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Disneyland Tiki Room Tribute Event now on sale

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CheekyGirl posted on 03/29/2007

I just picked up a few things I needed for Chief Lapu Lapus. Cheers!

eacdave posted on 03/29/2007

TIKI PARTY news and invitation for you


Our big Tiki Room Tribute party is just 2 days away and I wanted to thank all of you who
Bought tickets. We are sold out now and I know this is going to be a fun afternoon party
With the Tiki Gods!

That being said I also know that many of you are planning to stay over at the hotel
The night before and the night of the event. So for fun we are having an un-official
Get together at the bar downstairs at the world famous holiday inn.

The Hotel is located at: 1240 S. Walnut, One Block from Disneyland, Anaheim, CA 92802 The Holiday Inn

Please join me and friends for Tiki Drinks and tiki talk at 7pm.

If we get a good group, we might screen the Tiki Room DVD
Story upstairs on the projector.

The event starts at 1pm on Saturday. Disney legends Bob Gurr and
Wally Boag will be on hand along with our voice of Extinct Attractions announcer Brian Sommer.

Please dress in Hawaiian style, and be prepared to rock out
To the sounds of the Agents of Voodoo.

We will be doing the entire event as a live DVD. Our Tiki
Screen will glow with images and stories and sing a longs
Of the tiki room.

In answer to your many questions, YES we have the Tiki Room
DVDs for sale at the show!

We just did two new video previews for Tiki Room part one
And part two, you can see them now online FREE at:

In additional we have Tiki door prizes, a raffle for original artwork
And merchandise from Tiki Farm and the Flat Earth trading company.

Have fun, and if you need to get a hold of me my cell is 949 533 2684.

Please come out to the bar at 7pm and lets relax and talk tiki!


Dave Oneal

WooHooWahine posted on 03/30/2007

On 2007-03-29 13:05, CheekyGirl wrote:
I just picked up a few things I needed for Chief Lapu Lapus. Cheers!


Atomobile posted on 03/30/2007

I'm so there! Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Louis :)

Mouse Art posted on 03/30/2007

Hey bruddas-n-sistas, thought I would post this as kinda an update dealy. Everyone already knows, Sisson will be at the Tiki Room event with some of his new Tiki art this Sat. On top of dat, his original Enchanted Tiki Room paintings by will be out in the park this weekend. They will be at "Disneyana" on Main St. & at "The Disney Gallery" above Pirates of the Caribbean. There are also prints of these available. Sooooo, while your runnin around with your bamboo mouse ears on, check em on out! HOO! HA!

Anyway, catch you all at the event! [Hey, somebody buy the drummer a drink, huh?].......Remy

Hau 'oli Tiki posted on 03/31/2007

The Mr and I are looking forward to tommorow- can't wait! See you all there!

RevBambooBen posted on 04/01/2007


That was pretty darn cool.!

MAhalos to David for the "last minute in" and to Holden aka Tiki Farm, for the cart ride!

Nice seeing everyone and chattin'.

bigtikidude posted on 04/02/2007

No pics???


WooHooWahine posted on 04/02/2007

Mahalo to Everyone from The Extinct Attraction Club for putting on this Incredible Event!!

The Voice of Jose: Wally Boag

Mai Tai & CoCo Loco with all of their souvenirs

Cheeky Girl: Mahalo for The Lapu Lapu's :)

SoccerTiki posted on 04/02/2007

What a great time! We got some very interesting insight from Bob Gurr and Wally Boag... Visiting the Enchanted Tiki Room will be even better now! Got to meet some TC'rs for the first time as well as hang with some friends. Thanks CheekyGirl for fantastic Chief Lapu Lapu's!!!

Mouse Art posted on 04/03/2007

Hey everyone. The Agents just wanted to thank you all for comin to Dave's event & treating US so kind. We really dug meeting some of you in person. Bamboo Ben? What a hot rodder! Cool talkin with ya. WooHoo & SoccerTiki? Hey, ya had front row seats! Hope yours ears are ok! We hope yall dug some of the tunes, even though it was a bit on the quiet side. We sold outa our CDs, sorry about that[anybody play em yet??]. If anyone wants one, [10 spot,cheap!] lemme know. Any way, it was a hoot! Thanks again............Remy

davidleslie posted on 04/03/2007

Hey Everyone! What an awesome event we had with the crazy Agents playin' the tiki swing! Dave and Carlene really put together a great shindig......thanks to everyone there making it one of the best events I have ever attended!

Thanks to all of you crazy cats and I hope we get to do more!!!!

dave bird
that glass cutting guy!

ZuluMagoo posted on 04/03/2007

Just got back into town after a tiki packed weekend in LA. The event was a blast and had a pretty good turnout. EAC did a nice job with the event. We shared a table with Crazy Al, Bamboo Ben, TikiCutie and Hiphipahula. Got to visit with WooHoo/Soccertiki, Holden, Kevin and Jody. Also shared a drink with Al-ii, bigtikidude, Mai Tai and Coco Loco up at the Tiki Ti the night before on their way over to Taix.

To top it off, I also won one of the raffled ETR watercolor prints. Overall, a very successful weekend.


SoccerTiki posted on 04/03/2007

Hey! I know it was mentioned that Holden was at the gig representing Tiki Farm, BUT.... I don't think everyone knows that he held a raffle for a basket of very-hard-to-find mugs. He raised over $300 for a local charity that helps get low-income families with children out of hotels and into a more family oriented apartment atmoshpere. What an idea! And Whatta Guy!!!!!!! Cheers Holden!!!!!

eacdave posted on 04/04/2007

Hey everyone!

Thank you for making the event better than I could have ever dreamed of! You all ROCK!!! We will be at Tiki Farm's
Party on the 14th...selling Tiki Room DVDs and a DVD of this amazing Party!!!!

Laura Harper, Holden, and everyone who came......thank you....

Please enjoy these pictures from the event.....

video, and podcast coming soon.......

thank you and Aloha!


Hiphipahula posted on 04/04/2007

On 2007-04-03 16:52, SoccerTiki wrote:
Hey! I know it was mentioned that Holden was at the gig representing Tiki Farm, BUT.... I don't think everyone knows that he held a raffle for a basket of very-hard-to-find mugs. He raised over $300 for a local charity that helps get low-income families with children out of hotels and into a more family oriented apartment atmoshpere. What an idea! And Whatta Guy!!!!!!! Cheers Holden!!!!!

YAY! Raffles & Charity...That's a Great Bag Baby! Good Things.........

CheekyGirl posted on 04/04/2007

This was a great event. I now have a Wally Boag original.

I used it as an excuse to take a picture with him.

And this is for Mr. Smiley....

Coco Loco posted on 04/04/2007


Thanks for your hospitality CheekyGirl! Much Maholos. We had a great time and much fun with the Hoity Toities!

[ Edited by: Coco Loco 2007-04-04 11:01 ]

MakeDaMug posted on 04/05/2007

I think the guy might have been a tc'er, but a giant aloha filled mahalo to the guy who came up and slapped down $100 for the raffle tickets and simply said "it's for a good cause - just get me the tickets when you can" and ultimately won the basket. I was very happy that he won and if you're out there, I wanted to say thank you!

Hau 'oli Tiki posted on 04/05/2007

Wow! What an awesome time that was! Great getting to see everyone and meet CocoLoco and Mai Tai for the 1st time!! Thank you, Cheeky, for sharing your room, drinks and hospitality!

Although we didn't win anything, I am so happy to hear about Holden's generosity! My Pops runs a charity called Cool Waters (not the charity recvg Holden's generosity). He takes food, supplies and school items to families that are kinda stuck in motels. They have just enough to stay in a room, not enough to get out and make deposit on a rental any where! You'd think it wouldn't be so bad, but it's not your average motels. These places are the least expensive. That means the oldest, most run down. Tourists do not stay at these places! There are gangs, drugs, filth. The parents (if there are 2!) work full time-plus. The kids are left to their own devices. The food is sparce. The clothing ratty. The kids have very little, as the rooms are so small and they can't store much. They usually sleep on the floor. The rooms are often shared by a lot of people. Not a Norman Rockwell setting. Amazingly, and completely WRONG...there are some MILITARY families that get stuck in this pattern!!

Awesome that TC got to help!! Warms the cockles of my heart!

TikiCutie posted on 04/06/2007

Thanks to Dave Oneal for this great event. It was very generous of him to give me another venue to sell my paintings and let me talk about the tikiroom rehab I was on.

It was so cool meeting all the people who love this attraction as much as I do.

The best part for me was getting to "wake up Jose" and then getting to sing with Wally Boag at the podium.

Sorry it has taken me so long to get these photos up:

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Thanks to everyone who bought my artwork. I am so sorry I didn't get the chance to go around and meet the other artists (totally lame of me). I arrived late and set up in a flurry, and hardly got to meet anyone at all.

I was a bit star-struck and a bit drunk and a bit rushed and totally flustered. Please forgive me anyone if I forget your name or face, I was in a fog on cloud nine.

Cheekygirl! I went up to your room after I left the park at 9:30pm, but no one answered the door. I was looking forward to just calming down and hanging out and really getting into some normal conversation where I could get to know people...so I'm sad that this did not happen. I'm sure we will see each other again.

Everyone was so nice and genuine and fun. It was a blast!


I put the "fun" in confusion! Image Missing: http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b7dc32b3127cce81c7d204764000000010108DcNWLdm5I

[ Edited by: TikiCutie 2007-04-05 17:15 ]

CheekyGirl posted on 04/06/2007

Eeek! I should have given you my cell #. We stopped at the Disney Art Gallery and watch a bit of the fireworks from the balcony. Finding the correct trolley back to our hotel room was crazy. We ended up cabbing it. The ride back was like "Mr. Toad's Wild Ride". He kelp on yelling "Hold on" as we swerved through yellow lights and high speed turns!

eacdave posted on 04/06/2007

Hi Guys....

Ok the official audio Podcast of the event is now up. Its free, you can listen online
or download to your ipod (but you can also hear it online)

The show features interviews with Bob Gurr and Wally Boag, David Oneal and more!!!

Take a listen right now by clicking onto:

and click the tiki room image to listen

Also more pictures are up from the event at:

thanks again....

we will be at the Tiki Farm event with more DVDs next Saturday


MT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Mai Tai posted on 04/12/2007

Dave, a big thanks to you and everyone involved in throwing that event. Coco Loco and I had a great time! Good time hangin' with everyone at the Enchanted Tiki Room!
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On 2007-04-05 17:13, TikiCutie wrote:
... I went up to your room after I left the park at 9:30pm, but no one answered the door. I was looking forward to just calming down and hanging out and really getting into some normal conversation where I could get to know people...so I'm sad that this did not happen. I'm sure we will see each other again.

TikiCutie, we must have arrived back at the room just a few minutes after you left. Bummer! We were heading out of the park at the same time, but I had to stop at the gallery briefly to return something. We watched the fireworks briefly for a minute, and headed out.

Cheekygirl is right, that Anaheim Transportation Trolley system sucks big time! And we couldn't figure out which trolley was ours exactly. And since our original trolley ride into the park was supposed to be just a few blocks, but instead took us way out into residential Anaheim due east of the park for several miles, and then came back to the Disneyland area, without making any kinds of stops whatsoever - weird - we didn't want to go through that again. I knew where the cab stop was, so we decided to speed things up by taking a cab. And although it was a pretty wild cab ride, it turned out to take only minutes, and cost us less than half the cost of the trolley! (never again will I take that trolley!!!). Sorry we missed you, it must have been by minutes.

On 2007-04-06 15:50, eacdave wrote:
Also more pictures are up from the event at:

Cripes, I'm on there, and not in good form! I'm going to start being more careful with my poses, you never know where they're gonna wind up!

Hey Dave, see you at Tiki Farm. Will you be selling any of those prints that you had Bob Gurr sign?

eacdave posted on 04/18/2007

Hi everyone,

Thanks for posting more pictures! We have just finished the FREE podcast of the Tiki Event
and are putting the finishing touches on all new Tiki Room Tribute Double DVD.

So take a listen to this special Tiki Room Tribute Podcast show, its 100% FREE!
You can search Extinct Attractions on the itunes store, or listen direct from our podcast
page at:


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Our Tiki Room DVD sale is still going on as well, you can get the entire
Tiki Room Collection for just $59.99
Plus we have FREE video previews featuring SHAG!
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Take a peek at:

And one last thing for fun, here is a Preview of the Box for our upcoming
double DVD on the Tiki Room event:
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[ Edited by: eacdave 2007-04-18 15:30 ]

eacdave posted on 04/24/2007

You can now watch video of the Tiki Event online, Check out the new video preview
of our double dvd on the Tiki Room Event from March 31st.!

online now at:

[ Edited by: eacdave 2007-04-23 18:44 ]

eacdave posted on 04/24/2007

Tiki Room Event DVD is now shipping.

You can now buy the Double DVD of the Entire Event right now
online with FREE SHIPPING at:


[ Edited by: eacdave 2007-04-24 13:56 ]

Mouse Art posted on 04/30/2007

David that preview of the DVD look great! The band sucks, but the rest is groovy! [Is that still a "word"?]................Remy

eacdave posted on 05/14/2007

hey man you guys rule!

eacdave posted on 07/11/2007

Thank you for the news!

Yes our very special DVD Secrets of the Tiki Room will be out soon!

And YES we now have the complete Tokyo Disneyland Tiki Room Show

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