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Clouseaux @ The Bali Hai San Diego!

Pages: 1 8 replies

hypnotiki posted on 06/19/2007

For all of you guys in the San Diego area, we invite you to the Bali Hai Thursday, July 19, for an evening with Clouseaux. Should be lot's of fun! (- Thanks Holden!)
Jay -Clouseaux

Hypnotiki Idols & Charms

[ Edited by: hypnotiki 2007-07-19 01:55 ]

bigtikidude posted on 06/19/2007

Very cool, I might try to make the drive down for that.


Kenike posted on 06/19/2007


I'll be visiting SD that week but leaving on the 17th.

MakeDaMug posted on 07/03/2007

As Clouseaux's travelling all of the way from Austin, TX, they're gonna be short a couple of necessary items needed for the Bali Hai gig. Here's what they need & we're hoping that the local San Diego Ohana can help out...

  1. Bass Amp x 1
  2. Guitar Amp x 1
  3. Drum Kit x 1

We've got them hooked up for the Big Ol' Tiki Bash but we need some help for this night. I'd recommend emailing Hypnotiki at eltorquemada@consolidated.net and if you could, please cc me on the email at holden@tikifarm.com.


bigtikidude posted on 07/17/2007


MEAN GENE posted on 07/17/2007

Thanks for the bump.

hypnotiki posted on 07/19/2007

Aloha everyone--

The Bali Hai Clouseaux show is tomorrow (Thursday June 19)!

We start at 8pm sharp.

Hope to see you there...

(find me and let's pound some Mai Tai's-- woo woo!!)


Hypnotiki Idols & Charms

[ Edited by: hypnotiki 2007-07-19 01:41 ]

[ Edited by: hypnotiki 2007-07-19 01:56 ]

Kenike posted on 07/19/2007

Damn..wish I could be there. When I was there last weekend I mentioned the upcoming show to a couple of employees and they didn't know a thing about it. They could have at least put up posters or something. Hope it's a good crowd (I'm sure it will be)!!

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 07/20/2007

Great show guys!! Nice to meet whom ever I met. A couple of my ties and it gets a little jambled together. Yes, jambled is a word. Not used properly, but a word none the less.
Here are a few pics.

You can never catch the fire juusst right. "No, really, do it again. I'll get it this time"

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