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Mai Kai update

Pages: 1 2 replies

TheMuggler posted on 04/28/2003

Looks like the Mai Kai is getting ready for Hukilau -- there are a few new tikis in the gardens and the older tikis have been painted and cleaned up a bit.

There were also some empty space which look like future homes for tikis, including a new area by the big tiki who's... ahem... "tikihood" had been brutally chopped off long ago.

I bought a couple things from the gift shop, and the wahine behind the register asked if I was coming back for Hukilau. They also had a nice poster on the door!


thejab posted on 04/28/2003

On 2003-04-27 21:56, TheMuggler wrote:
Looks like the Mai Kai is getting ready for Hukilau -- there are a few new tikis in the gardens and the older tikis have been painted and cleaned up a bit.

Aaargh! Why do they paint their tikis? It always looks silly when tikis are painted. Well, at least they got rid of the emasculated one.

TheMuggler posted on 04/28/2003

The emasculated one is still there, but they have made another clearing off to the side of that one for another tiki not yet in place.

Fortunately, they haven't painted clown faces on the tikis... well, a couple, but the majority of them are painted a dark brown color, perhaps similar to the original wood color.

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