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Exhaustion after the Big Chop at Oasis VII

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Cammo posted on 07/09/2007

The BIG CHOP at Oasis VII

The Rumors are True!

The Largest Gathering of Tiki Carvers Ever Assembled in One Place at One Time!
Choppin’ like crazy!

This is it. The Big One. The Tiki Chop Chop of all Tiki Chop Chops.

The one everybody can visit and participate in, at Oasis VII in San Diego, August 17-19th.

Carving Demos by all participants!

Special Guests - Tiki Ray and other superhero carvers!

Buzzy Gives Advice! Visit the Roving House of Buzz in person!

The First Ever No Rules Tiki Auction!

Door Prizes, even though there's no door!

A Full Native Carving Village with Classic Hawaiiana & Exotica Tunes pumping all weekend!

Three days of fun and hilarity, Friday through Sunday 10:00-5:00 at the Hanalei West Parking Lot! (We’re never calling it the Red Lion. It’s the Hanalei.)

No Tickets needed, no cost, just Show Up!

  • Carvers (in no order whatsoever) -
    Michael Breckinridge
    Mr. Noname
    Billy Bobaloo
    Tiki Lee
    Big Daddy Cannibal
    Davez Tikis
    Cannibal Sam
    Cannibal Pops

And more . . .

[ Edited by: Cammo 2007-08-22 06:51 ]

Billy the Crud posted on 07/09/2007

Yes, the rumors ARE true. The LARGEST chop-chop Oasis has ever seen, right here on our home field!!........and I will be in attendance, chopping, getting drunk(a constant .15 BAC will be maintained throughout the weekend) and playing with my chainsaw. I may not have my Flex-cut set by then, but I've got some Home-Depot chisels and an electric freaking chainsaw!!!

Cammo posted on 07/09/2007

BillyBro, I got some firecrackers left over from the 4th.

Bring some stuff from Nevada, savvy?

closettiki posted on 07/09/2007

are the guys gonna auction off whats carved there?.....and whens this gonna happen....sat or sun.......sat i hope......ah... memories in the makin.....

Billy the Crud posted on 07/10/2007

On 2007-07-09 12:16, Cammo wrote:
BillyBro, I got some firecrackers left over from the 4th.

Bring some stuff from Nevada, savvy?

Roman candle fight?

Cammo posted on 07/10/2007

- Tiki Auction -

The first ever no-rules smack down no mercy Tiki Auction, Saturday afternoon in the carving area. Tikis carved in front of your very eyeballs and auctioned at bargain prices! It's gonna be swell!

"Roman candle fight?"

You asked for it, bro. Garbage can lids for shields? They'd bounce off real nice, POW!

closettiki posted on 07/12/2007

cooooollllll...im bringin my folding money....

Cammo posted on 07/12/2007

Pendant Design for the Carving Village;

The carver name will go where it now reads 'da Big Chop'.

You like?

Billy the Crud posted on 07/13/2007

I like it. I'll wear it!!

Bowana posted on 07/13/2007

Pretty sweet, Cam!

Tiki-Kate posted on 07/13/2007

Cool, Cam.

How big is it going to be?

Cammo posted on 07/13/2007

Kate - 2 1/2 inches tall.

Mieko is going to give it the olde college try casting the sucka, we're gonna try to make it look just like wood. I tried to design it like a combo Polynesian fish hook, knife, chisel, and that pendulum thing that mad scientists are always trying to cut the good guys in half with.

Cannibal Sam posted on 07/14/2007

It totally ROCKS !!!!

Tiki Lee's posted on 07/14/2007

Awesome line-up and awesome pendant!
The auction's gonna be SO much fun! I wonder how ripped I can get and still do the auctioneer "chant"....?

Cammo posted on 07/16/2007

Our Tiki Carving Village Special Guest this year is Richard Morgan Howell. He carves stuff like this –

And this –

He learned to carve in the South Seas, during his full time work as a fisheries expert. He’s lived everywhere, carved with natives in Tonga, Fiji, Hawaii, you name it. He came to Babalu's Lemon Grove Chop, and let Clysdalle use a real adze for the first time. We got along with him right away.

Because he’s also a fishing pro he also carves stuff like this –

he likes fish hooks ...

And can tell you anything you want to know about Polynesian game fish, tiki chopping techniques, strange rituals unseen for centuries, and the secret ways of the headhunting tribes of Papua New Guinea. I’m not making this up!

To top it all off, his name really is MR. HOWELL. Holy Cripes, his name is Mr. Howell! You can buy him a drink, he seems to like the stuff, and listen to his stories of danger and wood chips at the Tiki Carving Village every day. He'll be chopping a tiki there.

Richard's incredible website;


Laytah -

Tiki-Kate posted on 07/17/2007

The pendant design turned out great, Cam.

Any word on how the mold came out? Mieko?

Can't wait to witness Lee's auctioneering skills.

Cammo posted on 07/17/2007

First casting. Still working on the details.

Here's the question - should Mieko & me finish these, (as in coat, stain, paint) or should we give them all out and you Choppers can customize them induvidually? We have suggestions about color, etc., but you all are pretty creative...

These might look cool in a woodgrain, but how about burnished antique silver?

Billy the Crud posted on 07/17/2007

I want you guys to do mine, man.......there's a shitload of my artwork piling up at this house and I'm sick of looking at my own creations.

Cammo posted on 07/17/2007

Yeah, but Billy, how do you really feel about doing these?

That's what I like about this guy, he's nothing if not direct! Dude, quit that government job and become a divorce lawyer!

Billy the Crud posted on 07/17/2007

I'm quitting next year and going to Culinary school, man.......screw civil service and law. YUCK!! This tiki carving thing will transfer over quite nicely into ice sculpting, too.

TIKI-RAY posted on 07/18/2007

Hey , whats this ? Cammo wrote me and asked if I wanted to come down and carve with the group on Sunday . Now I see that its posted that Im a special guest ? Im just a clown from Cucamonga who started with a 3/4" home depot chisel and an electric freekin' chainsaw . You really know how to put the pressure on . I see some of the other names and now Im intimidated . I should be watching you guys . Ill see ya there though and thanks , Ray

Cammo posted on 07/18/2007

Ray, we have some VERY SPECIAL early work of yours that we may be auctioning off on Saturday. It's EXTREMELY EARLY Tiki-Ray stuff, possibly the first thing you ever carved!

As a matter of fact, it was produced so early in the Ray Career that it might be just a bit embarassing to the Ray of 2007, know what I mean?

If you don't want anyone to see this EARLY stuff, you can buy me drinks and sushi all Oasis weekend, but this ain't blackmail, right?

TIKI-RAY posted on 07/19/2007

Its not that genuine , one of a kind like a snowflake , extremely fragile but priceless tiki wood chip is it ??????? If it not , you have me guessing , Ray

Tiki-Kate posted on 07/19/2007

One of the most intriguing things about this event is the "no power tools" restriction.

I'm dying to see folks limited to just hand tools.

And Ray,

Cammo showed me those early pieces of yours last weekend. They're quite a hoot.

TIKI-RAY posted on 07/19/2007

I think we were at the beach and I gave Cammo some wood for the fire and then he asked me to sign it . Maybe thats it .

Cammo posted on 07/19/2007

No Ray, that ain't it.

Think back, way back. Farther. Back to when you were just a little misunderstood Tiki-Ray sitting in the corner of your garage. You wanted to make Tikis but didn't know how. Nobody was there to help you. And they laughed at you, you and your crazy ideas.

But you'd show them, all of them. You'd make a Tiki. All by yourself!

Before you had ever bought your first 3/4" Home Depot chisel, you MADE something. Something very interesting.

Remember now?

TIKI-RAY posted on 07/19/2007

You're killing me but you know whats worse ? Im still misunderstood and sitting in my garage . I gotta get a life !

Billy the Crud posted on 07/19/2007

No power tools? No chainsaw!!? AWW F@&K!!!

Tiki Lee's posted on 07/21/2007


Cammo posted on 07/22/2007

Now that everyone's had a great time Tiki-Bashing, here's the Carving Village pendant update:

Mieko and I spent Saturday working (well, actually, mostly Mieko, I sacked out on her couch and watched "Jack of All Trades" on DVD and slurped Diet Cherry Cokes) making the first pass of the pendants. We were going to make a bunch of different colors and textures, but these ones came out so snazzy we decided to do 'em all like this.

This picture doesn't do it justice, in reality it looks and feels exactly like antique ivory.

The girl's ones we'll maybe do in pink. And something that worked really well is bending the thing while it's still soft, to give it a slight convex surface. Then we just dunked it in ice water to firm the bend. See?...

So - I need a list of exactly what name you want at the bottom of the pendant. TC or real first name? And any assistants you're bringing, what's their name as well. PM me or post to this thread and we'll start making these happen.

Babalu posted on 07/22/2007

These look pretty darn sweet there Cammo - Meiko! Nice color.

Uhhhhh - I want an assistant.....or, maybe I'll just be an assistant? Buzzy - you need a water boy - chisel cleaner brother?

TIKI-RAY posted on 07/22/2007

Those pendants look great, sweet job ! TO7 is my next event and Im picking up some banter and want to be prepared . There seem to be some rules for this project that I havent seen yet . Is there a list that we all should see ? I see that there is a no power tools clause which is fine and now Im guessing there can be an assistant to help . Is that like a golf caddie ??? lol. What do they do because I am just curious ? Seriously though , is there any other event rules I should prepare for ?

Cammo posted on 07/22/2007

Ray, you'll need:

  • 1 zebra skin, fully tanned
  • 1 #7 golf club
  • 3 chocolate cupcakes
  • 1 map of Phoenix, AZ
  • 16 matched black pearls
  • a piece of paper with your foot traced onto it
  • a good attitude
  • a bad shirt

NOTE: Only Ray has to bring this stuff.

Any questions?

Tiki Lee's posted on 07/22/2007

FANTABULOUS JOB you guys! Whatta great pendant! -Cain't wait! It's gonna be great!

Cammo posted on 07/23/2007

Tiki Carving Village Bulletin #2

A couple of news items for everybody –

There’s a new carving/woodworking store in San Diego, run by Bill Kohr. It’s at 4848 Ronson Court Suite L, in Kearny Mesa, and it’s website is


Now you gotta see this place. He doesn’t know anything about Tiki Carving, but is kind of intrigued by our group and probably thinks we’re all crazy. Here’s the scoop, though – he carries TWO CHERRIES CHISELS! They’re made in Germany, and sort of make Flexcut look shabby.

He also carries DVDs on how to sharpen chisels. This guy knows everything about sharpening chisels.

And there’s a meeting of the San Diego Fine Woodworking Association this Thursday at the Al Bahr temple in Kearny Mesa. We’re all invited:


Buzzy says he thinks these are “all old guys who carve ducks”, and he’s probably not too far off. They also carve stuff like this, though –


so they seem to know more about stain, carving, and obscure wood types than the average Joe Schmoe. I’d love to meet these dudes, their little get together is at 7:00.

Tiki-Kate posted on 07/24/2007

Love the way the pendant turned out, Cam and Mieko. I'd like mine in the stain you showed though please. Pink would clash with my carving outfits. :D

In all my wacky Girl Power fervor, I told Cammo, as not to interfere with the integrity of the event, that I would spend the whole weekend carving in go-go boots. Just wanted to prove the point that women can do anything men can do, and yes, we can do it in heels.

Babalu posted on 07/24/2007

Only girls??

Does this mean Cammo can't wear his Go-Go boots?

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Billy the Crud posted on 07/24/2007

If Cammo wears go-go boots, It will be a totally different type of chop!

I have some things I'm working on right now and I was wondering if anyone wanted to get together for a mini-chop before the big dog. Any ideas?

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TIKI-RAY posted on 07/24/2007

Cammo will have to elevate his carving bench though . When he wears boots , he goes all out . Did you see Elton John in his Captain Fantastic outfit ? He loves to carve in 12 inch heels .Cammo has no shame !

C Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/bbe3f6b58b245d0670cc5c037c4ec37c?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Cammo posted on 07/24/2007

Tiki-Ray, I wouldn't start anything. Anybody capable of carving something and then SPRAY PAINTING IT GREEN AND ORANGE shouldn't throw rocks at the other guy's house.

Yes, GREEN and ORANGE! Does that trigger any memories now, bud? Huh?

And Kate carving in transparent Go-Go boots and a day-glo bikini is exactly why we did this chop in the first place. Anybody who even notices what I'm wearing on my feet with her around needs a checkup from the neckup, y'know?

Billy B - Ready, Steady, OFF WE GO!!!!!!!!!!!

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TIKI-RAY posted on 07/24/2007

Green and Orange ?????????? That must be a forgery or maybe something I used on the set for when the Brady Bunch went to Hawaii . Remember when Alice threw out her back , or Greg wiped out in the surf , or even the tarantula that got into the girls hotel room ? It all happened because of that "Taboo" necklace Vincent Price wanted . It got so bad that he tied Greg, Peter and Bobby to 3 tikis in the hidden cave and was going to...
Did I just write all that ? I think I spent too much time watching TV as a child . Anyway , tell Tiki Kate that we want her to wear the Nancy Sinatra wig too .
" These boots were made for chopping ..."

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Cammo posted on 07/24/2007

Somebody has to bring a DVD of those Brady Bunch episodes for the Oasis. It would be creepy and funny at the same time. We could all have a drink anytime a Tiki appears onscreen!

"In all my wacky Girl Power fervor, I told Cammo, ... that I would spend the whole weekend carving in go-go boots. Just wanted to prove the point that women can do anything men can do, and yes, we can do it in heels."

Kate, if you can carve in transparent Go-Go boots, a pylon-orange bikini, and a silver blonde page-boy wig, now THAT would really prove something.

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Billy the Crud posted on 07/24/2007

Yeah, it'd prove she was capable of getting wood chips and splinters in her nether-regions!!

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Tiki-Kate posted on 07/24/2007

Sorry All. The boots aren't transparent. I've got two pairs though, so I'll be color coordinated. I think it's all a lame ploy to avert people's attention away from the fact that I still don't carve very well.

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Billy the Crud posted on 07/26/2007

Don't carve very well? This is the same Kate I've been chopping with for a month now? You carve just fine......at least you don't go off, butchering beautiful logs with chainsaws.

C Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/bbe3f6b58b245d0670cc5c037c4ec37c?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Cammo posted on 07/26/2007

Kate Kan Karve!

You know, Kate and Cheeky, and all the girls have been showing up not only the guys but all the LA and OC carvers as well.

Consider - they're driving like 2-3 hours to get to the Chops!

Where ees GROG? Where ees all dem hotsy-totsy big deal flash git Hollywood carvers? When there's chopping to be done, they scurry like leetle mice back into their holes, protesting that they're BUSY!

Meanwhile, Kate, Cheeky, Mieko, Zaya, Hiltiki are all right there chop chop chopping in the middle of things!

Dey da bes' brah!

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TIKI-RAY posted on 07/26/2007

"Hey Cammo , I gotta talk to ya" (As Ray puts his arm around Cammo and leads him behind the tiki hut). "You are but a rooster in the henhouse . Why in the F&%* are you inviting more roosters over?" Its just a saying we have in Cucamonga!

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hiltiki posted on 07/26/2007


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