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Tiki Central / California Events

SHAG show in Palm Springs during Tiki Oasis III - May 9th 7-9 pm

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mmoderntiki posted on 04/27/2003

SHAG will be doing a print show at the New "M Modern Gallery" in Palm Springs on May 9th, 2003, and will be signing books and other SHAG items from 7-9 pm. This will be the M Modern Gallery grand opening and anyone is invited to attend. SHAG has done a new limited edition serigraph entitled "Palm Springs After Dark" for the show. There are a limited amount of prints available for pre-show sale by emailing the gallery in the event that you won't be able to attend the grand opening. These will not last long. Check out the print and the web site at http://www.mmoderngallery.com or go to the http://www.shag.com web site for more details on the show which is called "Sultry Evenings".
Note: M Modern Gallery is excited to be a sponsor at Tiki Oasis III that weekend! Special Thanks to SHAG, Piet (SHAGMART) and Otto (Tikinews)
Hopefully we'll see you there.

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