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Bosko Tikis used at an island community development in the Philippines?

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Rattiki posted on 06/24/2007

My wife was surfing the net for land to buy in the PI (we have been keeping an eye out for a location to build a Tiki bar and grill in the PI for several years now) and she found this advert for a development at the very southern tip of Samar in the Philippines. It seems they have Bosko Tikis at their entrance! Also some very kewl plans with the sort of archetectural styles they'll use and have already built. Have a look at the link below the photo. :D


[ Edited by: Rattiki 2007-06-27 03:11 ]

tikiyaki posted on 06/24/2007

Looks like photos of Hawaii from 50 years ago. Whomever is in charge of design is probably trying to re-create Hawaii in the 50's.

This looks interesting.

[ Edited by: tikiyaki 2007-06-24 08:48 ]

Rattiki posted on 06/24/2007

It only says the cost of the cleared development lots is from $50-$100 a sq meter depending. Construction cost are generally very reasonable in that part of the world (and Samar is very cheap!) with costs at around 1/10th of what it would be stateside. I'd guess around $10-15,000 for a very nice 1500 sq foot home.

tikiyaki posted on 06/24/2007

On 2007-06-24 08:46, Rattiki wrote:
It only says the cost of the cleared development lots is from $50-$100 a sq meter depending. Construction cost are generally very reasonable in that part of the world (and Samar is very cheap!) with costs at around 1/10th of what it would be stateside. I'd guess around $10-15,000 for a very nice 1500 sq foot home.

WOW....that's CHEEEP!!!!

I wonder about the weather in that part of the islands, tho

If they can build homes like the buildings at the entrance, man, I'm IN.


[ Edited by: tikiyaki 2007-06-24 08:52 ]

Rattiki posted on 06/24/2007

On 2007-06-24 08:50, tikiyaki wrote:

WOW....that's CHEEEP!!!!

I wonder about the weather in that part of the islands, tho

The PI is typhoon alley, so that is always a consideration, but good design and construction can deal with most of the problems from flood and wind.

[ Edited by: Rattiki 2007-06-24 09:00 ]

tikiyaki posted on 06/24/2007

Have they actually built anything there yet ?

bigbrotiki posted on 06/24/2007

Those entrance gate A-frames are virtual, so the Bosko masks are simply lifted from the internet, just as the masks on the building in the middle are taken from the A-frame on the BOT cover.

virani posted on 06/24/2007

can you have a new beetle as well with it ?

Rattiki posted on 06/27/2007

On 2007-06-24 09:28, bigbrotiki wrote:
Those entrance gate A-frames are virtual, so the Bosko masks are simply lifted from the internet, just as the masks on the building in the middle are taken from the A-frame on the BOT cover.

Good eye Sven! Closer inspection shows you are indeed right, it is computer generated....I thought those folks were awfully white for Southern Samar :lol: And yes Virani you can get beetles in the PI :P

The more I look Tikiyaki the less it seems they have actually done, BUT I think I understand what they are up to (though one should ALWAYS be EXTRA cautious in their financial dealings in countries such as the Philippines! :wink: )
Let me explain, the Misses and I have had an eye on purchasing land on the beach in the Puerto Gallera area which is a few hours south of Manila across the channel on the north coast of the island of Mindoro. Mindoro is beautiful, wild and rugged even by PI standards, but PG (which is on the eastern half of the island called Mindoro Oriental) has gotten a bit too popular and the development (though small by say Thailand's standards) has been poorly planned and executed with cement block crap piling over

the native 'nipa' (thatched)

look guesthouses and restaurants. Also the prices have gone sky high STUPID ($200US a sq mtr! :o ) for that part of the world so you would not see a decent ROI for decades! :roll: Meanwhile Boracay (which is off the north tip of the island of Panay in the middle of nowhere) has for the most part kept it's lovely native look, but is even more expensive! Sorry but a MILLION DOLLARS for a small plot in the PI, a place with SO MUCH tropical beauty, deep sea fishing and diving, gorgeous white sandy (or black) beaches, endless coco-palms etc. is just stupid!

During my many times in PG looking at locations and getting to know the locals I found that there was a cool anomaly. The road that circles the very large Island of Mindoro abruptly stops for about 30KM because there is a fairly large mountain ridge right behind the last (and most stunning) beach in Puerto Gallera, Talipanan.

Just on the other (western) side of that ridge is Mindoro Occidental, and there land prices drop considerably as there is little access to the area, except by boat. It is also quite rugged, wild and one even hears of night raids by pirates in the area :o BUT! This area has loads of potential as it so close (yet so far) from the well know tourist area of PG and all it would take is the road to be continued (something the cell phone company has wanted and tried to do) for it to EXPLODE! Of course that could be a bad thing if it were to look like White Beach or Sabang on steroids as we would end up with a Pattaya look a like! :P

:o :( :o :o :( :o :( :o :( :o :( :o :( :o :o :( :o :o :( :o :( :o :o :( :o :( :o :( :o :o :( :(

So I had proposed several times to my friends and acquaintances there -that were like minded as myself about this- that if a group of investors were gathered to an area over there to develop it properly, we would be ahead of the curve, save the beauty and ashetics of the area and do well all the way around in the end......

THIS is what I believe they MAY have actuated in Calicoan Island. :wink:

Calicoan Surfcamp

Promoting eco-tourism in Calicoan Island: Full speed ahead

[ Edited by: Rattiki 2007-06-27 03:18 ]

TIKIBOSKO posted on 06/27/2007

Wow, I wish I could say thanks for posting that with out wincing.
If this is any indication of how reputable this company is the investors should have nothing to worry about. I only wish we could see what is really going out there or how it all ends up devolving.

Thanks for posting that Rattiki.


Thomas posted on 07/02/2007

Cool stuff Rattiki. I enjoy and relate to your speculations re. the land and the future, having personal involvement with the country too. The RP is totally awesome.

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