Kai is going to be a real treat. And I like the variety of events that are planned. Robin and I already booked our flight. We are going into Midway via Southwest on the 15th. and returning on the 25th. So we'll have plenty of time to check out all the museums and architecture before the events.

Lisa, that road trip from here sounds like fun but I can't take off much more than a week and that wouldn't leave much time to spend in Chicago.

AmazonAnne posted on 05/02/2003

Well we'll sure be at the events,Me & my husband Stefan, we live right by Chef Shangrila!!

tikibars posted on 05/03/2003

On 2003-05-02 02:24, tikivixen wrote:
Anyway, I was born in Illinois. I owe the darned state a visit at least once in my life. And although budgetary restrictions may result in my sleeping in a cardboard box under someone's hedge, still...

Wonder if anyone's planning on driving from California? Hmmm? Do I hear a road trip, I'm hoping???

I have an extra cardboard box you can rent.

Don't worry about sleeping in it; half the population of this city calls the ol' fridge-box their home. That, or sleeping on the 'L'.

As for the road trip - well, you know I'm gonna advocate that!

Having just made the drive from Vallejo to Chicago this week... I recommend wearing your seatbelt in Iowa (I wasn't speeding, but the no-seatbelt ticket cost me $50!), and thrifting in Nebraska.

cynfulcynner posted on 05/05/2003

On 2003-05-02 02:24, tikivixen wrote:
Wonder if anyone's planning on driving from California? Hmmm? Do I hear a road trip, I'm hoping???

Ever since James showed us the pictures from his book tour, I've decided that the Grinning Miata, a co-driver and I need to travel Route 66 together....


mattfink posted on 05/05/2003

Matt from Detroit/www.planetrockabilly.com checking in here. I will be bringing my wife and myself. I know that quite a few other people from Detroit plan on going as well.


tikivixen posted on 05/06/2003

tikibars wrote

I have an extra cardboard box you can rent.

Really? That would be divine. Are your rates reasonable? 8)

Don't worry about sleeping in it; half the population of this city calls
the ol' fridge-box their home. That, or sleeping on the 'L'.

I take it there's a homeless population in Chicago. I thought they'd all moved
out here!

As for the road trip - well, you know I'm gonna advocate that!

Having just made the drive from Vallejo to Chicago this week... I
recommend wearing your seatbelt in Iowa (I wasn't speeding, but the
no-seatbelt ticket cost me $50!), and thrifting in Nebraska.

You weren't wearing your seatbelt?! Tsk Tsk. We all know how villainous
trees love to leap out in front of unwary drivers.

It does sound like some of us will indeed be road-tripping, time/money issues permitting. YES--I cannot resist the siren song of Omaha thrift. Not to mention, all those decaying roadside attractions and wistful old motels...


tiki junkman posted on 05/06/2003

count me in...
finally a tiki event that i don't have to buy a plane ticket for. all my money right now is getting me down to the huki in june. can't wait for that one but the exotica 2003 looks like its going to be a hoot!

cynfulcynner posted on 05/13/2003

It looks like Tikivixen, and I will be road trippin' it from San Francisco to Exotica. Does anybody want to caravan with us?



thejab posted on 05/13/2003

Robin and I will be flying to Chicago for the event and driving back on a 2 week road trip! That way we can carry all our thrift store loot home with us. Yeehaw!

Dawn32 posted on 05/14/2003

I'm not new at collecting tiki and other barware stuff but will be new to attending Exotica. Please be nice and say 'hi' if you see a female by herself at these events. My friends don't have the same interest in this stuff as I do, so it looks like I'll be going solo.

Dawn32 posted on 05/22/2003

I was wondering if there is gonna be someway of knowing when new information is posted about Exotica 2003 without just going to the site all the time. Will there be an email sent out to those who said they are going?

Parrothead Mike posted on 05/23/2003

I'll be in Chi-Town from Thursday thru Saturday of that week anyway, so I'll definitely be there.

Lake Surfer posted on 05/23/2003

The wahine and I will be making the drive down the coast for at least one of the events, and I'm looking forward to placing faces with names...

Interested in the sale/swap meet ideas... I have a lot of my tikis available for sale as well as tiki lamps I could bring down...

sparklydevil posted on 06/03/2003

my boyfriend and i will be coming from detroit. can't wait to see the kona kai!

kitschywoman posted on 06/05/2003

I've never been to a tiki event before, but I'm gonna try my best to get there! Gotta check with some local friends first, so count me as a "maybe."

kongtiki posted on 06/06/2003

We just updated the Exotica 2003 site! Check it out at http://www.konakai.com/exotica and plan to join us in Chicago in August!

kongtiki posted on 07/14/2003

Hey gang! How are we all doing? Is this the extent of the mighty tiki crew visiting Exoitca 2003 in Chicago in August? Give us a shout and let us know...

Turbogod posted on 07/14/2003

I am in. Sent the $$ for the Kona Kai Friday. See you all there.

Suburban Hipster posted on 07/14/2003

My wife and I are going.

JTD posted on 07/14/2003

I'm in.

voodootiki posted on 07/14/2003

You can plan on me at Exotica! Looking forward to the Kona Kai.....should be awesome! It's great to see a Tiki event here in Chicago! Chalk this up as Tiki event #2 for me! Huki Lau and now Exotica. Looking forward to seeing some of you guys again from the Huki Lau.

Humuhumu posted on 07/16/2003

Okay, I'm starting to make my plans for this (finally). My Year of Tiki simply will not be complete without meeting the darling Tikifish! I've gotta try to do this on the cheap, though. Anyone looking for a roommate? Is the O'Hare Marriott going to be the hoppin' TC joint?

JTD posted on 07/16/2003

If you do stay at the O'Hare Marriott, you can get a slightly better rate if you reserve thru Marriott's website and pay using an AMEX card. Better than the Exotica special rate, that is. I don't have all of the info at my fingertips, but I got $84/night vs. $90ish.

Happy Bargain Hunting,

[ Edited by: JTD on 2003-07-16 14:17 ]

Turbogod posted on 07/16/2003

On 2003-07-16 14:04, Humuhumu wrote:
...Is the O'Hare Marriott going to be the hoppin' TC joint?

How can it not? Quite a few of the MD/VA/DC tikiphiles are going to be staying there for sure! I am also looking forward to placing people to the TC screen names. It's got to be better then when I went to a MD AOL get together in the early 90's. Wheeeew! Now there was a gooood time

Tacky Techie Tiki Bar

[ Edited by: Turbogod on 2003-07-16 14:17 ]

thejab posted on 07/16/2003

Me and Robin are staying near the loop in the Swissotel. We got a huge room with a view for $119/night on the Swissotel website. There are plenty of good rates still on Expedia and other websites for around $100 in and near the loop. I found the room rates were much higher on Thursday and Sunday at some hotels - I presume because of the business clientele.

Since we're flying into Midway there is really no advantage in staying at the Marriot for us, except for the Friday Kona Kai event, and after that we are heading over to the Rock-a-tiki anyway. Also, I like to be in the heart of town close to all the museums, bars, and restaurants. And most of the "L" lines start at the loop so it's easy to get to most neighborhoods from there.

I guess if one is driving while there it might be a real advantage staying near O'Hare as most of those hotels offer free parking while downtown hotels charge a fee ($20-30/day).

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boutiki posted on 07/16/2003

On 2003-07-16 14:16, JTD wrote:
If you do stay at the O'Hare Marriott, you can get a slightly better rate if you reserve thru Marriott's website and pay using an AMEX card. Better than the Exotica special rate, that is. I don't have all of the info at my fingertips, but I got $84/night vs. $90ish.

Happy Bargain Hunting,

[ Edited by: JTD on 2003-07-16 14:17 ]

That's good to know. The Marriott gave us a block of rooms at the $94 rate (which I was told is lower than their regular rate) since we are having the event there at the Kona Kai. But if you can get a better rate at the Marriott (or elsewhere for that matter) please do! If you find any great deals on rooms around town please let us know so we can share that information with others as well.
Also, just a gentle reminder, there are still many who have requested tickets for the Kona Kai event but have yet to pay for them. We will have to give the Kona Kai a final count on the guests (and pay for those guests) well in advance, and we need time to mail you your tickets, so we are asking for folks to pay for their tickets by August 15. Again, there will not be tickets available at the door.
Looking forward to Exotica!
-Duke and Amy

cynfulcynner posted on 07/17/2003

Tikivixen and I will be roadtripping from California and she has found a place for us to stay in Chicago. However, there's a chance that one or both of us might have to stay in hotels at some point, so I'm looking for potential roommates. E-mail me privately (cynner@atdial.net) if you're interested.



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Sabina posted on 07/18/2003

Coming up for air after a protracted bout of Hukilau fever, but Mike and I are in! So that's two more from the MD crowd.

tikibars posted on 07/21/2003

On 2003-07-16 15:56, thejab wrote:
Me and Robin are staying near the loop in the Swissotel. We got a huge room with a view for $119/night on the Swissotel website. There are plenty of good rates still on Expedia and other websites for around $100 in and near the loop. I found the room rates were much higher on Thursday and Sunday at some hotels - I presume because of the business clientele.

Since we're flying into Midway there is really no advantage in staying at the Marriot for us, except for the Friday Kona Kai event, and after that we are heading over to the Rock-a-tiki anyway. Also, I like to be in the heart of town close to all the museums, bars, and restaurants. And most of the "L" lines start at the loop so it's easy to get to most neighborhoods from there.

I guess if one is driving while there it might be a real advantage staying near O'Hare as most of those hotels offer free parking while downtown hotels charge a fee ($20-30/day).


Most of the poits you make are valid and accurate, but there is another side to this too.

The Swissotel is near the end of Wacker street, by the lake, and will indeed give you great view. I was just there this weekend for a sound production job in one of the ball rooms. It's a nice place (but I am surprised you, of all people, didn't pick a more vintage hotel!).

However, it is a good 1/2 mile walk to the nearest L stop, and said L lines are the orange, brown, and purple lines, which will get you to and from Midway, but not ANY of the Exotica events (well, they come reasonably close to Delilahs and Kitsch'n). The Blue Line, conversely, will get you within walking distance or a $3 cab hop to at least three Exotica events, and it is right near the O'Hare Mariott (and the Kona Kai is within this hotel!). But, it is like 1.5 miles from Swissotel - too far to walk.

Even Rock A Tiki is a $6-$8 cab ride from Swissotel, but is near the Blue Line, ...and not the Brown/Orange/Purple lines.

However, it is true that if you want to check out the museums and stuff, you'll want to be in the Loop, but if you get a hotel in the Loop, you are going to end up spending a fortune on cabs, or for those of you bringing cars, another fortune on parking (yes, $30 or $40 pr night is accurate - and musch cheaper or free at Mariott). You WILL NOT get street parking in the Loop overnight or during either rush hour. You will be towed instantly.

If you want my 2 cents, I recommend keeping your reservation at the Swissotel during the non-E03 part of your stay, for access to museums and the varied interesting architecture and history of the Loop area, but moving to the admittedly boring Mariott for the E03 weekend.

In fact, a recent flurry of Email among the E03 planning crew, we more or less decided to make the O'Hare Mariott the 'official' E03 hotel.

So get signed up!


tikibars posted on 07/21/2003

For those of you driving, this might help:

Getting around Chicago by car.

Chicago is a perfect grid, with a major intersection every four blocks, and three residential streets between them.
There are exactly eight blocks to a mile.

Madison Street is the border between the north and south sides; State St. is the border between the east and west sides. The central business district is called The Loop, the corner of State and Madison is at approximately the center of the Loop. This is ground zero from which all Chicago addresses branch out.

Therefore, Madison (which moves east-west) is said to be located at 'zero north', and the street numbers for each block heading north from there increase by 100 (this is a rule of thumb inside the Loop, and is a strict rule once you are outside of the Loop). So, for the streets moving east-west, on the north side of town, Chicago Ave. (for example) is located at 800 N., and is exactly 8 blocks, or 1 mile, from Madison. Similarly, Division St. is at 1200 N., or 12 blocks from Madison.

Belmont is at 3200 N., or 32 blocks (and exactly 4 miles) from Madison. Therefore, if you are travelling on ANY north-south bound street, and you see an adress of 3100 to 3199, you know Belmont is the next street you will cross, heading north, or you have just passed it, heading south.

Looking at east-west streets on the south side, the numbers increase similarly, but get larger as you head south, rather than as you head north. So it is a mirror-image. The streets moving east-west are numbered rather than named, for the most part, after you pass Cermak (1200 S.). So 26th St., is 2600 south, or a little over 3 miles south of Madison.

For streets that travel north-south, the grid and numbering system are identical to the east-west system. Due to the curve of Lake Michigan, however, there is no east side of Chicago once you get north of the Loop. So ALL Chicago addresses on east-west bound streets above 800 N or so are considered to be on the west side of the city.

So if you're looking for Kitsch'n on Roscoe, and someone tells you that Roscoe St. is at 3400 N., then you know that Roscoe St. is 2 blocks north of Belmont (3200 N).

Or, if you are looking for Polynesian Village in the 6800 block of Addison (which is 3600 N), and Paradise Club at 7068 Belmont, you know that Polynesian Village is four blocks north and two blocks east of Paradise Club. Easy!

Even numbered addresses are always on the north and west sides of the street, odd numbers are on the east and south sides of any given street.

Many of the city streets continue on into the suburbs with the same street names; in some cases the numbering sysem continues as well.

The exceptions to all of this are a handful of diagonal streets which will either be shortcuts or will get you lost, depending on your sense of direction and familiarity with the city. These streets are:
Milwaukee, Clark, Lincoln, Clyborn, Elston, and Broadway.

Also, moving north-south in the city, north of the Loop, the fastest streets are Western (2400W) and Ashland (1600 W), and Lake Shore Drive (just head east on any major road to the lake, and you’ll be there; it’s northern end is at Hollywood St., 5700N, and it moves south most of the way to Indiana).

Pages: 1 2 3 103 replies